What is so damn hard about passing a bare bones stimulus bill for Americans???

No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
How would you do it? Through unemployment? Direct checks? What’s the bare bones plan you’d like to see?

I'd like to see direct payments to Americans on one front. On another front, the Government taking over the payroll at 50-85% of what the wages were (meaning if you work at Bob's Auto Shop and made $20 an hour, you get between $10 and $17).
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
How would you do it? Through unemployment? Direct checks? What’s the bare bones plan you’d like to see?

I'd like to see direct payments to Americans on one front. On another front, the Government taking over the payroll at 50-85% of what the wages were (meaning if you work at Bob's Auto Shop and made $20 an hour, you get between $10 and $17).
Do you think everybody should get a check or just those out of work... or something in between?
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?

What do you have in mind? Unemployment benefits that exceed what they were earning? Stimulus checks that are put in savings accounts? Free rent?

P.S. I am totally opposed to shutting down the economy.
They broke it, they own it. Period. You force me out of work you better replace my income.
On another front, the Government taking over the payroll at 50-85% of what the wages were (meaning if you work at Bob's Auto Shop and made $20 an hour, you get between $10 and $17).
For working or not working?
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
How would you do it? Through unemployment? Direct checks? What’s the bare bones plan you’d like to see?

I'd like to see direct payments to Americans on one front. On another front, the Government taking over the payroll at 50-85% of what the wages were (meaning if you work at Bob's Auto Shop and made $20 an hour, you get between $10 and $17).
Do you think everybody should get a check or just those out of work... or something in between?

Everyone should get a stimulus.
The government should take over payroll for those working however. So when the pandemic has subsided, the workers are able to come back to work.
the only stimulus money that should have been given out the first time should have been to small business owners and their employees being forced to close down by the fascist governors.

Giving money to government workers who already have the cushiest jobs in the world is downright obscene.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
How would you do it? Through unemployment? Direct checks? What’s the bare bones plan you’d like to see?

I'd like to see direct payments to Americans on one front. On another front, the Government taking over the payroll at 50-85% of what the wages were (meaning if you work at Bob's Auto Shop and made $20 an hour, you get between $10 and $17).
Do you think everybody should get a check or just those out of work... or something in between?

Everyone should get a stimulus.
The government should take over payroll for those working however. So when the pandemic has subsided, the workers are able to come back to work.
I see a major problem also erupting from
Businesses who owe loan payments and rental payments while making no income. More is going to need to be done beyond payroll assistance
Are you imagining that he will be able to sell it for the full loan amount?

Being "underwater" is a different issue ... and yes, this is a bad thing and it should show up on his credit report ... any future bank will want to know this person thinks surrendering a car is an option ... it isn't ... banks are banks, not car dealerships, it's expensive for them to repossess a car ... especially a car that's not worth the loan value ...

It's sad the fella's wife died ... an this will cause financial hardships on the family ... but that's for the family to endure, it wouldn't be fair to dump this hardship on others ... folks that never got laid by her ... just saying ...
the only stimulus money that should have been given out the first time should have been to small business owners and their employees being forced to close down by the fascist governors.

Giving money to government workers who already have the cushiest jobs in the world is downright obscene.
Which government workers are you talking about? Trashmen, road workers, teachers, firefighters, police??
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
I could not be done before the election because it would of helped Trump, so Nance P had to put some poison pills in the House Bill before the election. Now that the election is over, the House will be will be willing to negotiate.
135000 small businesses have been destroyed by government mandates. The government OWNS those loses and should be OBLIGATED to pay. Under many other circumstance if a business is destroyed it gets reimbursed. Employees who are unjustly fired can file suit and if proven win settlements.

The government needs to pay up. Period. If I wreck a customers property I don't just get to walk away and neither should the government
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?

Okay, let's take a barebones look at two programs on the table right now.

The first one is the bipartisan bill from the House and many of the Republican Senators (back door) which is 908B. It doesn't differentiate between Red and Blue or Purple or Pink with Purple Spot States. It has more protection for big business than I care for and has way too much for the Farm Bill that most of it will go to Millionaire and Billionaire Farmers (and non farmers) to suit me. But it does cover the Unemployment that is running out on Dec 26th and 31st across the nation. And it does get some money into the hands of small businesses hardest hit (not enough for my tastes). Moscow Mitch won't allow it onto the floor or into a Committee for discussion or vote.

Moscow Mitch has his a 550B. This is like an economy car when a Bus is needed. Too much of it is geared to keep the Industry Giants rolling and not enough to prevent the small businesses and little guys heads at least at water level. Even the Administration won't support this turkey. But Moscow Mitch and his cohorts stick with it. It's failed twice now in the Senate but they keep sticking to it.

The 908B is based on the premise that the rest needed will be added to the next budget bill. Or at least the promise of it. Even Moscow Mitch has admitted that it will be needed sooner or later. But I don't believe any of us can believe anything that Moscow Mitch promises anymore. But the 908B bill has come a long way from the 2.1T bill from a year ago that the house introduced. The Administration has already said it would back the 908B bill and the addition to the next budget for the additional things needed.

There is NO Pork here. And anyone claiming there is is just trolling, lying or being stupid. Come Dec 26th, it's going to get real serious real fast. And many millions are progged to have a very miserable Merry Christmas and a very terrible New Year.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
I could not be done before the election because it would of helped Trump, so Nance P had to put some poison pills in the House Bill before the election. Now that the election is over, the House will be will be willing to negotiate.

Before the Election, Mnuchin and Pelosi had already all but hammered out an agreement. But Moscow Mitch would have nothing to do with it. But Mnuchin went Awol on the day of the Election and hasn't been seen since.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?

Okay, let's take a barebones look at two programs on the table right now.

The first one is the bipartisan bill from the House and many of the Republican Senators (back door) which is 908B. It doesn't differentiate between Red and Blue or Purple or Pink with Purple Spot States. It has more protection for big business than I care for and has way too much for the Farm Bill that most of it will go to Millionaire and Billionaire Farmers (and non farmers) to suit me. But it does cover the Unemployment that is running out on Dec 26th and 31st across the nation. And it does get some money into the hands of small businesses hardest hit (not enough for my tastes). Moscow Mitch won't allow it onto the floor or into a Committee for discussion or vote.

Moscow Mitch has his a 550B. This is like an economy car when a Bus is needed. Too much of it is geared to keep the Industry Giants rolling and not enough to prevent the small businesses and little guys heads at least at water level. Even the Administration won't support this turkey. But Moscow Mitch and his cohorts stick with it. It's failed twice now in the Senate but they keep sticking to it.

The 908B is based on the premise that the rest needed will be added to the next budget bill. Or at least the promise of it. Even Moscow Mitch has admitted that it will be needed sooner or later. But I don't believe any of us can believe anything that Moscow Mitch promises anymore. But the 908B bill has come a long way from the 2.1T bill from a year ago that the house introduced. The Administration has already said it would back the 908B bill and the addition to the next budget for the additional things needed.

There is NO Pork here. And anyone claiming there is is just trolling, lying or being stupid. Come Dec 26th, it's going to get real serious real fast. And many millions are progged to have a very miserable Merry Christmas and a very terrible New Year.
What part of simple bill for the people did you not understand?
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?
Agree with you 100%.

It's mind blowing how out of touch our elected officials are. A quick story.

A close friend of mine had bought a car in 2019. His wife had a paid off vehicle. She died from Covid-19 in July. Now. He has her fully paid off car and his small economy car he still owes money on. He wanted to just surrender it to the bank and get out from under it. The bank said that he could do that but two things were going to happen. It would have a negative effect on his credit AND the vehicle would be sold at auction--the difference between what his loan was for and what the car fetched would be billed to him. So he would not only get a ding on his credit but probably have to pay hundreds or perhaps a thousand bucks or so. He contacted his congresswoman to see if there was any sort of relief he could get from the CARES act to where his lender would be able to save face on the loan, his credit wouldn't be hit and he would just stop making payments and give up the car. She got back to him a few weeks later and said "Unfortunately...." The lender is a large bank that everyone has heard of. I'm sure they got all sorts of money from the bail out. But somehow when my friend has a real life issue the bank is unable to do the right thing.

I would imagine that the congresswoman's office knows the details but I'd also imagine that the above scenario isn't that unusual because loans are multi-year commitments and the virus came out of nowhere and for a great many people, 1/2 of their income disappeared with the death of a spouse (if they're lucky--that's all that disappeared because a lot of people lost their spouse and their job as well). I would be stunned to imagine that legislation passed that didn't address this scenario.

Gee, here's a thought, put a FOR SALE sign on the economy car.
He's still making payments on the car.

And your point is?
Are you imagining that he will be able to sell it for the full loan amount?
Now you understand the bank's problem. They will be getting back a car that has lost most of its value and they are getting stuck with a loan not being paid back.

They lent the money in good faith with terms. They have a right to collect on those terms.
No pork
No bullshit

just money for the people our government forced out of work?

Okay, let's take a barebones look at two programs on the table right now.

The first one is the bipartisan bill from the House and many of the Republican Senators (back door) which is 908B. It doesn't differentiate between Red and Blue or Purple or Pink with Purple Spot States. It has more protection for big business than I care for and has way too much for the Farm Bill that most of it will go to Millionaire and Billionaire Farmers (and non farmers) to suit me. But it does cover the Unemployment that is running out on Dec 26th and 31st across the nation. And it does get some money into the hands of small businesses hardest hit (not enough for my tastes). Moscow Mitch won't allow it onto the floor or into a Committee for discussion or vote.

Moscow Mitch has his a 550B. This is like an economy car when a Bus is needed. Too much of it is geared to keep the Industry Giants rolling and not enough to prevent the small businesses and little guys heads at least at water level. Even the Administration won't support this turkey. But Moscow Mitch and his cohorts stick with it. It's failed twice now in the Senate but they keep sticking to it.

The 908B is based on the premise that the rest needed will be added to the next budget bill. Or at least the promise of it. Even Moscow Mitch has admitted that it will be needed sooner or later. But I don't believe any of us can believe anything that Moscow Mitch promises anymore. But the 908B bill has come a long way from the 2.1T bill from a year ago that the house introduced. The Administration has already said it would back the 908B bill and the addition to the next budget for the additional things needed.

There is NO Pork here. And anyone claiming there is is just trolling, lying or being stupid. Come Dec 26th, it's going to get real serious real fast. And many millions are progged to have a very miserable Merry Christmas and a very terrible New Year.
What part of simple bill for the people did you not understand?

And that is exactly what the 980B bill is. Well as simple as it can be made for right now. And it's accepted by the majority in Congress. But one person stands in it's way, Moscow Mitch. What the hell do you want anyway? You haven't said what you want. You just want to play party politics. It's past the time for that. We are within 20 days of a total catastrophe.

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