What is "Social Justice"?

Sometimes it is best to define a word by what it is not, thus:
  • Social Justice is not to require the poor to pay higher taxes;
  • Social Justice is not to file suit and try to take away their health care;
  • Social Justice is not to make person take three buses to vote, or to make a person wait for hours to cast their vote;
  • Social Justice is not to require a women raped and impregnated to have the child of a rapist.
I might query why those things constitute social justice while their corollaries dont:
Social justice is requiring everyone to pay something
Social justice is to seek the best health care system for those who need it while burdening those who pay for it the least
Social justice means making sure everyone's vote counts equally and allow fraud
Social justice means protecting the most vulnerable in society: the unborn.
But that require that I be dealing with someone who has 2 functioning brain cells and hasnt spent his LE career either on the take or on his knees sucking cock. So it's a dead issue.

Rabbi, when I describe you as not very bright, I'm being kind.
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.

And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
Equal taxation....Please elaborate.
BTW, we DO have equal justice. There are people who can afford "more" justice than others.
Until the legal profession is made into a government funded charity organization where attorneys all become federal or state employees, those with the means can afford to hire better more learned attorneys.......
On prejudice.....This will NEVER end. We are human beings. As such we have the ability to reason and make judgments. We also have the God given ability to make choices. That is to associate with whom we choose. And to exclude those with whom we do not feel comfortable or may cause us harm.
Now unless you want to program human nature out of humans, your dream of a cultural utopia on planet Earth is just that. A dream....Now, can you please take the next next train back from LA LA Land?
Sometimes it is best to define a word by what it is not, thus:
  • Social Justice is not to require the poor to pay higher taxes;
  • Social Justice is not to file suit and try to take away their health care;
  • Social Justice is not to make person take three buses to vote, or to make a person wait for hours to cast their vote;
  • Social Justice is not to require a women raped and impregnated to have the child of a rapist.
I might query why those things constitute social justice while their corollaries dont:
Social justice is requiring everyone to pay something
Social justice is to seek the best health care system for those who need it while burdening those who pay for it the least
Social justice means making sure everyone's vote counts equally and allow fraud
Social justice means protecting the most vulnerable in society: the unborn.
But that require that I be dealing with someone who has 2 functioning brain cells and hasnt spent his LE career either on the take or on his knees sucking cock. So it's a dead issue.

Rabbi, when I describe you as not very bright, I'm being kind.
See. I knew you couldn't engage even a simple argument like that.
How does it feel to be a complete intellectual failure?
And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Yes we do have equal justice (just because some of you say we don't or agree with the outcome of verdicts). as for taxes that can be FIXED.
Social prejudice will ALWAYS exist in any Society. it's not just here in the United states. look around the world and face reality.
Equal justice? Then can you explain unpunished white collar crime? Can you explain probation for some, and prison time for others, for the exact same crime? Can you explain the innocent citizens in our prisons and jails? Can you explain the rich and well connected getting what amounts to a slap on the wrist, where others get jail and prison time?
There is plenty of unpunished crime across all sectors of the economic and demographic scales.
Just last week there was a murder in a nearby city. That guy got caught. Then there was a revenge killing in that same apartment complex. That shooter has not been caught and police have said they lost the perps track when he left the state. he may never be caught. In another case. A man on trial on Maryland who allegedly murdered a local girl who had traveled to see her sister in the Baltimore area was found dead in the Susquehenna River several miles from where she was visiting. Both the sister and her boyfriend who the prosecution believes raped then killed the sixteen year old keeps getting off on technicalities resulting in mistrials. he may never be jailed.
So please, you can spew the PC lefty talking points whining about white collar( so many racist overtones here) crime going unpunished all you like. It cuts many ways.
It seems we have a newby lefty on here who's preoccupation with bitching and moaning is a priority
And we don't have all those, ALREADY?

nice try
No. We don't have all of them, already.

examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Define "equal taxation" and then I'll let you know if we have it. Of course, what "equal taxation" really means is no taxation for some and organized plunder for others.
You tell me how we have equal taxation. Does everyone qualify for tax breaks, tax loopholes, and is everyone exempt from paying taxes?
Hey Shit for brains....The OP asked you to DEFINE equal taxation...Get the fuck off your soap box and answer the question.
We have 50 % of the population who at the end of their 1040 EZ they are writing in a four figure sum that is their refund check. Essentially, they pay NO income taxes.
BTW, the biggest tax break enjoyed by many Americans is ripe for the taking by...wait for it.....The working poor...It's called the Earned Income Credit....
Sometimes it is best to define a word by what it is not, thus:
  • Social Justice is not to require the poor to pay higher taxes;
Why shouldn't everyone in America have to bear the
  • Social Justice is not to file suit and try to take away their health care;
  • Social Justice is not to make person take three buses to vote, or to make a person wait for hours to cast their vote;
  • Social Justice is not to require a women raped and impregnated to have the child of a rapist.

  • Social Justice is not to require the poor to pay higher taxes;
Why shouldn't everyone in America have to bear the cost of government?. Why should anyone get a free ride? Why should I have to pay more because I am more productive and earn more money? Where is the justice in that?
  • Social Justice is not to file suit and try to take away their health care;
It is justice not to use the force of government to make me pay for somebody else's health care. It is their responsibility, not mine. If I want to be generous then I may help somebody I think is in need but it is wrong to use the government to force me to pay. There is no justice in that.
  • Social Justice is not to make person take three buses to vote, or to make a person wait for hours to cast their vote;
It is not my responsibility to insure that somebody else gets to the polling both. It is their responsibility if they want to vote. Besides, in most states the voting district will send you a ballot if you request it so it is really not much of a problem.
  • Social Justice is not to require a women raped and impregnated to have the child of a rapist.
It is not social justice of any kind to put a child to death because of convenience, even if the father is an asshole. The government should not be in the business of condoning infanticide.

Got any more of your stupid social justice bullshit?
The sad thing about social justice is that it is probably the easiest thing to achieve in the nation--costs us nothing--and we still cannot attain it.
How the hell can something be attained if no one can or is willing to define just what social justice might be.
It's like trying to convince all Christian denominations to agree on one interpretation of the Bible. newsflash, it is NOT going to happen.
Lots of orgs, from the ACLU to the SEIU to the KKK have "social justice" as part of their mission. But what is "social justice"?
Okay, I'll take a stab at it. I'll bite. (1) equal opportunity. (2) equal justice. (3) equal taxation. (4) equal representation. (5) equal rights. (6) equal freedom. (7) shared responsibility. (8) the absence of social prejudice. (9) the absence of class warfare. (10) elevating the poor and homeless.
Nope. Try again.
Actually, that's a good list.
Its a laundry list of ideals, some of which are listed for the purpose of grievances.

Social Justice has only one purpose and definition.
Its nothing but grievances. Liberalism MUST have complaints and crises in order to have any purpose.
examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.

Define "equal taxation" and then I'll let you know if we have it. Of course, what "equal taxation" really means is no taxation for some and organized plunder for others.
You tell me how we have equal taxation. Does everyone qualify for tax breaks, tax loopholes, and is everyone exempt from paying taxes?

Don't ask me. I am opposed to taxation of any kind. You used the term. You tell us how you define it.
You define it by everyone following the same rules, laws, and codes, period. No exceptions.
That's a cop out.
If you cannot define the term, don't use it.
examples, except for shared responsibility. We know we don't have that
Pleeeease. Are you serious? Please tell me that you're not serious. Do we have equal justice? No, of course not. Do we have equal taxation? No, of course not. And, you honestly believe that we are absent of social prejudice? Pleeeeeeeeeease.
What would "equal justice" look like? I mean, given the fact tha each case is unique you dont think every case ought to get the death penalty, right? Or every case should result in a fine of 5 dollars. That would be equal justice, and it would be stupd as hell.
Similarly what is equal taxation?
Likewise, your questions are stupid as hell.
I accept your defeat here.
Very funny. Cute, very cute. Defeat?? Is this war? Some sort of contest?? Pleeeeease !!!
Everything is a contest.
FYI -- I have no problem. Obviously you've mistaken me for someone else. A simple difference in opinion doesn't present any problems for me. Yes, you did mention a scenario, and I also mentioned that each of us could come up with a million different scenarios concerning crime and punishment. I also gave you one. So, your point is? We could stay here and exchange different scenarios forever. You could present one, we discuss it, then I could present one, and we could discuss it, and on and on and on and on. The bottom line is that we see justice differently, which is perfectly fine with me, I have no problem with it. I respect your right to express your opinion.
Out of your own mouth.

The reason why we don't punish each person the same for the same crime is because there are a million differing circumstances leading to the crime.

Under Social Justice, there are those who would say that the disadvantaged should not be punished for that crime because of their starting point in life while there are those who had everything who must be punished to the full extent of law.

Justice is not simply about punishment alone. That is the very first concept you should get your head around.

In fact in felony sentencing the trier of fact takes factors of mitigation and aggravation into account and states them on record before passing judgment (CA rules of the Court). Factors in mitigation might be the age of the defendant or lack of a criminal record; factors in aggravation might be the victim was aged or particularly vulnerable.
Which is exactly why a person cannot make blanket statements about there not being equal justice and basing that on the notion that two people commit the same offense, yet one does not get the same punishment. This is not proof that there is no equal justice. Only an example of extenuating circumstances altering the outcome.
No, you are clearly unable to state your opinion and defend it against attacks. You have failed numerous times to do that and cop out. So you are correct there is no continuing here. You've lost the debate.
Teh sad part is you havent learned anything from it. What's the point in coming on this board, spouting an opinion and then buggering off?
Oh please. Really? I made my point. I stated my case, my opinion, and what I believe. FYI --- I wasn't trying to win anything. This wasn't a game, nor a contest, at least not to me. It was merely a discussion, a conversation. If you want to pat yourself on the back, raise victory flags, and dance in the street, be my guess. I lost nothing, not one single thing. We both stated our cases, expressed our views, and was totally in disagreement. I see nothing to gloat over. Not everyone agrees on everything. People do have different opinions. You believe that you're right, and I believe that I'm right. Is that a sin or crime? Hardly. I stated before that I don't play games on forums. Obviously, you consider a conversation a game where there's a winner and a loser. That's kind of silly to me. Every conversation doesn't have to be a game. Every conversation doesn't have a winner and a loser. Adults can chat, express opinions, and have differences without keeping score. This forum is for civil discussions, debates, and expressing one's views on a variety of topics. I have not read anywhere that states this forum is a game where we keep score and have winners and losers.

I am willing to discuss any subject matter, but I refuse to make a game of it, keep score, and declare winners and losers. To me, that's silly, immature, and totally unnecessary. If you would like to discuss any issue, I'll be more than glad to engage. But, I refuse to play a winner and loser game, keep score, and then gloat afterwards. I doubt that anyone is going to knock on your door and hand you a large cardboard check, pass out balloons, and have cameras rolling.
I showed that your position was bunk and the opposite of what "social justice" ought to mean, if it should mean anything.
You showed me absolutely nothing. I'm sure that in your mind, you believe that you did. It may have been "bunk" to you, but I certainly didn't see it that way. Like I have said several times already, you see it one way, and I see it another way. You may have attempted to show me something, but obviously, you failed. All I saw was your opinion.

hey dumbass, runnin' your yap doesn't make it true
Your age? Does it make you feel important or intelligent to call someone names? Do you get a thrill from acting childish? Do you know how to be adult and civil in conversations?

now you use false outrage to avoid providing proof


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