What is really "amazing" about Trump

The majority of America has come to dislike Obama and his complete lack of leadership so that is why Trump, the anti-Obama is so popular.

Actually you more aptly belong to the "majority of idiots" .....entitled to your own opinions but not to your made-up facts... Here from Pew Research:

Obama’s 46% job approval in December 2015 placed him between George W. Bush (30%) and Bill Clinton (55%) at similar points in their second terms in late 2007 and 1999, respectively. It was also comparable to Reagan’s rating of 49% in December 1987.
The majority of America has come to dislike Obama and his complete lack of leadership so that is why Trump, the anti-Obama is so popular.

Actually you more aptly belong to the "majority of idiots" .....entitled to your own opinions but not to your made-up facts... Here from Pew Research:

Obama’s 46% job approval in December 2015 placed him between George W. Bush (30%) and Bill Clinton (55%) at similar points in their second terms in late 2007 and 1999, respectively. It was also comparable to Reagan’s rating of 49% in December 1987.

46% isn't a majority
Sanders ALSO has a child OUT of wedlock MORON!

QUESTION: Is Sanders running on evangelical "family values" so damn cherished by many Trump supporters?

Answer that simple question and you can "graduate" out of your diapers.
No he is not but that idiot Timmy wants to invoke morality and he does NOT even know the history behind Sanders. Do I care Sanders has a child out of wedlock? No, but his display of ignorance on the subject puts him LESSER then a retard.
Trump's not running on those values. Hes not anti-gay and hes far left of the usual GOP goons.

True.....but my point was and is that MANY of Trump's most avid supporters ARE evangelical Christians who spew about family values.
Trump's not running on those values. Hes not anti-gay and hes far left of the usual GOP goons.

True.....but my point was and is that MANY of Trump's most avid supporters ARE evangelical Christians who spew about family values.
So? He can use their stupid ass votes. He wont supply a vehicle for their hatred if he gets in. He might help them in spite of themselves though.
Long time ago I saw a movie about Samson. He was a strongman in the Bible, who lost all his strength when his girlfriend cut off his hair. He was captured by his enemies and dragged to his place of execution.

All around him there were midgets with jaw bones of jackasses snapping at him, tormenting him and having a chuckling good time doing so.

Esmeralda, rdean, campbell, nat4900, JoeB131, NYCarbiner, PaintMyHouse etc. all remind me of those midgets snapping jawbones of jackasses at Sampson.

The jawbones they are snapping so happily is proudly of their own.
Sampson, wounded and blind, pulled the temple down to rubble.

I heard one liberal moaning about Trump and the support he has. The support is born from fury. The public isn't looking for the fireman to put the fire out. The angry public is looking for an arsonist to burn it down. The way Sampson pulled the temple down.
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Trump's greatest strength? Being underestimated.

Hopefully the useful idiots (left and right) will continue to do so...... right up until Friday Jan 20, 2017
Meanwhile, people in New Hampshire traveled in freezing weather, heavy snow and unplowed roads to hear Trump speak. Liberals are losing and at the same time losimg their grip.

Does that mean that if Trump loses the NH primary he'll go back to some TV reality show? Just asking.....LOL
Think about it......We have a rich, egotistical and mostly clueless rich New York [newly self-labeled, republican} who spouts:

The US military sucks
The republican-led Congress sucks
Our border law enforcement sucks
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) suck
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc.

...and dimwitted right wingers cheer thinking that Trump's "urine" raining on them is manna from the heavens.....

Absolutely amazing.
nat you hit the nail on the head,,,,,,,he says s--t and republicans say "what color"
Think about it......We have a rich, egotistical and mostly clueless rich New York [newly self-labeled, republican} who spouts:

The US military sucks
The republican-led Congress sucks
Our border law enforcement sucks
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) suck
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc.

...and dimwitted right wingers cheer thinking that Trump's "urine" raining on them is manna from the heavens.....

Absolutely amazing.
Yeah I remember how your kind Waco off at hope and change. The sea waters would stop rising if the messiah, obama got elected. So shut the fuck up, you have no creditability left at all.
Don't forget how he's been married 3x, had a child out of wedlock , known cheater , owns Casions , parades women around in his miss universe pagent .

But he's aces wh the so called "family values " crowd.

Amazing !
When your kind will vote for a rapist just because he has a d beside their name, don't tell others about family values.
Think about it......We have a rich, egotistical and mostly clueless rich New York [newly self-labeled, republican} who spouts:

The US military sucks
The republican-led Congress sucks
Our border law enforcement sucks
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) suck
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc.

...and dimwitted right wingers cheer thinking that Trump's "urine" raining on them is manna from the heavens.....

Absolutely amazing.
What is the problem? Where did he go off the rails?
The US military sucks - True-The US military has been fighting wars in the Mideast for nearly 15 years and there does not seem to be any end in sight. Not ony that we are no safer now than we were in 2000
The republican-led Congress sucks - What have they done besides give Obama everything he wanted?
Our border law enforcement sucks- Illegals still stream across the border and when ICE catches them they release them
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) sucks- This is wrong? we need fair trade, How many GM cars are sold in Korea?
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc. At this point I'm willing to give it a try, my insurance rates are higher than my mortgage.
Think about it......We have a rich, egotistical and mostly clueless rich New York [newly self-labeled, republican} who spouts:

The US military sucks
The republican-led Congress sucks
Our border law enforcement sucks
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) suck
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc.

...and dimwitted right wingers cheer thinking that Trump's "urine" raining on them is manna from the heavens.....

Absolutely amazing.
What is the problem? Where did he go off the rails?
The US military sucks - True-The US military has been fighting wars in the Mideast for nearly 15 years and there does not seem to be any end in sight. Not ony that we are no safer now than we were in 2000
The republican-led Congress sucks - What have they done besides give Obama everything he wanted?
Our border law enforcement sucks- Illegals still stream across the border and when ICE catches them they release them
Our biggest trading partners (China, Korea, Mexico) sucks- This is wrong? we need fair trade, How many GM cars are sold in Korea?
The ACA should be replaced by a Canadian-style health insurance, etc. At this point I'm willing to give it a try, my insurance rates are higher than my mortgage.

Well, there goes your coveted vote for Cruz or Rubio......

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