What is really "amazing" about Trump

What is amazing about Hillary? The U.S. Military sucks, the Republican led Congress sucks and all the women her husband abused for the better part of three decades sucked big time.
Think about it......We have a rich, egotistical and mostly clueless rich New York [newly self-labeled, republican} who spouts:

The US military sucks
The republican-led Congress sucks
Our border law enforcement sucks
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) suck
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc.

...and dimwitted right wingers cheer thinking that Trump's "urine" raining on them is manna from the heavens.....

Absolutely amazing.
What is the problem? Where did he go off the rails?
The US military sucks - True-The US military has been fighting wars in the Mideast for nearly 15 years and there does not seem to be any end in sight. Not ony that we are no safer now than we were in 2000
The republican-led Congress sucks - What have they done besides give Obama everything he wanted?
Our border law enforcement sucks- Illegals still stream across the border and when ICE catches them they release them
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) sucks- This is wrong? we need fair trade, How many GM cars are sold in Korea?
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc. At this point I'm willing to give it a try, my insurance rates are higher than my mortgage.

Well, there goes your coveted vote for Cruz or Rubio......
Like that was going to happen
As reported by the Associate Press...

As Republican candidates vow to rewind Obama's rapprochements on their first day in office, many U.S. allies and business interests have pressed forward with outreach to Iran. The next president may find Iran has established itself as world player, a useful diplomatic power broker and a potential market for U.S. businesses.

Vowing to isolate Tehran may only isolate the U.S. from many of its allies.
Amazing would be after all the attacks he sits comfortably atop the field.

that's not amazing. he appeals to the lowlife vile "base".

no surprises.
And Hitlery appeals to who? Those that like free shit and enjoy being lied to?

Hildabeast appeals to the low info crowd
Low Info voters,PISSED OFF liberals,college students straddled with debt,Cultural Marxists,Homosexuals,Feminazis. I can go on. I don't vote REPUBLICAN I vote for the CANDIDATE! No one BUT Trump will get my vote. If he isn't nominee I vote for American Freedom Party as a write in...Some will vote for ANY republican but that ain't my way of doing things.

it's always amusing to see uninformed loons call others "low information" when you wouldn't know fact if it bit you.

but that's ok. you only care that he articulates the hatred of "the base" but i guess that's what happens when you have no moral compass and spend your time being bigots.
Trump knows how to appeal to the low informed, uninformed, disoriented, angry masses.
The more you attack him...the stronger he gets.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

Trump rolling average.png
Amazing would be after all the attacks he sits comfortably atop the field.

that's not amazing. he appeals to the lowlife vile "base".

no surprises.
And Hitlery appeals to who? Those that like free shit and enjoy being lied to?
She appeals to the majority of Americans. She appeals to the majority of women voters, Asian voters, black voters, Hispanic voters, and all other minorities. She appeals to people with brains, education and intelligence who do not think a pscho like Trump should be leading the free world.
The more you attack him...the stronger he gets.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

You wish this to be true, but it isn't. It's bullshit. Total, unadulterated bullshit.

If your scared, just say your scared.

The attacks say it for you, just like this post did.

Appreciate the endorsement from the liberal left Esmeralda. Keep up the good work. :thup:

View attachment 60135
I am not afraid of him. I am concerned, deeply, for the state of the country when such a freak as Trump is taken seriously as a potential candidate for US president. Trump will never be elected; I doubt he will even be the GOP offering. Those in power in the GOP will never put him on the general election ballot. If he runs, it will be as an independent. And he will definitely have zero chance of winning any election from that perspective. He is the darling of the Tea Party: a joke of a contingent if there ever was one.

What is troubling is that people like you, who are so loud, angry and simple minded, make so much noise about such a candidate. It speaks toward the lowering of intellect and education in the US. It speaks to the fact you all have been listening to and absorbing the sick propaganda of folks like Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. It's disgusting and abhorrent what so much of the Right has come to. It's disgusting, not frightening.

You can't even read my post and get the point of it you are so illiterate. I didn't attack Trump in any way. I said your belief in him was bullshit. You are not even intelligent enough to read something and understand the point. You are not intelligent enough see how Trump is encouraging a feeding frenzy by the lower echelons society. He is making fools of simple minded folks. He’s saying what the small minded, uneducated and bigoted want to hear. He’s a loudmouthed media whore with a very low character, nothing more.

Wanting him for president is like wanting to eat sugar puffs instead of bran flakes or oatmeal for breakfast. It’s very childish and won’t do the country any good, but, instead would be the ruin of it.
Think about it......We have a rich, egotistical and mostly clueless rich New York [newly self-labeled, republican} who spouts:

The US military sucks
The republican-led Congress sucks
Our border law enforcement sucks
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) suck
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc.

...and dimwitted right wingers cheer thinking that Trump's "urine" raining on them is manna from the heavens.....

Absolutely amazing.

I think the most amazing thing is how he never says anything that one couldn't hear from a common hobo.
The more you attack him...the stronger he gets.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

You wish this to be true, but it isn't. It's bullshit. Total, unadulterated bullshit.

If your scared, just say your scared.

The attacks say it for you, just like this post did.

Appreciate the endorsement from the liberal left Esmeralda. Keep up the good work. :thup:

View attachment 60135
I am not afraid of him. I am concerned, deeply, for the state of the country when such a freak as Trump is taken seriously as a potential candidate for US president. Trump will never be elected; I doubt he will even be the GOP offering. Those in power in the GOP will never put him on the general election ballot. If he runs, it will be as an independent. And he will definitely have zero chance of winning any election from that perspective. He is the darling of the Tea Party: a joke of a contingent if there ever was one.

What is troubling is that people like you, who are so loud, angry and simple minded, make so much noise about such a candidate. It speaks toward the lowering of intellect and education in the US. It speaks to the fact you all have been listening to and absorbing the sick propaganda of folks like Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. It's disgusting and abhorrent what so much of the Right has come to. It's disgusting, not frightening.

You can't even read my post and get the point of it you are so illiterate. I didn't attack Trump in any way. I said your belief in him was bullshit. You are not even intelligent enough to read something and understand the point. You are not intelligent enough see how Trump is encouraging a feeding frenzy by the lower echelons society. He is making fools of simple minded folks. He’s saying what the small minded, uneducated and bigoted want to hear. He’s a loudmouthed media whore with a very low character, nothing more.

Wanting him for president is like wanting to eat sugar puffs instead of bran flakes or oatmeal for breakfast. It’s very childish and won’t do the country any good, but, instead would be the ruin of it.

Did you shake your fist at the heavens while you typed that diatribe? :lol:
The more you attack him...the stronger he gets.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

You wish this to be true, but it isn't. It's bullshit. Total, unadulterated bullshit.

If your scared, just say your scared.

The attacks say it for you, just like this post did.

Appreciate the endorsement from the liberal left Esmeralda. Keep up the good work. :thup:

View attachment 60135
I am not afraid of him. I am concerned, deeply, for the state of the country when such a freak as Trump is taken seriously as a potential candidate for US president. Trump will never be elected; I doubt he will even be the GOP offering. Those in power in the GOP will never put him on the general election ballot. If he runs, it will be as an independent. And he will definitely have zero chance of winning any election from that perspective. He is the darling of the Tea Party: a joke of a contingent if there ever was one.

What is troubling is that people like you, who are so loud, angry and simple minded, make so much noise about such a candidate. It speaks toward the lowering of intellect and education in the US. It speaks to the fact you all have been listening to and absorbing the sick propaganda of folks like Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. It's disgusting and abhorrent what so much of the Right has come to. It's disgusting, not frightening.

You can't even read my post and get the point of it you are so illiterate. I didn't attack Trump in any way. I said your belief in him was bullshit. You are not even intelligent enough to read something and understand the point. You are not intelligent enough see how Trump is encouraging a feeding frenzy by the lower echelons society. He is making fools of simple minded folks. He’s saying what the small minded, uneducated and bigoted want to hear. He’s a loudmouthed media whore with a very low character, nothing more.

Wanting him for president is like wanting to eat sugar puffs instead of bran flakes or oatmeal for breakfast. It’s very childish and won’t do the country any good, but, instead would be the ruin of it.

Did you shake your fist at the heavens while you typed that diatribe? :lol:
This is what I am talking about.This ^ post is indicative of the childish mentality of those who support Trump.

To you and your ilk, anything of length and substance that you don't like is a 'diatribe.' You refuse to think. You are like a 5 year old.
The more you attack him...the stronger he gets.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

that would be 39.8% of 47% of the electorate.

his numbers haven't changed that much. now the GOP has to stop being so heavy-handed because their base is getting cranky with them.

there is no one dems support in any fashion that would have any impact on that 40% of 47%. just the nature of the GOP "base"
What is really amazing about Trump is the effect he has on liberals. He scares the crap out of them, making liberals attack him to the point of comparing him to Hitler, then if that is not enough, the liberals will proceed to attack Trump supporters calling them all sorts of names including but not limited to "Racist", "Low IQ", "Redneck" and "KKK Members". One has to wonder why the liberals hate Trump, but it becomes clear when you think about what liberals hate. Trump is successful, a billionaire, capitalist, and white.
The more you attack him...the stronger he gets.

Keep up the good work! :thup:

You wish this to be true, but it isn't. It's bullshit. Total, unadulterated bullshit.

If your scared, just say your scared.

The attacks say it for you, just like this post did.

Appreciate the endorsement from the liberal left Esmeralda. Keep up the good work. :thup:

View attachment 60135
I am not afraid of him. I am concerned, deeply, for the state of the country when such a freak as Trump is taken seriously as a potential candidate for US president. Trump will never be elected; I doubt he will even be the GOP offering. Those in power in the GOP will never put him on the general election ballot. If he runs, it will be as an independent. And he will definitely have zero chance of winning any election from that perspective. He is the darling of the Tea Party: a joke of a contingent if there ever was one.

What is troubling is that people like you, who are so loud, angry and simple minded, make so much noise about such a candidate. It speaks toward the lowering of intellect and education in the US. It speaks to the fact you all have been listening to and absorbing the sick propaganda of folks like Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. It's disgusting and abhorrent what so much of the Right has come to. It's disgusting, not frightening.

You can't even read my post and get the point of it you are so illiterate. I didn't attack Trump in any way. I said your belief in him was bullshit. You are not even intelligent enough to read something and understand the point. You are not intelligent enough see how Trump is encouraging a feeding frenzy by the lower echelons society. He is making fools of simple minded folks. He’s saying what the small minded, uneducated and bigoted want to hear. He’s a loudmouthed media whore with a very low character, nothing more.

Wanting him for president is like wanting to eat sugar puffs instead of bran flakes or oatmeal for breakfast. It’s very childish and won’t do the country any good, but, instead would be the ruin of it.

Blah, blah, blah.
Amazing would be after all the attacks he sits comfortably atop the field.

that's not amazing. he appeals to the lowlife vile "base".

no surprises.
And Hitlery appeals to who? Those that like free shit and enjoy being lied to?
She appeals to the majority of Americans. She appeals to the majority of women voters, Asian voters, black voters, Hispanic voters, and all other minorities. She appeals to people with brains, education and intelligence who do not think a pscho like Trump should be leading the free world.
So she appeals to people who have no business being in America except for women they do belong. You could ya know back that up with some PROOF....what democrap hasn't appealed to the gimme gimme gimme class...? I can't remember the last one. Its called he democratic plantation. Try leaving it oh boy you are an uncle tom or worse!

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