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*What IS Racism?


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
"A genius is a genius, regardless of the number of morons who belong to the same race—and a moron is a moron, regardless of the number of geniuses who share his racial origin.

Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science.

Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men. Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.

Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.

—Ayn Rand
Racism is simply looking at another human being and determining that he/she and all who share the same color of skin and characteristics and determining that they are beneath you. Racism is not the same as stereotypes and prejudice.
What is Racism?

Today it is the platform of a Political Ideology aimed at keeping human beings divided based on the color of the skin so that they may be manipulated as factions of "The Base".
Racism is a preference for people of your own race. We have defacto segregation in this country due to this. Birds of a feather flock together. All humans are racist by nature. God given survival instinct. Now, does this interfere with ones ability to conduct themselves reasonably at work and in the community? If it does, then that's a problem. Al Sharpton has a race problem. Our police do not. His $$$$$ depends on racial angst.
I can tell you the definition of racist, if that helps any. A racist is anyone who bests a liberal in an argument.
What is Racism?

Today it is the platform of a Political Ideology aimed at keeping human beings divided based on the color of the skin so that they may be manipulated as factions of "The Base".

Racism is a preference for people of your own race. We have defacto segregation in this country due to this. Birds of a feather flock together. All humans are racist by nature. God given survival instinct. Now, does this interfere with ones ability to conduct themselves reasonably at work and in the community? If it does, then that's a problem. Al Sharpton has a race problem. Our police do not. His $$$$$ depends on racial angst.

You're both wrong. Go read a dictionary instead of misusing definitions. Concocting your own idiosyncratic definitions and then deploying them in debate just makes you look like a fool.

The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:​

Awareness of race, taking account of race, is not racism. Interactions in one's life which intersect with race MUST BE MOTIVATED by the belief that one's race is superior in order to be classed as racism
What is Racism?

Today it is the platform of a Political Ideology aimed at keeping human beings divided based on the color of the skin so that they may be manipulated as factions of "The Base".

Racism is a preference for people of your own race. We have defacto segregation in this country due to this. Birds of a feather flock together. All humans are racist by nature. God given survival instinct. Now, does this interfere with ones ability to conduct themselves reasonably at work and in the community? If it does, then that's a problem. Al Sharpton has a race problem. Our police do not. His $$$$$ depends on racial angst.

You're both wrong. Go read a dictionary instead of misusing definitions. Concocting your own idiosyncratic definitions and then deploying them in debate just makes you look like a fool.
Racism | Define Racism at Dictionary.com
Like said, an inherent preference for ones own race.
What is Racism?

Today it is the platform of a Political Ideology aimed at keeping human beings divided based on the color of the skin so that they may be manipulated as factions of "The Base".

Racism is a preference for people of your own race. We have defacto segregation in this country due to this. Birds of a feather flock together. All humans are racist by nature. God given survival instinct. Now, does this interfere with ones ability to conduct themselves reasonably at work and in the community? If it does, then that's a problem. Al Sharpton has a race problem. Our police do not. His $$$$$ depends on racial angst.

You're both wrong. Go read a dictionary instead of misusing definitions. Concocting your own idiosyncratic definitions and then deploying them in debate just makes you look like a fool.
Racism | Define Racism at Dictionary.com
Like said, an inherent preference for ones own race.

Did you even read the link you posted? It doesn't say what you claim it says.
Racist-- A word used by anyone, White or not, who hates White people.

Racism--A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct currently forbidden to only one tribe.

White Privilege--The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.

White Supremacist--Any White person who isn't constantly apologizing for their skin color.

An undetectable (but unquestionably real) “systemic, societal, institutional, omnipresent, and epistemologically embedded phenomenon that pervades every vestige of our reality” (in the words of Negro scholar Omowale Akintunde), forcing brown-skinned people to fail out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of goddamn jungle savages, thus making them seem inferior to whites in every way outside of certain sports, or at least certain positions in certain sports (and to which Asians are somehow, mysteriously immune).

Usually rendered blatant racism.

In minorities, the leading cause of depression, death, animal and child abuse, tears, impotence, low self-esteem, persistent whining, and congestive heart failure. Literally the worst thing in the entire world.

  1. Expressing, suggesting, or hinting at discomforting truths about race.
  2. Failing to sufficiently denigrate and discriminate against whites.
  3. Directed at a white person by a non-white person: causing the speaker, or some (actual or hypothetical) like-race individual, to feel (or suspect that he may feel) unwanted, uncared for, unlikeable, uneasy, uncomfortable, upset, angry, guilty, hurt, cross, inferior, or stupid in some way, usually by the offending party being racist (def. 1),
  4. Derogatory. Punishable by death in most jurisdictions.
  5. Often rendered raciss, as in you raciss and das raciss.

but seriously....

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Here's how the real world works;

Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race.
People like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs and they tend to reject outsiders.

That's just the way it is and all attempts at marxist social engineering to create artificial "equality"...or lowering standards in order to ensure "equality" do nothing to improve society and, in fact, lead to further racial friction.
No sensible person care either what AR or DT have to say about race, other than to recognize that both are mouth breathers.
Ayn Rand, the uber conservative. Jewish woman, Fled pogroms, slept around, chose her agendas. I think racism is a mirage. Racism is a delusion, its what ever you want it to be for/against whatever political cause you have. It is a lie. There are lies for something, there are lies against. Take your pick.
What is racism? It's a term black folks toss out to try and intimidate white people when they don't get their way.
Racist-- A word used by anyone, White or not, who hates White people.

Racism--A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct currently forbidden to only one tribe.

White Privilege--The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.

White Supremacist--Any White person who isn't constantly apologizing for their skin color.

An undetectable (but unquestionably real) “systemic, societal, institutional, omnipresent, and epistemologically embedded phenomenon that pervades every vestige of our reality” (in the words of Negro scholar Omowale Akintunde), forcing brown-skinned people to fail out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of goddamn jungle savages, thus making them seem inferior to whites in every way outside of certain sports, or at least certain positions in certain sports (and to which Asians are somehow, mysteriously immune).

Usually rendered blatant racism.

In minorities, the leading cause of depression, death, animal and child abuse, tears, impotence, low self-esteem, persistent whining, and congestive heart failure. Literally the worst thing in the entire world.

  1. Expressing, suggesting, or hinting at discomforting truths about race.
  2. Failing to sufficiently denigrate and discriminate against whites.
  3. Directed at a white person by a non-white person: causing the speaker, or some (actual or hypothetical) like-race individual, to feel (or suspect that he may feel) unwanted, uncared for, unlikeable, uneasy, uncomfortable, upset, angry, guilty, hurt, cross, inferior, or stupid in some way, usually by the offending party being racist (def. 1),
  4. Derogatory. Punishable by death in most jurisdictions.
  5. Often rendered raciss, as in you raciss and das raciss.

but seriously....

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Here's how the real world works;

Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race.
People like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs and they tend to reject outsiders.

That's just the way it is and all attempts at marxist social engineering to create artificial "equality"...or lowering standards in order to ensure "equality" do nothing to improve society and, in fact, lead to further racial friction.

This is that "Us and Them" mentality that liberals so often accuse conservatives of having.

It's also the way a racist's mind works. It isn't how open-minded, forward-thinking, accepting, loving, caring, hopeful, and sympathetic people's minds work.

Ps. I'm white and I do not constantly nor ever apologize for the color of my skin. Should I put my white robes on and head down to the ol' cross burnin' tonight?
Ayn Rand wrote fiction, not the bloody bible. Not that that Bible wasn't fiction, not that it was truth, either. Just like racism, neither here nor there.
Racist-- A word used by anyone, White or not, who hates White people.

Racism--A derogatory scare word to describe a natural tribal instinct currently forbidden to only one tribe.

White Privilege--The honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.

White Supremacist--Any White person who isn't constantly apologizing for their skin color.

An undetectable (but unquestionably real) “systemic, societal, institutional, omnipresent, and epistemologically embedded phenomenon that pervades every vestige of our reality” (in the words of Negro scholar Omowale Akintunde), forcing brown-skinned people to fail out of school, smoke crack, not get a job, abandon their kids, contract AIDS, commit every crime at a staggering rate, underperform on culturally unbiased tests of highly heritable cognitive abilities, and generally act like a bunch of goddamn jungle savages, thus making them seem inferior to whites in every way outside of certain sports, or at least certain positions in certain sports (and to which Asians are somehow, mysteriously immune).

Usually rendered blatant racism.

In minorities, the leading cause of depression, death, animal and child abuse, tears, impotence, low self-esteem, persistent whining, and congestive heart failure. Literally the worst thing in the entire world.

  1. Expressing, suggesting, or hinting at discomforting truths about race.
  2. Failing to sufficiently denigrate and discriminate against whites.
  3. Directed at a white person by a non-white person: causing the speaker, or some (actual or hypothetical) like-race individual, to feel (or suspect that he may feel) unwanted, uncared for, unlikeable, uneasy, uncomfortable, upset, angry, guilty, hurt, cross, inferior, or stupid in some way, usually by the offending party being racist (def. 1),
  4. Derogatory. Punishable by death in most jurisdictions.
  5. Often rendered raciss, as in you raciss and das raciss.

but seriously....

This condition you call "racism" has always existed and it always will. Here's how the real world works;

Humans are tribal and ethnocentric creatures (and given the freedom to do so without government interference) will always self segregate into groups according to race.
People like to be around other people who share their culture, history and beliefs and they tend to reject outsiders.

That's just the way it is and all attempts at marxist social engineering to create artificial "equality"...or lowering standards in order to ensure "equality" do nothing to improve society and, in fact, lead to further racial friction.

This is that "Us and Them" mentality that liberals so often accuse conservatives of having.

It's also the way a racist's mind works. It isn't how open-minded, forward-thinking, accepting, loving, caring, hopeful, and sympathetic people's minds work.

Ps. I'm white and I do not constantly nor ever apologize for the color of my skin. Should I put my white robes on and head down to the ol' cross burnin' tonight?

sure...sure..whatever you say.
What is the demographic of your town/city? Just curious. That usually is very telling.

For the typical suburban white that doesn't have to live around non-whites it's easy to intellectualize things in the abstract. To form views of people or things in a vacuum and then convince yourself your beliefs are correct. After-all, if everyone else is conservative you have to challenge the status-quo because you're somehow unique and different from all of them, right?

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