What is the 5 billion for?

Sad say but that there are plenty of RETARDS here believed that Sandy Hook was staged...... and all of them are Trump supporters.

Trump and Alex and Alex Jones are buddies. Can you fucking believe that? I clinched my butt 3x when I first heard that.
Did President Trump destroy your business????

Glad you asked.

No .......... but I had Plan A B and C..... just Incase this moron lying hypocrite POTUS starts attacking our sector.

That is why maybe you didn’t noticed I was gone for a while then came back a little bit then gone again. Traveled heavily between Asia and Europe the back to US. Now I’m back. I’ll be okay.

I’m in the medical instruments business. 60 % of my consumables are made in China, 35% in Europe and 15% here in US.

Worst going to happen is..... I’m going to charge you 200% to 300% above the current prices. So if you ever get sick and hospitalized. You better pray your POTUS do not mess in the medical business. So far we have not heard him attacking us. Only attacking the drug makers.

The beauty of traveling heavily was that (wife is sick of travelings)......... I bring one of my very pretty sexy LATINA girlfriend. Have fun at the same time.
Shit Obamacare already raised the prices on them.....don't you remember........Taxing shit..........kinda how it wasn't ruled Unconstitutional then.........because they called it a fine.............

So America first huh...............you proud to provide jobs over there.........and not here..........kinda why we are tariffing them...............oh well.

Dude I am no different from thousands of manufacturers are doing business overseas.
I only did that to compete. Otherwise I might as well shut the door.

As one example. I need several microbiologist for the labs. It cost less than $30k in China. Its about $50k+ here in US
Slave labor is always cheaper.

Those are not slave labor. These are just the rates and they work in a clean room labs not warehouse.
3. Those who are stopped by a wall will (many will anyway) find other means of entry.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

How do we know until we build it? You're asking Trump to get money for something that isn't even on the table yet. DumBama said we would save on average $2,500 a year on healthcare insurance if they passed Commie Care. Nobody questioned where that money was going to come from until it was implemented. You know, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?

You are obsessing on who is funding the wall instead of discussing what improvements it will make. That's because you lose on that debate. So now when the wall is brought up, just remind people that Mexico didn't send us a check for it because it's all you have.

Well, I'm just going by what the President said. The president wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

Why is it you guys just can't come out and say, "Yes, the President lied to all of us and we don't care."
Wow, so you think our border professionals, military, engineers didn't figure that out already? It's a shame they don't have you around to advise them on things they never thought of.

Tell me mr smarty...... do you have any idea how that sexy wall going to build?

Full confession .......... I met one of the 8 construction companies that build the prototypes. They are located here in San Diego.

All of them have the basic footings and thickness ( maybe + - 1 foot )..footing are no more than 6 feet Ray. Make it 8 feet for you.

So how difficult is it to dig 8 feet deep x 7 feet long?

That fucking wall is a total joke Ray.

No, I don't have any idea how it will be built. However I am not a professional in that field. We do have professionals in that field who will create an effective border all obstacles taken into consideration.

For instance, do you really think that our agents would not see somebody digging a hole three feet from the wall? I mean.......seriously.

I'm a truck driver, but my family on my fathers side is in construction. My father was a bricklayer. An Uncle who was a carpenter. An Uncle who was a remodeler. Two cousins who are also remodelers. I was a bricklayers apprentice for a spell.

As a child, a teen and even an adult, I've dug plenty of holes at the time, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as you see in the movies. It doesn't take minutes, it takes days and even weeks. It takes very expensive construction equipment.

Israel has a very effective barrier, and even then, they discovered tunnels. But it sure beats allowing attackers to come over in a few minutes to kill people.

Ray I understand your resume but this has nothing to do with the wall.

There are no magic or specials in these walls Ray.

Stop comparing Israelis wall vs southern wall because the nature around those wall are entirely different entities

By that you are saying a wall will work with some people and not others. How did you come to that conclusion?

A barrier is to stop people from crossing a certain point no matter who it is or for what reason. In other words, it either works or it doesn't.

What you are saying is that our fences and barbed wire around prisons will stop convicted armed robbers from escaping, but not murderers. It's a silly point to try and make.

But let me test your honesty here: Last year our agents apprehended over 130,000 people trying (or completed) crossing our border. If a wall will not stop everybody, do you want to tell me it wouldn't stop at least 60,000 of them? And if you can admit that, wouldn't a wall to stop 60,000 a year be worth it?

I’m not saying that wall will not stop anybody.

All I’m saying is that it’s not that difficult to breach that stupid wall.

How can you be this dumb to compare a prison wall to southern wall? Are the prisoners has the ability to dig tunnels? Or over the fence when dark? Really?

Israel’s wall vs southern wall. Ray there are no millions of customers on the other sides of Israel’s wall. There are no incentives but a suicide to breach Israel’s wall.

Southern wall..... people are escaping from poverty, hungers, murders, drugs, gangs for better future to US. There are millions of customers here in US. There are millions of incentives here in US.

I’m being consistent and honest as I can. I don’t need to bullshit. Ray

Good points, all. I
Wow, so you think our border professionals, military, engineers didn't figure that out already? It's a shame they don't have you around to advise them on things they never thought of.

Tell me mr smarty...... do you have any idea how that sexy wall going to build?

Full confession .......... I met one of the 8 construction companies that build the prototypes. They are located here in San Diego.

All of them have the basic footings and thickness ( maybe + - 1 foot )..footing are no more than 6 feet Ray. Make it 8 feet for you.

So how difficult is it to dig 8 feet deep x 7 feet long?

That fucking wall is a total joke Ray.

No, I don't have any idea how it will be built. However I am not a professional in that field. We do have professionals in that field who will create an effective border all obstacles taken into consideration.

For instance, do you really think that our agents would not see somebody digging a hole three feet from the wall? I mean.......seriously.

I'm a truck driver, but my family on my fathers side is in construction. My father was a bricklayer. An Uncle who was a carpenter. An Uncle who was a remodeler. Two cousins who are also remodelers. I was a bricklayers apprentice for a spell.

As a child, a teen and even an adult, I've dug plenty of holes at the time, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as you see in the movies. It doesn't take minutes, it takes days and even weeks. It takes very expensive construction equipment.

Israel has a very effective barrier, and even then, they discovered tunnels. But it sure beats allowing attackers to come over in a few minutes to kill people.

Ray I understand your resume but this has nothing to do with the wall.

There are no magic or specials in these walls Ray.

Stop comparing Israelis wall vs southern wall because the nature around those wall are entirely different entities

By that you are saying a wall will work with some people and not others. How did you come to that conclusion?

A barrier is to stop people from crossing a certain point no matter who it is or for what reason. In other words, it either works or it doesn't.

What you are saying is that our fences and barbed wire around prisons will stop convicted armed robbers from escaping, but not murderers. It's a silly point to try and make.

But let me test your honesty here: Last year our agents apprehended over 130,000 people trying (or completed) crossing our border. If a wall will not stop everybody, do you want to tell me it wouldn't stop at least 60,000 of them? And if you can admit that, wouldn't a wall to stop 60,000 a year be worth it?

I’m not saying that wall will not stop anybody.

All I’m saying is that it’s not that difficult to breach that stupid wall.

How can you be this dumb to compare a prison wall to southern wall? Are the prisoners has the ability to dig tunnels? Or over the fence when dark? Really?

Israel’s wall vs southern wall. Ray there are no millions of customers on the other sides of Israel’s wall. There are no incentives but a suicide to breach Israel’s wall.

Southern wall..... people are escaping from poverty, hungers, murders, drugs, gangs for better future to US. There are millions of customers here in US. There are millions of incentives here in US.

I’m being consistent and honest as I can. I don’t need to bullshit. Ray

So you want them to turn America into a 3rd world shit hole?

Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

How do we know until we build it? You're asking Trump to get money for something that isn't even on the table yet. DumBama said we would save on average $2,500 a year on healthcare insurance if they passed Commie Care. Nobody questioned where that money was going to come from until it was implemented. You know, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?

You are obsessing on who is funding the wall instead of discussing what improvements it will make. That's because you lose on that debate. So now when the wall is brought up, just remind people that Mexico didn't send us a check for it because it's all you have.

Well, I'm just going by what the President said. The president wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

Why is it you guys just can't come out and say, "Yes, the President lied to all of us and we don't care."

Because it wasn't a lie
Wow, so you think our border professionals, military, engineers didn't figure that out already? It's a shame they don't have you around to advise them on things they never thought of.

Tell me mr smarty...... do you have any idea how that sexy wall going to build?

Full confession .......... I met one of the 8 construction companies that build the prototypes. They are located here in San Diego.

All of them have the basic footings and thickness ( maybe + - 1 foot )..footing are no more than 6 feet Ray. Make it 8 feet for you.

So how difficult is it to dig 8 feet deep x 7 feet long?

That fucking wall is a total joke Ray.

No, I don't have any idea how it will be built. However I am not a professional in that field. We do have professionals in that field who will create an effective border all obstacles taken into consideration.

For instance, do you really think that our agents would not see somebody digging a hole three feet from the wall? I mean.......seriously.

I'm a truck driver, but my family on my fathers side is in construction. My father was a bricklayer. An Uncle who was a carpenter. An Uncle who was a remodeler. Two cousins who are also remodelers. I was a bricklayers apprentice for a spell.

As a child, a teen and even an adult, I've dug plenty of holes at the time, and let me tell you, it's not as easy as you see in the movies. It doesn't take minutes, it takes days and even weeks. It takes very expensive construction equipment.

Israel has a very effective barrier, and even then, they discovered tunnels. But it sure beats allowing attackers to come over in a few minutes to kill people.

Ray I understand your resume but this has nothing to do with the wall.

There are no magic or specials in these walls Ray.

Stop comparing Israelis wall vs southern wall because the nature around those wall are entirely different entities

By that you are saying a wall will work with some people and not others. How did you come to that conclusion?

A barrier is to stop people from crossing a certain point no matter who it is or for what reason. In other words, it either works or it doesn't.

What you are saying is that our fences and barbed wire around prisons will stop convicted armed robbers from escaping, but not murderers. It's a silly point to try and make.

But let me test your honesty here: Last year our agents apprehended over 130,000 people trying (or completed) crossing our border. If a wall will not stop everybody, do you want to tell me it wouldn't stop at least 60,000 of them? And if you can admit that, wouldn't a wall to stop 60,000 a year be worth it?

I’m not saying that wall will not stop anybody.

All I’m saying is that it’s not that difficult to breach that stupid wall.

How can you be this dumb to compare a prison wall to southern wall? Are the prisoners has the ability to dig tunnels? Or over the fence when dark? Really?

Israel’s wall vs southern wall. Ray there are no millions of customers on the other sides of Israel’s wall. There are no incentives but a suicide to breach Israel’s wall.

Southern wall..... people are escaping from poverty, hungers, murders, drugs, gangs for better future to US. There are millions of customers here in US. There are millions of incentives here in US.

I’m being consistent and honest as I can. I don’t need to bullshit. Ray

So what could be more of an incentive than freedom? And yes, prisoners have busted out of prison before.

And I see you avoided my question; good call on your part. Yes, America is the greatest country in the world. However the world population is 7.5 billion people; many of which live in conditions and countries like S/C America. So how many of those 7.5 billion are you willing to let in?

People in the world need to solve their own problems, not create problems and bring them to us. Territory is not what makes places oppressive; people make places oppressive.

Everybody wants a better life. I live in this country and I would like a better life. People making six figures a year would like a better life. Millionaires would like a better life. It's just human nature.

The United States allows a million foreigners a year to become citizens. We issue over 11,000 Visa's per year. We hand out green cards and work permits so people can make money in our country and carry it back to their homeland to live a better life. What other country is as generous to people outside our borders than us?

And yet in spite of our generosity, in spite of our foreign aid, in spite of our personal monetary contributions to these countries, we are not doing enough even though we do more than any other country on this planet.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

How do we know until we build it? You're asking Trump to get money for something that isn't even on the table yet. DumBama said we would save on average $2,500 a year on healthcare insurance if they passed Commie Care. Nobody questioned where that money was going to come from until it was implemented. You know, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?

You are obsessing on who is funding the wall instead of discussing what improvements it will make. That's because you lose on that debate. So now when the wall is brought up, just remind people that Mexico didn't send us a check for it because it's all you have.

Well, I'm just going by what the President said. The president wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

Why is it you guys just can't come out and say, "Yes, the President lied to all of us and we don't care."
He exaggerated. You happy now.
Why would we need any of that money if Mexico is paying for it?

Fuck you guys and your wall. I don't want one penny to go toward it. That way you uneducated retards learn next time you want to vote for a demagogue with his bullshit promises.

I didn't want to pay for Cash for Clunkers. I didn't want to pay the food stamp bill which DumBama doubled. I didn't want to pay for Commie Care or Solyndra either.

Don't worry. We'll just trick a bunch of retards into believing that Mexico will pay for those things for us.


You never heard of tariffs?


Yea, like that.
Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

How do we know until we build it? You're asking Trump to get money for something that isn't even on the table yet. DumBama said we would save on average $2,500 a year on healthcare insurance if they passed Commie Care. Nobody questioned where that money was going to come from until it was implemented. You know, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?

You are obsessing on who is funding the wall instead of discussing what improvements it will make. That's because you lose on that debate. So now when the wall is brought up, just remind people that Mexico didn't send us a check for it because it's all you have.

Well, I'm just going by what the President said. The president wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

Why is it you guys just can't come out and say, "Yes, the President lied to all of us and we don't care."
He exaggerated. You happy now.

I'm almost always happy.

An exaggeration would be if we got a large percentage and then just added some in.
Getting $0.00 is a lie, right?

And how big was the check that you sent?

I didn't send anything.

Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.
He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

How do we know until we build it? You're asking Trump to get money for something that isn't even on the table yet. DumBama said we would save on average $2,500 a year on healthcare insurance if they passed Commie Care. Nobody questioned where that money was going to come from until it was implemented. You know, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it?

You are obsessing on who is funding the wall instead of discussing what improvements it will make. That's because you lose on that debate. So now when the wall is brought up, just remind people that Mexico didn't send us a check for it because it's all you have.

Well, I'm just going by what the President said. The president wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

Why is it you guys just can't come out and say, "Yes, the President lied to all of us and we don't care."
He exaggerated. You happy now.

I'm almost always happy.

An exaggeration would be if we got a large percentage and then just added some in.
Getting $0.00 is a lie, right?
We saved more than 5 billion on the trade deal.

And how big was the check that you sent?

I didn't send anything.

Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

You do know we already have 600 miles of it right?


And how big was the check that you sent?

I didn't send anything.

Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

You do know we already have 600 miles of it right?


That's great!

Have you donated today? I'm trying to help you guys.
And how big was the check that you sent?

I didn't send anything.

Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

You do know we already have 600 miles of it right?


That's great!

Have you donated today? I'm trying to help you guys.

Why didn't you complain about it then?
I didn't send anything.

Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

You do know we already have 600 miles of it right?


That's great!

Have you donated today? I'm trying to help you guys.

Why didn't you complain about it then?

I'm not complaining. I'm rallying people to donate to the fund.

Bunch of unpatriotic people in here.
Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

You do know we already have 600 miles of it right?


That's great!

Have you donated today? I'm trying to help you guys.

Why didn't you complain about it then?

I'm not complaining. I'm rallying people to donate to the fund.

Bunch of unpatriotic people in here.

You have been bitching about the wall we already have started to build this entire thread

I sure didn't hear you bitch about it when Obama was president, why is that kid?

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

You do know we already have 600 miles of it right?


That's great!

Have you donated today? I'm trying to help you guys.

Why didn't you complain about it then?

I'm not complaining. I'm rallying people to donate to the fund.

Bunch of unpatriotic people in here.

You have been bitching about the wall we already have started to build this entire thread

I sure didn't hear you bitch about it when Obama was president, why is that kid?


Not bitching.


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