What is the 15% global tax about ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?
The beginning of globalist taxation so no one has anywhere to hide from high tax governments and the globalists gain more control over the world---------short of being a billionaire and buying loopholes, you will not be able to move to escape taxes. They are trying to UNITE the countries taxing system, money system (like the Euro), and regulatory bodies making it easier for the world elite to control everything.
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?
The beginning of globalist taxation so no one has anywhere to hide from high tax governments and the globalists gain more control over the world---------short of being a billionaire and buying loopholes, you will not be able to move to escape taxes. They are trying to UNITE the countries taxing system, money system (like the Euro), and regulatory bodies making it easier for the world elite to control everything.
are they going to tax the middle class or is it for corporations only ?
It is the logical step for those who whine about corporations moving assets internationally to avoid paying higher taxes.

These people whine about corporations not paying "their fair share".
But these same people who whine about it do not mention the fact that our elected officials created the loopholes that the corporations use to avoid paying more taxes.
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?
The beginning of globalist taxation so no one has anywhere to hide from high tax governments and the globalists gain more control over the world---------short of being a billionaire and buying loopholes, you will not be able to move to escape taxes. They are trying to UNITE the countries taxing system, money system (like the Euro), and regulatory bodies making it easier for the world elite to control everything.
are they going to tax the middle class or is it for corporations only ?
It will be everybody eventually---------its a power grab----and they are trying to make it sound better than it is now to get support. They talk of taxing corporations but you know they won't limit it to that. There are several countries taxing authorities involved including the IRS--do you really think the IRS is just going to go after corporations when individuals are much easier low lying fruit? And they are vague about the details which is always a sign to be very afraid.
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?

Presumably it will prevent companies from moving their operations off shore to avoid tax that has been levied by their "homeland".

Terrible idea.
It's the socialist er Dems, and Xiden's propaganda to try and sell their massive tax increase on the working class.

Xiden is trying to say don't worry...he is going to get the world to pay this tax as well..

and then when the world doesn't...because it's rather stupid...he can blame everyone else for raping the working class again
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?
Well the same people that have been paying the U.N. dues will be paying the Global tax for all.

It isn't going to happen but those who take these trips on someone else's dollar have to pretend they are doing something.
Multi-national companies should be made to pay their fair share of what they profit in each country. Taking advantage of national infrastructures while playing at international addresses is a stupid thing to allow them to do.
It is the logical step for those who whine about corporations moving assets internationally to avoid paying higher taxes.

These people whine about corporations not paying "their fair share".
But these same people who whine about it do not mention the fact that our elected officials created the loopholes that the corporations use to avoid paying more taxes.
Isn't it amazing that this is not obvious to so many?
i've been hearing a lot of talk about a 15% global attacks lately and that the leaders at the G7 are discussing it ! could someone explaine what they are talking about and just who is going to pay those taxes ?
The beginning of globalist taxation so no one has anywhere to hide from high tax governments and the globalists gain more control over the world---------short of being a billionaire and buying loopholes, you will not be able to move to escape taxes. They are trying to UNITE the countries taxing system, money system (like the Euro), and regulatory bodies making it easier for the world elite to control everything.
are they going to tax the middle class or is it for corporations only ?
when you tax the corps. you are taxing the middle class because its always transferred down hill
I believe the real problem is the labyrinth of tax breaks, exemptions, deductions, and all sorts of ways that corporations and big biz avoid paying taxes. Most of it is political paybacks for donations and support to the politicians in each state (both dem and repub) that connive with each other to give the special interests grants and loans or in some cases a tax loophole to pay less taxes than everyone else. I think that this entire business of trying to institute a global minimum tax is basically an attempt by the democrats to disincentivize US corps and businesses from relocating some or all of their operations overseas somewhere to avoid paying higher US taxes. Let's not kid ourselves, the big guys will find ways to get around this; and what are we going to do if a country basically gives us the finger and says "we're going to lower our corp tax rate to 10% and if you don't like then fuck you"? Is it even constitutional for the US Gov't to levy a higher tax rate on any particular US business based on what country they decide to do business in? I dunno.

2 things. One, this is about politics as much as it is about additional revenue. The democrats want to be able to go to the voters and say, "see we fucked the big guys, vote for us and we'll fuck 'em some more!" Or words to that effect. Which is pretty popular with a lotta people here. They always talk about paying their fair share, but they never say how much that fair share is. That's because they won't tell us that the answer isn't a number, it's always MORE than they're paying now.

The 2nd thing is more pragmatic. I don't see why the Left doesn't understand this, but the reality is that when corporate tax rates are raised, there are consequences. One of which is that businesses that can afford it will move offshore; that's what this global minimum tax is all about, they're trying to close that option. I doubt that is legally acceptable, but even if it was the problem still exists. And that problem is that ultimately the people who end up actually paying that tax increase are the shareholders, employees and the customers. Not every shareholder is a rich guy, y'know? Do you have a 401k or an IRA? That's you, bub. Are you covered in a pension fund that where your pension might be coming from, or a mutual fund that you are depending on for retirement income? Guess what, you're a shareholder too.

Then there's the employees, when you raise the tax rate people get fired, or their hours worked drops, or their benefits get reduced. The businesses that can adjust do adjust, by cutting costs somewhere or raising prices. And that's where the customers come in, the cost of living goes up when corporate America has to pay more in taxes. How does the Left not see that? You tell me, does it make a difference to you if you pay $10/week in higher taxes or $10/week in higher food/gas/housing/clothing prices? Either way, you got fucked.
With more international intervention, workers would be paid closer to parity, thus avoiding job exportation.
Who here is okay with the idea that the international community can tell us what our minimum or maximum tax rate should be, either the corporate one or the individual one? Where do we get off telling any other country this is what your tax rate has to be or we'll boycott your ass? Or put economic sanctions of one kind or another on you? I doubt if many Americans would be okay with that, so why then is it okay for us to do that to another country?

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