Zone1 What is so great about diversity?


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
The only diversity that is beneficial is diversity of opinion. The self acclaimed advocates of diversity are opposed to diversity of opinion. They think one should not be allowed to draw attention to racial differences in average intelligence as well as in rates of crime and illegitimacy. Their kind of diversity can only be achieved by lowering objective criteria of excellence for demographics that are known to perform and behave badly.

Universities who want more a more diverse student body, and companies that want a more diverse work force can get all the diversity they should want by admitting and hiring more Jews and Orientals. Those demographics do not need for standards to be lowered on their behalf. They are characterized by superior performance and good behavior.
I dont believe "diversity is strength" although I have no problem with it.
Forced diversity is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of.
University authorities are doing what they can to get around the badly needed Supreme Court decision against diversity in university admissions.

Few hiring manages like being pressured to hire members of low performance minorities who lack qualifications. When the Supreme Court prohibits affirmative action in hiring, work forces will no longer "look like America." They will have a lighter complexion from the addition of Jews and Orientals.

By the way I am a white Gentile.
The only diversity that is beneficial is diversity of opinion. The self acclaimed advocates of diversity are opposed to diversity of opinion. They think one should not be allowed to draw attention to racial differences in average intelligence as well as in rates of crime and illegitimacy. Their kind of diversity can only be achieved by lowering objective criteria of excellence for demographics that are known to perform and behave badly.

Universities who want more a more diverse student body, and companies that want a more diverse work force can get all the diversity they should want by admitting and hiring more Jews and Orientals. Those demographics do not need for standards to be lowered on their behalf. They are characterized by superior performance and good behavior.

The food. That alone is worth it he price we pay elsewhere.
For the global collectivist elite, it's a tool to balkanize and destroy our society.
I think the motivation of the economic elite is slightly different. The rich think that if they can make whites feel guilty about being white those whites will be less angry about their stagnant and declining incomes while the rich get richer.

In addition, the theology of woke appeals to those who have lost their religious faith.
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I think the motivation of the economic elite is slightly different. The rich think that if they can make whites feel guilty about being white those white will be less angry about their stagnant and declining incomes while the rich get richer.

In addition, the theology of woke appeals to those who have lost their religious faith.
To me "woke" is like a fashion trend, except not just about clothing but psychological adherence to an insane cult. It's going to lead to significant population decline in the genetic garbage that embrace it and go queer, tranny, or just become incorrigible, social misfits that end up in prison or commit suicide.

A few will unfortunately get involved in government or corporate bureaucracies if they survive to adulthood because they can not be productive. Otherwise it seems to me that the objective is to cull the herd without camps and crematoriums, and at a much slower pace than they would prefer.

Those fuckin hicks and their AK's though, much more difficult to manage their extinction huh?
The only diversity that is beneficial is diversity of opinion. The self acclaimed advocates of diversity are opposed to diversity of opinion. They think one should not be allowed to draw attention to racial differences in average intelligence as well as in rates of crime and illegitimacy. Their kind of diversity can only be achieved by lowering objective criteria of excellence for demographics that are known to perform and behave badly.

Universities who want more a more diverse student body, and companies that want a more diverse work force can get all the diversity they should want by admitting and hiring more Jews and Orientals. Those demographics do not need for standards to be lowered on their behalf. They are characterized by superior performance and good behavior.

Democrat diversity is fake. Its where evrybody thinks exactly the same, but they are different colors to give the illusion of diversity.

True diversity is diversity of thought and ideas, when color does not matter.
Some self-proclaimed "progressives" have succeeded in selling the idea of how wonderful "diversity" is.

Yet many of those progressives themselves try their best to avoid diversity when it comes to the neighborhood they live in, the schools they send their children to, and the professionals (medical doctors, lawyers, etc.) whom they hire.

Japan is the peaceful land that it is because it lacks diversity; Sweden is now a crime-ridden country because it was persuaded to adopt diversity.
Some self-proclaimed "progressives" have succeeded in selling the idea of how wonderful "diversity" is.

Yet many of those progressives themselves try their best to avoid diversity when it comes to the neighborhood they live in, the schools they send their children to, and the professionals (medical doctors, lawyers, etc.) whom they hire.

Japan is the peaceful land that it is because it lacks diversity; Sweden is now a crime-ridden country because it was persuaded to adopt diversity.

You are correct. Did you see my post, right above yours?
Democrat diversity is fake. Its where evrybody thinks exactly the same, but they are different colors to give the illusion of diversity.

True diversity is diversity of thought and ideas, when color does not matter.

Of course the bed wetters like using quotas also. That way they never have to deal with a place that's got more than 15% Leroy's per capita. Thus assuring blacks remain a minority at mostly white campuses and they can still discriminate against the chinks.
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The only diversity that is truly beneficial is diversity of opinion. Those who claim to value diversity do not value opinions that differ from their. They try to suppress them. Negroes tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals. Nothing is gained by lowering intellectual standards for Negroes.
When the Supreme Court shot down "affirmative action" they made the mistake of saying something to the effect that while colleges could not discriminate on the basis of race (affirmative action), they could enact policies to create a diverse workplace, student body, or whatever.

The Leftists in control used that verbiage to keep the same affirmative action policies under a new name.
When the Supreme Court shot down "affirmative action" they made the mistake of saying something to the effect that while colleges could not discriminate on the basis of race (affirmative action), they could enact policies to create a diverse workplace, student body, or whatever.

The Leftists in control used that verbiage to keep the same affirmative action policies under a new name.
Affirmative Action should not have been shut down.
The only diversity that is beneficial is diversity of opinion. The self acclaimed advocates of diversity are opposed to diversity of opinion. They think one should not be allowed to draw attention to racial differences in average intelligence as well as in rates of crime and illegitimacy. Their kind of diversity can only be achieved by lowering objective criteria of excellence for demographics that are known to perform and behave badly.

Universities who want more a more diverse student body, and companies that want a more diverse work force can get all the diversity they should want by admitting and hiring more Jews and Orientals. Those demographics do not need for standards to be lowered on their behalf. They are characterized by superior performance and good behavior.

Diversity is inevitable. Racial diversity on purpose is a little stupid. If it happens, fine. If not, no big deal. However, if diversity is important then save up a bunch of money and offer 3 times the asking price on property that isn't diverse and move someone in there of a different ethnicity. However, I don't see what you would gain from it. It is super retarded.

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