What is released and what is not,

They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

You summed it up quite well.

Devin Nunes is playing a game. A risky game because of course the truth will come out and he'll be seen as a liar and a fraud again.

But why would he do it? What does Trump have on him?
Yep truth is gonna come out when memo comes out...won't matter to you crazy leftists you will continue to lie and cover up what really happened same with most media outlets..Fox will tell the truth of course but MSNBC no way in hell...NBC,ABC etc MIGHT give a glimmer of truth in there...CNN that's just laughable.

your handwriting has improved

have you mastered toilet training yet?
You should be talking to Schiff.

do you really think everyone is as stupid as you are?
Do you?

no, you're the ne plus ultra of stupid as far as i can tell

consider philately
You had better consider your source, that is "you" if you did not know.
your handwriting has improved

have you mastered toilet training yet?
You should be talking to Schiff.

do you really think everyone is as stupid as you are?
Do you?

no, you're the ne plus ultra of stupid as far as i can tell

consider philately
You had better consider your source, that is "you" if you did not know.

ooooh, burn

They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

No need to worry. If the memo is factual we all benefit. If the memo is not factual the Repubs look like fools. Coyote, my guess is the memo is factual because the Dims are not saying it is untrue. They are only saying they do not want it released.

So maybe just look at the info and make up your own mind. That is what I intend to so. :)
What they and are saying is it is not factually inaccurate but it is cherry picked and misleading. So if that is the case we need to see the other memo as well.

You really think the Dims want the truth to come out if the FBI was in the tank for Hillary and out to kill Trump? :lol:

No offense, but that is incredibly naive. The truth will come out....all of it. I would say the facts that have come out so far do not look good for the Dims, the FBI, DOJ or Hillary. But I am willing to reserve judgement until I see everything.
This is the truth:

There is a process to releasing the memo's, the one by Nunes and the other one by the Dems. One big step in that process is voting to let members of the House see the memo. That happened with the Nunez memo...every member of the house had roughly a week to see it. Then and only then did they go forward with a vote to release the memo to the public. The Dems memo was brought into the fold after the Nunez memo was already available. Releasing both memo's at the same time would be releasing a Dem memo that few in the house even had access to. So they voted to give everyone access to the memo, which is the same thing that they had to do with the Nunez memo. If they don't release the Dems memo next week, you can call it whatever you want. But that doesn't apply right now, they are simply following the same protocol for both memo's.

As to what those memos contain, that remains to be seen. Maybe we should wait and see before getting all worked up over it. If the Repubs do not allow the Dems memo to get out then I think we all know it'll get leaked anyway. And BTW, the FBI and DOJ have been stonewalling Congress for quite some time about providing information on the Russian collusion investigation. Redact what needs to be redacted, and get the information out there for all of us to see, including the evidence that is releasable.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

First all the information in the memo was provided by the FBI and DOJ. The FBI and intel folks reviewed the memo and said they found nothing inaccurate in it. So why are you afraid of the truth coming out?


Why are YOU afraid of the truth coming out?

I am for both memos and for the DOJ and FBI being allowed to speak to Congress on it.
Is there a thread where I can see your opinion on the SOTU address? I’d love to get your thoughts on it.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

First all the information in the memo was provided by the FBI and DOJ. The FBI and intel folks reviewed the memo and said they found nothing inaccurate in it. So why are you afraid of the truth coming out?


Why are YOU afraid of the truth coming out?

I am for both memos and for the DOJ and FBI being allowed to speak to Congress on it.
Is there a thread where I can see your opinion on the SOTU address? I’d love to get your thoughts on it.

I haven't given it Tycho - more then enough opinions of it running around....it was an improvement on his inaugeration speech but the bar is pretty low there.
FBI Warns Of 'Grave Concerns' About 'Accuracy' Of GOP Snooping Memo

The FBI issued a rare, two-paragraph statement undercutting the position taken by President Trump and his top aides that the memo, which the House intelligence committee has voted to release, should be disclosed to the public soon.
"With regard to the House Intelligence Committee's memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it," the FBI said. "As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."

The FBI statement appeared amid a bitter political fight over the memo, which was drawn up by committee Chairman Devin Nunes of California and the panel's Republican staff. Nunes and other GOP allies of Trump say the memo makes the case about an epic scandal inside federal law enforcement.

The Justice Department has already said that releasing the memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" and could hurt national security or ongoing investigations.
...Current and former intelligence officials have expressed concern that the FBI would be unable to counter any factual errors or misrepresentations in the memo because the information it is based on remains classified.
The statements from the FBI and Nunes followed accusations by a Democrat on the intelligence committee that Nunes worked with the White House to prepare and now release the memo.

On CNN Wednesday, Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Ill., relayed a conversation he said he had with Nunes during a committee meeting.

"I asked the chairman, 'Did he work with' [the Trump administration], and I asked all the preliminaries — coordinate, discuss — and he said, 'not to my knowledge,' " Quigley said. "And I asked him, 'Did your staff?' And then he became quite agitated and he said, 'I'm not answering that.' "

Quigley said there was precedent for questioning Nunes' contacts with the White House. He pointed to what he called the Republican chairman's "midnight ride" to the White House in March to receive classified documents from the administration alleging improper "unmasking" of Trump associates in intelligence reports.

They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

No need to worry. If the memo is factual we all benefit. If the memo is not factual the Repubs look like fools. Coyote, my guess is the memo is factual because the Dims are not saying it is untrue. They are only saying they do not want it released.

So maybe just look at the info and make up your own mind. That is what I intend to so. :)
What they and are saying is it is not factually inaccurate but it is cherry picked and misleading. So if that is the case we need to see the other memo as well.

You really think the Dims want the truth to come out if the FBI was in the tank for Hillary and out to kill Trump? :lol:

No offense, but that is incredibly naive. The truth will come out....all of it. I would say the facts that have come out so far do not look good for the Dims, the FBI, DOJ or Hillary. But I am willing to reserve judgement until I see everything.

Will the truth come out - it the truth remains classified? In otherwords if "the memo" is the ONLY item allowed out? Will that be "the truth"?
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

First all the information in the memo was provided by the FBI and DOJ. The FBI and intel folks reviewed the memo and said they found nothing inaccurate in it. So why are you afraid of the truth coming out?


Why are YOU afraid of the truth coming out?

I am for both memos and for the DOJ and FBI being allowed to speak to Congress on it.
Is there a thread where I can see your opinion on the SOTU address? I’d love to get your thoughts on it.

I haven't given it Tycho - more then enough opinions of it running around....it was an improvement on his inaugeration speech but the bar is pretty low there.
I’m glad you saw it as an improvement. :)
This is the truth:

There is a process to releasing the memo's, the one by Nunes and the other one by the Dems. One big step in that process is voting to let members of the House see the memo. That happened with the Nunez memo...every member of the house had roughly a week to see it. Then and only then did they go forward with a vote to release the memo to the public. The Dems memo was brought into the fold after the Nunez memo was already available. Releasing both memo's at the same time would be releasing a Dem memo that few in the house even had access to. So they voted to give everyone access to the memo, which is the same thing that they had to do with the Nunez memo. If they don't release the Dems memo next week, you can call it whatever you want. But that doesn't apply right now, they are simply following the same protocol for both memo's.

As to what those memos contain, that remains to be seen. Maybe we should wait and see before getting all worked up over it. If the Repubs do not allow the Dems memo to get out then I think we all know it'll get leaked anyway. And BTW, the FBI and DOJ have been stonewalling Congress for quite some time about providing information on the Russian collusion investigation. Redact what needs to be redacted, and get the information out there for all of us to see, including the evidence that is releasable.

The process is broken. The process normally includes input from intelligence. These things are normally bipartisan. They do not involve the a representative colluding with the president to write a blatently partisan and probably dishonest memo that the committee does not agree on. It does not involve partisanship so bad that national security could be compromised.

What is this memo about? It's about shutting down an investigation. Now you need to ask yourselves why they don't want this investigation to be completed. Like Benghazi was. Like the Email Server was.

This is very broken and folks should be more concerned over the breaking of normally bipartisan processes (like these committees) and more.
I see the release of this memo as being a step towards transparency. That’s something we should all be celebrating.
I see the release of this memo as being a step towards transparency. That’s something we should all be celebrating.

I'm not so sure about that. Is it transparency or - the latest form of political propoganda designed to obstruct an active investigation?

I would find transparency more believable if it weren't happening in the midst of a an investigation that Trump and his supporters have been doing everything possible to descredit and obstruct - from firing people, to character assassinations, to loyalty affirmations. It's truly bizarre. So when a "memo" comes out - written by one person, and supported on strictly partisan lines - it's disturbing. When you realize that these committees used to be above the partisan fray - used to take their loyalty to the Constitution and it's institutions above partisanship - it's disturbing.

I don't think this is "transparency". I think it's political gamesmanship.
They voted to release “the memo”, written by one political side only.

They voted against releasing the minority memo.

They refused to allow the FBI/DOJ a hearing to give their information.

There is something way wrong with partisan politics at this level. We should be very disturbed. :(

Extra points for anyone who can discuss this without a deflection or a whataboutism.

First all the information in the memo was provided by the FBI and DOJ. The FBI and intel folks reviewed the memo and said they found nothing inaccurate in it. So why are you afraid of the truth coming out?


Why are YOU afraid of the truth coming out?

I am for both memos and for the DOJ and FBI being allowed to speak to Congress on it.
Is there a thread where I can see your opinion on the SOTU address? I’d love to get your thoughts on it.
It does appear to me that Trump's accumulated acts of aggression towards Comey, McCabe, publicly berating Sessions, targeting Wray and Rosenstein, failure to utter one single word of condemnation about proven Russian interference that Pompeo just yesterday said to BBC Russia is STILL doing in America. And the discrediting of our institutions of Law is criminal. This isn't Mexico, tyco. What do you figure Trump is so afraid of that he doesn't join the investigation and help clear this mess? It isn't about him, it's about if anybody helped in the foreign interference.

I don't like him as President, I think he is a crappy President.... full of empty promises taking credit for the efforts of others and whose favorite words are "I" and "Me" and "My". But tyco that's no big deal if he does no harm. However this issue of interference in our processes, this assault on our own institutions to protect agenda-driven outsiders who would harm what our whole history is built upon is beyond just some piddly partisan gripe. And now the bald-face lifting of punishing sanctions for that interference, this bald-face visit to our CIA chief..in his office..by the Russian head of KGB stuns credulity. What do you suppose they talked about...adoptions? I don't want him locked up or impoverished, I just don't want the fate of my country in his traitorous betraying little hands. I want him gone, together with his toadies Nunes, Jordan, Murphy, Ryan and McConnell. Gowdy, Lee and a few (about 23) others have the good grace to get out of Dodge voluntarily. Thank you, God!
This is the truth:

There is a process to releasing the memo's, the one by Nunes and the other one by the Dems. One big step in that process is voting to let members of the House see the memo. That happened with the Nunez memo...every member of the house had roughly a week to see it. Then and only then did they go forward with a vote to release the memo to the public. The Dems memo was brought into the fold after the Nunez memo was already available. Releasing both memo's at the same time would be releasing a Dem memo that few in the house even had access to. So they voted to give everyone access to the memo, which is the same thing that they had to do with the Nunez memo. If they don't release the Dems memo next week, you can call it whatever you want. But that doesn't apply right now, they are simply following the same protocol for both memo's.

As to what those memos contain, that remains to be seen. Maybe we should wait and see before getting all worked up over it. If the Repubs do not allow the Dems memo to get out then I think we all know it'll get leaked anyway. And BTW, the FBI and DOJ have been stonewalling Congress for quite some time about providing information on the Russian collusion investigation. Redact what needs to be redacted, and get the information out there for all of us to see, including the evidence that is releasable.

The process is broken. The process normally includes input from intelligence. These things are normally bipartisan. They do not involve the a representative colluding with the president to write a blatently partisan and probably dishonest memo that the committee does not agree on. It does not involve partisanship so bad that national security could be compromised.

What is this memo about? It's about shutting down an investigation. Now you need to ask yourselves why they don't want this investigation to be completed. Like Benghazi was. Like the Email Server was.

This is very broken and folks should be more concerned over the breaking of normally bipartisan processes (like these committees) and more.

Part of the reason why the process is broken is because the intelligence community wouldn't cooperate with the Congress and give up the requested information. As in nothing. And yes, these things normally are bipartisan but this time the Democrats absolutely will not cooperate on ANYTHING.

There's no reason why national security has to be compromised, stuff can be omitted from that memo or redacted from whatever evidence can be submitted to the public. I don't know what the story is, but it sure looks like the Dems are fighting tooth and nail to prevent any information about what the fuck happened, and they wouldn't be doing that unless there is something damaging to their side.

You say the memo is about shutting down the investigation. No, it's about bringing the truth out into the open as it damn well should be. The Repubs are following House rules, it's the Dems that are obstructing the process the whole way so if the process is broken they're the ones that did the breaking.
I see the release of this memo as being a step towards transparency. That’s something we should all be celebrating.

I'm not so sure about that. Is it transparency or - the latest form of political propoganda designed to obstruct an active investigation?

I would find transparency more believable if it weren't happening in the midst of a an investigation that Trump and his supporters have been doing everything possible to descredit and obstruct - from firing people, to character assassinations, to loyalty affirmations. It's truly bizarre. So when a "memo" comes out - written by one person, and supported on strictly partisan lines - it's disturbing. When you realize that these committees used to be above the partisan fray - used to take their loyalty to the Constitution and it's institutions above partisanship - it's disturbing.

I don't think this is "transparency". I think it's political gamesmanship.
I’m good with letting the voters decide. They aren’t as stupid as some democrats think.

These people ( the FBI and DOJ ) work for us. It’s why I’m pissed at them for not conducting an honest investigation into Hillary.

I know you’re smart enough to see how that is a serious problem.

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