What is really "amazing" about Trump

Trump is a Washington insider, has been since his friends, the Clintons, were in the WH.

Should he be elected, he will shatter what little faith the far right and libertarians have in getting the America they want.
Don't forget how he's been married 3x, had a child out of wedlock , known cheater , owns Casions , parades women around in his miss universe pagent .

But he's aces wh the so called "family values " crowd.

Amazing !
And his current wife is about 30 years younger than him and has posed in the nude. Imagine having a first lady who will have nude pictures of herself traveling around the internet.

Two things:

1. She would be - Hell actually, IS - far more pleasant looking than Michelle could ever hope to be.
2. Sure bet that she would be proud of her country before her husband got elected President.
It isn't her country. She's not an American.
So, her only real value is what she looks like? Her nudity would be the absolute humiliation on a world wide scale if she were first lady. We would not, metaphorically, be able to hold our heads up. It is ludicrous to think that having a first lady whose nude pictures are all over the place would reflect in any way but miserable on the American presidency and the entire country. She also speaks English with a heavy, heavy foreign accent. She knows nothing about being an American except the art of capitalism and marrying a rich guy.
Neither is Obama :D
Don't forget how he's been married 3x, had a child out of wedlock , known cheater , owns Casions , parades women around in his miss universe pagent .

But he's aces wh the so called "family values " crowd.

Amazing !
And his current wife is about 30 years younger than him and has posed in the nude. Imagine having a first lady who will have nude pictures of herself traveling around the internet.

Two things:

1. She would be - Hell actually, IS - far more pleasant looking than Michelle could ever hope to be.
2. Sure bet that she would be proud of her country before her husband got elected President.
It isn't her country. She's not an American.
So, her only real value is what she looks like? Her nudity would be the absolute humiliation on a world wide scale if she were first lady. We would not, metaphorically, be able to hold our heads up. It is ludicrous to think that having a first lady whose nude pictures are all over the place would reflect in any way but miserable on the American presidency and the entire country. She also speaks English with a heavy, heavy foreign accent. She knows nothing about being an American except the art of capitalism and marrying a rich guy.
Neither is Obama :D
What an asinine thing to say. We all know he is an American.
He is the anti-Obama. He is a brilliant negotiator, Obama is the worst ever, absolutely no clue. He is non-PC to the point of being offensive. Obama is the ultimate apologist PC King. He understands that as a leader nothing is more important than PROJECTING POWER. Obama does not get this at all; he projects weakness, academic aloofness and detachment. The majority of America has come to dislike Obama and his complete lack of leadership so that is why Trump, the anti-Obama is so popular.
Amazing would be after all the attacks he sits comfortably atop the field.

that's not amazing. he appeals to the lowlife vile "base".

no surprises.
And Hitlery appeals to who? Those that like free shit and enjoy being lied to?

Hildabeast appeals to the low info crowd
Low Info voters,PISSED OFF liberals,college students straddled with debt,Cultural Marxists,Homosexuals,Feminazis. I can go on. I don't vote REPUBLICAN I vote for the CANDIDATE! No one BUT Trump will get my vote. If he isn't nominee I vote for American Freedom Party as a write in...Some will vote for ANY republican but that ain't my way of doing things.
Amazing would be after all the attacks he sits comfortably atop the field.

that's not amazing. he appeals to the lowlife vile "base".

no surprises.
And Hitlery appeals to who? Those that like free shit and enjoy being lied to?

Hildabeast appeals to the low info crowd
Low Info voters,PISSED OFF liberals,college students straddled with debt,Cultural Marxists,Homosexuals,Feminazis. I can go on. I don't vote REPUBLICAN I vote for the CANDIDATE! No one BUT Trump will get my vote. If he isn't nominee I vote for American Freedom Party as a write in...Some will vote for ANY republican but that ain't my way of doing things.

it's always amusing to see uninformed loons call others "low information" when you wouldn't know fact if it bit you.

but that's ok. you only care that he articulates the hatred of "the base" but i guess that's what happens when you have no moral compass and spend your time being bigots.
Long time ago I saw a movie about Samson. He was a strongman in the Bible, who lost all his strength when his girlfriend cut off his hair. He was captured by his enemies and dragged to his place of execution.

All around him there were midgets with jaw bones of jackasses snapping at him, tormenting him and having a chuckling good time doing so.

Esmeralda, rdean, campbell, nat4900, JoeB131, NYCarbiner, PaintMyHouse etc. all remind me of those midgets snapping jawbones of jackasses at Sampson.

The jawbones they are snapping so happily is proudly of their own.

Noticed that you failed to mention the part of how Samson managed to not only kill himself, but took the entire temple down along with him.......Gee, I thought that the last part was even more "Trump-like."
Sanders ALSO has a child OUT of wedlock MORON!

QUESTION: Is Sanders running on evangelical "family values" so damn cherished by many Trump supporters?

Answer that simple question and you can "graduate" out of your diapers.
Amazing would be after all the attacks he sits comfortably atop the field.

that's not amazing. he appeals to the lowlife vile "base".

no surprises.
And Hitlery appeals to who? Those that like free shit and enjoy being lied to?

Hildabeast appeals to the low info crowd
Low Info voters,PISSED OFF liberals,college students straddled with debt,Cultural Marxists,Homosexuals,Feminazis. I can go on. I don't vote REPUBLICAN I vote for the CANDIDATE! No one BUT Trump will get my vote. If he isn't nominee I vote for American Freedom Party as a write in...Some will vote for ANY republican but that ain't my way of doing things.

it's always amusing to see uninformed loons call others "low information" when you wouldn't know fact if it bit you.

but that's ok. you only care that he articulates the hatred of "the base" but i guess that's what happens when you have no moral compass and spend your time being bigots.
Try me. Lets have a quiz mmk? What you want to have it on? I will mop the floor with your ass darling.
Sanders ALSO has a child OUT of wedlock MORON!

QUESTION: Is Sanders running on evangelical "family values" so damn cherished by many Trump supporters?

Answer that simple question and you can "graduate" out of your diapers.
Trump's not running on those values. Hes not anti-gay and hes far left of the usual GOP goons.

dont you want the horror shop to end in your hospitables? Universal health care! Hes more effectively "leftwing" than bernie could ever manage. Bernie has to kowtow to his lobby groups.

universal health care! Its the thing which can drag you from the second world into the first.
Sanders ALSO has a child OUT of wedlock MORON!

QUESTION: Is Sanders running on evangelical "family values" so damn cherished by many Trump supporters?

Answer that simple question and you can "graduate" out of your diapers.

Sanders is running on a Free Shit for everyone campaign....but refuses to say how he'll pay for it. The man is a dope
Don't forget how he's been married 3x, had a child out of wedlock , known cheater , owns Casions , parades women around in his miss universe pagent .

But he's aces wh the so called "family values " crowd.

Amazing !
Sanders ALSO has a child OUT of wedlock MORON!

I am pretty sure Sanders has never commented on Bill Clinton indiscretions with other women that were not Hillary Clinton.

Look, Trump is the candidate for some, but I have many issues with Trump stemming from his adultery to his business practice of using the bankruptcy laws.

Does Trump make some strong points in his comments?

Sure, but I still would not want the schoolyard bully to be the leader of this fine nation.

The sad reality is there is no real good candidate to support in the GOP for me.

I can not stomach Trump or Cruz.

Rubio come off a GOP lite version of JFK.

Kasich, Bush and Christie seem more like VP Candidates and not actual Presidential candidates.

Carson is a great doctor but a horrible politician.

Huckabee is just nuts to me... ( I know you would have thought I would have written that about Carson )

Santorum is too social conservative like Huckabee...

Fiorina was not a good CEO and not someone I would want in the White House.

Rand Paul is Neo-Libertarian and there is no way a Libertarian no matter the old school or Neo will ever win the GOP nomination.

So there is no one I can support on the GOP.

Now that does not mean I will vote for Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders because neither of them are candidates I want to be President either. I can stomach Sanders more than Clinton but that is not saying much...

So with Trump or Cruz as the possible GOP nominee it make me looking at Gary Johnson and will most likely vote for him because he is not as abrasive as Trump and is a better candidate to me than Clinton or Sanders...
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