What is so damn hard about passing a bare bones stimulus bill for Americans???

A Republican who agrees with a Democrat will never get re-elected ...
A Democrat who agrees with a Republican will never get re-elected ...

Congresscritters' jobs depend on fighting the other party on everything ... no exceptions ...
Hell, they're not even allowed to talk to one another ...
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
How about sell the car that's already paid-off and use the proceeds to pay off what's left on the other car?
A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on.

Why doesn't he sell her car and pay off his car? Why should the bank give him a free car? Should the government pay off my house mortgage too?
A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on.

Why doesn't he sell her car and pay off his car? Why should the bank give him a free car? Should the government pay off my house mortgage too?

Giving him a "free car"? He want to just give the car back to the bank but if he does, he will get a credit hit and be billed for the difference between the loan and whatever the bank can sell it for. I would imagine if he tried to sell the car, the same thing would take place (he doesn't own the car).

Really, I wish you would read the posts you reply to for once.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Let me take a wild guess here, your friend is a liberal. Don't understand why you loons can't figure out even a simple problem and look to the government to bail you out.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
He's still making payments on the car.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Let me take a wild guess here, your friend is a liberal. Don't understand why you loons can't figure out even a simple problem and look to the government to bail you out.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?

What do you have in mind? Unemployment benefits that exceed what they were earning? Stimulus checks that are put in savings accounts? Free rent?

P.S. I am totally opposed to shutting down the economy.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
He's still making payments on the car.

And your point is?
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
He's still making payments on the car.

And your point is?
Are you imagining that he will be able to sell it for the full loan amount?
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
He's still making payments on the car.

And your point is?
Are you imagining that he will be able to sell it for the full loan amount?

He would be able to sell it for a heck of a lot more than if the bank auctioned it off.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
He's still making payments on the car.

And your point is?
Are you imagining that he will be able to sell it for the full loan amount?
He should at least be able to cover most of the loan and be out from under it before long.

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