What is racist, and what is not?

Jews aren’t a race, and we are obviously talking about blacks. But you couldn’t resist, could you?
Asians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders and Latinos/Hispanics are races too. And I hate to state the obvious but whites are a race. You seem rather obsessed with hatred for blacks. What happened Lisa, did you fall in love with the star black athlete then find out that you were just a booty call??
You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, and best of luck in finding viewing content that suits your taste.
I found a link for the Amos & Andy show. I added it to post #57. It includes the years the series originally ran.

It was rebroadcast from time to time - but they were the same old shows. 1950 to 1953. LONG, LONG AGO.
TV has always sucked even when the whites ruled.
Well, when whites stop ruling, things really go to Hell. Check out all of our shithole cities. Lol.

And, TV was nowhere near as awful as it is today. Now days, it's all about social engineering and appeasing the worthless "woke" assholes.
I found a link for the Amos & Andy show. I added it to post #57. It includes the years the series originally ran.

It was rebroadcast from time to time - but they were the same old shows. 1950 to 1953. LONG, LONG AGO.
It was rebroadcast as a syndicated series until 1966.

I was in high school, and recall people watching the reruns.

What that means is that it also reached a new generation of viewers that were born in 1950, but were too young to recall the series.

Don't try to watch it. The cast was all Black, and may offend you.
It was rebroadcast as a syndicated series until 1966.

I was in high school, and recall people watching the reruns.

What that means is that it also reached a new generation of viewers that were born in 1950, but were too young to recall the series.

Don't try to watch it. The cast was all Black, and may offend you.
You're so pathetic that you can't admit that you were basing your entire argument on a SEVENTY YEAR OLD SHOW. Times have changed.

And don't worry about what offends me. Just be careful that you don't catch some serious disease as you run around kissing black ass. Lol.
Well, when whites stop ruling, things really go to Hell. Check out all of our shithole cities. Lol.

And, TV was nowhere near as awful as it is today. Now days, it's all about social engineering and appeasing the worthless "woke" assholes.
Whites have run america for 246 years. And it's a dysfunctional country. You really don't know what social engineering is.
You're so pathetic that you can't admit that you were basing your entire argument on a SEVENTY YEAR OLD SHOW. Times have changed.

And don't worry about what offends me. Just be careful that you don't catch some serious disease as you run around kissing black ass. Lol.
Times have not changed that much when people are saying things like this:

Well, when whites stop ruling, things really go to Hell. Check out all of our shithole cities. Lol.
You're so pathetic that you can't admit that you were basing your entire argument on a SEVENTY YEAR OLD SHOW. Times have changed.

And don't worry about what offends me. Just be careful that you don't catch some serious disease as you run around kissing black ass. Lol.

ROFLMAO! What offends you is actually of no concern to me whatsoever.

You're the one who has been here having a bout of PMS over what you perceive as an "overrepresentation" of Blacks on television, and I've only humored your tirade, because it is actually hilarious.

As far as Amos and Andy and when it was broadcast on network television, are you so ignorant that you don't know that television shows generate revenue long after they are cancelled or cease production?

Seinfeld alone has generated 3.1 billion in revenue since it became syndicated.

Amos and Andy reached viewers that had never seen it before, long after its last show was aired

Try educating yourself, and being less emotional.

What is racist, and what is not?​

We could also ask, what is racist, and what is personal preference.

For instance, all through school, I saw people self-segregate. In the groups they hung out with, at parties (usually not mixed at all), and very visibly, in the cafeterias. Nothing was ever thought about it, one way or another.

I played in musical groups for years. Most band members were black, next were hispanics, few were white. I did most of the hiring. We traveled a bit, played colleges, clubs, and after hour joints.

We played jazz, blues, funk, rock, and anything else we wanted to play. We had some good musicians and they loved what they were doing.

And we played for audiences of all kinds, preferring mixed crowds, as they were the hippest and most fun. Our last group was together for a few years and would draw "standing room only" crowds.

And, even in these settings - where the guys became close and spent tons of time together - people would usually self-segregate. This included band members during most breaks, and audience members, even when the crowds were mixed, racially.

I've seen this behavior for many decades, even though many of the people became close friends.

Racism and "preference" can easily be mistaken and misunderstood. The subject can be mind boggling in its complexity.

And anyone who doesn't agree, is a freaking wacist.
How about this? There is nothing wrong with people who prefer to spend their own time with others of the same race, religion, ethnicity, etc. This includes white people.

The problem only arises when people take measures to prevent other people from participating in desired activities, living in certain areas, or attending certain schools, etc.

To take it further, those that don't like it may be considered racists even if they don't act on their racist beliefs or have no ability to cause harm to others or prevent a desired outcome. An example would be those who believe that black people shouldn't be moving into their neighborhood and that them doing so is going to bring down the property values. But they don't do anything to try to prevent it from happening nor harass the new neighbors or attempt to drive them out by making their lives so miserable they don't want to stay.

On the other hand though are those who do have the ability to act on their racist beliefs and cause harm or prevent a desired outcome are the most pernicious racists, especially if they don't present as racist and do all of their dirt undercover so to speak.

Does this help? I've attempted to show that the racism we've always been discussing is the type that diminishes or harms the lives or quality of life of black people.
Commercials SHOULD represent our population, but they don’t. Not when every other commercial is of a black couple, a bi-racial couple, or a black individual.

There’s something off when Turbo Tax sends out an email blast to potential customers, with three stories of three happy customers. The first one is of a black female, today’s favored minority. The second is of ANOTHER black female. The third is of a black male. That’s it. Not one white when they are 65% of the population.

Same thing with the makeup store. There is something wrong when there are four shelves of hair conditioning products, and each shelf shows a happy customer. Shelf 1: black woman. Shelf 2: another black woman. Shelf 3: another black woman. Shelf 4: another black woman.

Leftists are acting as though whites don’t even exist.
Lisa you bring up an interesting observation. Do you recall when this began changing because when I was a kid there were only white people on TV, in the movies, in the ads, at the theme parks we visited (Disneyland, Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm, etc.), at the Ice Capades, the rodeos, Catalina Island, the Dodgers games, World Series, etc.

All I remember is a lot of excitement in the air due to the outing and I honestly don't recall any open hostility or animosity that I noticed towards any of us. This open hostility that we see today, in my own personal life began around the mid 90s and it hasn't gotten any better other than my locale changed because what used to be home is no longer home.
ROFLMAO! What offends you is actually of no concern to me whatsoever.

You're the one who has been here having a bout of PMS over what you perceive as an "overrepresentation" of Blacks on television, and I've only humored your tirade, because it is actually hilarious.

As far as Amos and Andy and when it was broadcast on network television, are you so ignorant that you don't know that television shows generate revenue long after they are cancelled or cease production?

Seinfeld alone has generated 3.1 billion in revenue since it became syndicated.

Amos and Andy reached viewers that had never seen it before, long after its last show was aired

Try educating yourself, and being less emotional.
You're truly pathetic. I told you, earlier, that A&A was seen later in syndication. But the show was originally shown over just a couple of years. 70 years ago.

Then you get bent because I said I'd prefer TV reflect our society more accurately. You try to make it sound racist, when it would simply be more fair and interesting.

For instance, it would be great to see more asians. They have a lot to offer, imo. As do other groups. But right now the casting is far out of balance.

Tell you what, it's obvious we'll never agree about anything. And it's painful to waste time on useless exchanges, like these. So, let's just let it go. Please, never respond to my posts in the future. I'll do the same for you. It would just result in another waste of time.

Have a good day.
You're truly pathetic. I told you, earlier, that A&A was seen later in syndication. But the show was originally shown over just a couple of years. 70 years ago.

Then you get bent because I said I'd prefer TV reflect our society more accurately. You try to make it sound racist, when it would simply be more fair and interesting.

For instance, it would be great to see more asians. They have a lot to offer, imo. As do other groups. But right now the casting is far out of balance.

Tell you what, it's obvious we'll never agree about anything. And it's painful to waste time on useless exchanges, like these. So, let's just let it go. Please, never respond to my posts in the future. I'll do the same for you. It would just result in another waste of time.

Have a good day.
The only reason you say what you do about Asians is the racist perception of they just take your racism and don't complain. Tha going to change with the upcoming generation. Then suddenly they won't have so much to offer anymore. There aren't that many commercials with blacks in them, but if a person with your hang up sees 2 or 3, then that's too many blacks.
Lisa you bring up an interesting observation. Do you recall when this began changing because when I was a kid there were only white people on TV, in the movies, in the ads, at the theme parks we visited (Disneyland, Universal Studios, Knotts Berry Farm, etc.), at the Ice Capades, the rodeos, Catalina Island, the Dodgers games, World Series, etc.

All I remember is a lot of excitement in the air due to the outing and I honestly don't recall any open hostility or animosity that I noticed towards any of us. This open hostility that we see today, in my own personal life began around the mid 90s and it hasn't gotten any better other than my locale changed because what used to be home is no longer home.
Yes, I remember that, because I was a kid at the time too. I believe Julia was the first black lead character on a show. We thought it was fine. No problem. We were all aware of what a bigot Archie was. When Good Times came around, we were aware that attitudes were such that even though there was an intact black family, they had to be in the projects. And once Cosby came around, there was finally a professional, affluent black family. My family and I all saw this as advances, and it barely registered in me that Cosby was a black family - they were just interesting characters. I’m sure around that time is when blacks started being featured more on commercials, but honestly, I never noticed.

You all are acting as if people are upset by seeing blacks on TV, and elsewhere, and have even made those snide remarks about “oooh….you had to see black faces” type of thing. And we have said over and over that the issue is the OVERREPRESENTATION, which is extreme, in which a slim majority of the population is featured, and whites intentionally omitted. Why should a hair care company, displaying its wares for example, have four posters, and ALL four posters are blacks? Why should Turbo Tax have three stories from three of their customers, and ALL three customers are black? The other day, I watched three House Hunter episodes in a row: first was a black woman, the next was a bi-racial couple, and the third was a black couple.

I never noticed this type of thing until recently, but it’s so over the top that I can’t help it.
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Yes, I remember that, because I was a kid at the time too. I believe Julia was the first black lead character on a show. We thought it was fine. No problem. We were all aware of what a bigot Archie was. When Good Times came around, we were aware that attitudes were such that even though there was an intact black family, they had to be in the projects. And once Cosby came around, there was finally a professional, affluent black family. My family and I all saw this as advances, and it barely registered in me that Cosby was a black family - they were just interesting characters.

You all are acting as if people are upset by seeing blacks on TV, and elsewhere, and have even made those snide remarks about “oooh….you had to see black faces” type of thing. And we have said over and over that the issue is the OVERREPRESENTATION, which is extreme, in which a slim majority of the population is featured, and whites intentionally omitted. Why should a hair care company, displaying its wares for example, have four posters, and ALL four posters are blacks? Why should Turbo Tax have three stories from three black customers, and ALL three customers are black? The other day, I watched three House Hunter episodes in a row: first was a black woman, the next was a bi-racial couple, and the third was a black couple.

I never noticed this type of thing until recently, but it’s so over the top that I can’t help it.

Stop lying. You're mad because you perceive too many blacks are in commercials. That's petty and racist. You bitch about posters of a hair care company owned by whites. You're crying about a tax commercial made by a company owned by whites. You're complaining because House Hunter had some episodes where they didn't show someone white after thousands of episodes of nothing but whites. You are sorry, trifling and pathetic.
You're truly pathetic. I told you, earlier, that A&A was seen later in syndication. But the show was originally shown over just a couple of years. 70 years ago.

Then you get bent because I said I'd prefer TV reflect our society more accurately. You try to make it sound racist, when it would simply be more fair and interesting.

For instance, it would be great to see more asians. They have a lot to offer, imo. As do other groups. But right now the casting is far out of balance.

Tell you what, it's obvious we'll never agree about anything. And it's painful to waste time on useless exchanges, like these. So, let's just let it go. Please, never respond to my posts in the future. I'll do the same for you. It would just result in another waste of time.

Have a good day.
It really is pathetic, isn’t it? You bring up such a fair request: that there be balanced representation, and note how Asians, in fact, with approximately the same percentage as blacks (around 13%) are underrepresented. In today’s upside-down world, suggesting that there be a balance that is more reflective of society is considered racist - and the claws come out.

What is happening is that there is now blatant favoritism toward blacks, and anyone who doesn’t go along with it is - or even points it out - is considered a racist.

Our former Governor did this. He wanted to establish two pay scales for public school teachers - the regular one, and a higher one for blacks. He argued that anyone objecting to this is racist. IOW, the white teachers were warned: object to your lower pay, and you will be deemed a bigot. (Fortunately, he lost.)
Yes, I remember that, because I was a kid at the time too. I believe Julia was the first black lead character on a show. We thought it was fine. No problem. We were all aware of what a bigot Archie was. When Good Times came around, we were aware that attitudes were such that even though there was an intact black family, they had to be in the projects. And once Cosby came around, there was finally a professional, affluent black family. My family and I all saw this as advances, and it barely registered in me that Cosby was a black family - they were just interesting characters. I’m sure around that time is when blacks started being featured more on commercials, but honestly, I never noticed.

You all are acting as if people are upset by seeing blacks on TV, and elsewhere, and have even made those snide remarks about “oooh….you had to see black faces” type of thing. And we have said over and over that the issue is the OVERREPRESENTATION, which is extreme, in which a slim majority of the population is featured, and whites intentionally omitted. Why should a hair care company, displaying its wares for example, have four posters, and ALL four posters are blacks? Why should Turbo Tax have three stories from three of their customers, and ALL three customers are black? The other day, I watched three House Hunter episodes in a row: first was a black woman, the next was a bi-racial couple, and the third was a black couple.

I never noticed this type of thing until recently, but it’s so over the top that I can’t help it.
Sorry Lisa, didn't know there was a quota on how many blacks are allowed in this establishment ...
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It really is pathetic, isn’t it? You bring up such a fair request: that there be balanced representation, and note how Asians, in fact, with approximately the same percentage as blacks (around 13%) are underrepresented. In today’s upside-down world, suggesting that there be a balance that is more reflective of society is considered racist - and the claws come out.

What is happening is that there is now blatant favoritism toward blacks, and anyone who doesn’t go along with it is - or even points it out - is considered a racist.

Our former Governor did this. He wanted to establish two pay scales for public school teachers - the regular one, and a higher one for blacks. He argued that anyone objecting to this is racist. IOW, the white teachers were warned: object to your lower pay, and you will be deemed a bigot. (Fortunately, he lost.)

WTF makes you racists the defenders of Asians. Asians do not have the same population as blacks. Your governor did nothing of the sort. Lying ass. You keep talking about blatant favoritism for blacks where are the stats?

You don't have any because there is no such favoritism.
Sorry Lisa, didn't know there was a quota on how many blacks are allowed in this establishment ...
Yeah, apparently she watches BET, owned by white Viacomm and complains because there are too many blacks in commercials. That's classic white supremacist. So here we have another Neo Nazi who claims they are a jew.
Yeah, apparently she watches BET, owned by white Viacomm and complains because there are too many blacks in commercials. That's classic white supremacist. So here we have another Neo Nazi who claims they are a jew.
She doesn't even understand why a hair company would advertise to black women exclusively. She must know zero black women...
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