What is the 5 billion for?

Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

I'm sure it is. However Donald Trump is not a person to back down. So what we may see is a government shutdown for months if not until 2020. And then people will realize just how worthless all those government workers are.

As for contributions, people on our side are contributing to enforcing our sovereignty and create solutions. People on your side are contributing to breaking laws. Quite a contrast, don't you think?

Just like how he didn't back down with making Mexico pay for the wall?

The government shutdown is fine with me too. It at least makes it more difficult for Trump to fuck anything up if the government isn't even running.

Plus, he's fighting a losing battle. If he caves in, he looks weak to his base. If he continues this, he's fighting a battle that Americans don't want. Lose-lose situation for him.

Americans Don’t Want A Government Shutdown Because Of The Border Wall

Poll: Americans Want Trump To Compromise On Border Wall To Avoid Possible Shutdown

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

People on your side are a bunch of racists who just don't like brown people.

YupYwhat I was waiting for

You are putting the life of Americans In danger because you think it's racist?

party before country..


Don't care. The wall is dumb. The wall isn't going to protect people. The racists want the wall, and fuck what they want.

I love how you go against common sense and just throw a tantrum over Trump

I'm sure it is. However Donald Trump is not a person to back down. So what we may see is a government shutdown for months if not until 2020. And then people will realize just how worthless all those government workers are.

As for contributions, people on our side are contributing to enforcing our sovereignty and create solutions. People on your side are contributing to breaking laws. Quite a contrast, don't you think?

Just like how he didn't back down with making Mexico pay for the wall?

The government shutdown is fine with me too. It at least makes it more difficult for Trump to fuck anything up if the government isn't even running.

Plus, he's fighting a losing battle. If he caves in, he looks weak to his base. If he continues this, he's fighting a battle that Americans don't want. Lose-lose situation for him.

Americans Don’t Want A Government Shutdown Because Of The Border Wall

Poll: Americans Want Trump To Compromise On Border Wall To Avoid Possible Shutdown

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

People on your side are a bunch of racists who just don't like brown people.
It's not brown people I don't like, it's folks coming over here to get on Welfare.

Yea I get that. Border security IS an issue and should be addressed. I just don't think a wall is a very cost-effective way to get that done.

And not everyone on the right is a racist piece of shit. But there are A LOT who are.

You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

Because you think laws are racist and want to exploit the brown people.

Just like how he didn't back down with making Mexico pay for the wall?

The government shutdown is fine with me too. It at least makes it more difficult for Trump to fuck anything up if the government isn't even running.

Plus, he's fighting a losing battle. If he caves in, he looks weak to his base. If he continues this, he's fighting a battle that Americans don't want. Lose-lose situation for him.

Americans Don’t Want A Government Shutdown Because Of The Border Wall

Poll: Americans Want Trump To Compromise On Border Wall To Avoid Possible Shutdown

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

People on your side are a bunch of racists who just don't like brown people.
It's not brown people I don't like, it's folks coming over here to get on Welfare.

Yea I get that. Border security IS an issue and should be addressed. I just don't think a wall is a very cost-effective way to get that done.

And not everyone on the right is a racist piece of shit. But there are A LOT who are.

You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

Because you think laws are racist and want to exploit the brown people.


I didn't say laws are racist.
Yet you expect me to send to the border wall.......how unexpected.

302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

I'm sure it is. However Donald Trump is not a person to back down. So what we may see is a government shutdown for months if not until 2020. And then people will realize just how worthless all those government workers are.

As for contributions, people on our side are contributing to enforcing our sovereignty and create solutions. People on your side are contributing to breaking laws. Quite a contrast, don't you think?

Just like how he didn't back down with making Mexico pay for the wall?

The government shutdown is fine with me too. It at least makes it more difficult for Trump to fuck anything up if the government isn't even running.

Plus, he's fighting a losing battle. If he caves in, he looks weak to his base. If he continues this, he's fighting a battle that Americans don't want. Lose-lose situation for him.

Americans Don’t Want A Government Shutdown Because Of The Border Wall

Poll: Americans Want Trump To Compromise On Border Wall To Avoid Possible Shutdown

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

People on your side are a bunch of racists who just don't like brown people.

And people on your side are members of the anti-white party.

If Trump conducted himself by polls, he would have dropped out of the race after his first primary debate.

Did he back down from having Mexico pay for the wall?


Where did you go, Ray From Cleveland?
It's not brown people I don't like, it's folks coming over here to get on Welfare.

Yea I get that. Border security IS an issue and should be addressed. I just don't think a wall is a very cost-effective way to get that done.

And not everyone on the right is a racist piece of shit. But there are A LOT who are.

You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

Because you think laws are racist and want to exploit the brown people.


I didn't say laws are racist.

Of course you did, you think a border wall is racist

How is it racist?

Yea I get that. Border security IS an issue and should be addressed. I just don't think a wall is a very cost-effective way to get that done.

And not everyone on the right is a racist piece of shit. But there are A LOT who are.

You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

Because you think laws are racist and want to exploit the brown people.


I didn't say laws are racist.

Of course you did, you think a border wall is racist

How is it racist?


You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

Because you think laws are racist and want to exploit the brown people.


I didn't say laws are racist.

Of course you did, you think a border wall is racist

How is it racist?



So all you have is drunk memes?
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

Lol ...quit the B.S. you just don't want it because it's from Trump

Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

Does it matter? Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $155 billion a year, or 31 times more.

You're not willing to spend a measly $5 billion to save $150 billion?

$5B for wall way less than illegals' $155B annual burden

FAIR’s “Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration” Study Is Fatally Flawed
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Sad say but that there are plenty of RETARDS here believed that Sandy Hook was staged...... and all of them are Trump supporters.

Trump and Alex and Alex Jones are buddies. Can you fucking believe that? I clinched my butt 3x when I first heard that.
Did President Trump destroy your business????

Glad you asked.

No .......... but I had Plan A B and C..... just Incase this moron lying hypocrite POTUS starts attacking our sector.

That is why maybe you didn’t noticed I was gone for a while then came back a little bit then gone again. Traveled heavily between Asia and Europe the back to US. Now I’m back. I’ll be okay.

I’m in the medical instruments business. 60 % of my consumables are made in China, 35% in Europe and 15% here in US.

Worst going to happen is..... I’m going to charge you 200% to 300% above the current prices. So if you ever get sick and hospitalized. You better pray your POTUS do not mess in the medical business. So far we have not heard him attacking us. Only attacking the drug makers.

The beauty of traveling heavily was that (wife is sick of travelings)......... I bring one of my very pretty sexy LATINA girlfriend. Have fun at the same time.
Half of my town is in the medical field in one capacity or another and they are making money hand over fist.
In other words, your paranoia was just that...paranoia.
Last edited:
A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.

You don't "think" or you wouldn't be such a leftard drone. Critical thinking skills are frowned upon in the dnc circles....it's dangerous to their agenda.

Says the retard who thinks Sandy Hook was staged, lol.

Sad say but that there are plenty of RETARDS here believed that Sandy Hook was staged...... and all of them are Trump supporters.

Trump and Alex and Alex Jones are buddies. Can you fucking believe that? I clinched my butt 3x when I first heard that.
Did President Trump destroy your business????

Glad you asked.

No .......... but I had Plan A B and C..... just Incase this moron lying hypocrite POTUS starts attacking our sector.

That is why maybe you didn’t noticed I was gone for a while then came back a little bit then gone again. Traveled heavily between Asia and Europe the back to US. Now I’m back. I’ll be okay.

I’m in the medical instruments business. 60 % of my consumables are made in China, 35% in Europe and 15% here in US.

Worst going to happen is..... I’m going to charge you 200% to 300% above the current prices. So if you ever get sick and hospitalized. You better pray your POTUS do not mess in the medical business. So far we have not heard him attacking us. Only attacking the drug makers.

The beauty of traveling heavily was that (wife is sick of travelings)......... I bring one of my very pretty sexy LATINA girlfriend. Have fun at the same time.
The globalist GW already has the medical price gouging award of the milenia.
But you loved him because he was the Open Borders king.
302,859 people have donated to it already. It's one of the few things I think the left and right can agree on.

You guys want to put up money for a wall. And I want to laugh at you guys for putting money up for a wall.

Or not. And don't have a wall. That's fine with me too.

I'm sure it is. However Donald Trump is not a person to back down. So what we may see is a government shutdown for months if not until 2020. And then people will realize just how worthless all those government workers are.

As for contributions, people on our side are contributing to enforcing our sovereignty and create solutions. People on your side are contributing to breaking laws. Quite a contrast, don't you think?

Just like how he didn't back down with making Mexico pay for the wall?

The government shutdown is fine with me too. It at least makes it more difficult for Trump to fuck anything up if the government isn't even running.

Plus, he's fighting a losing battle. If he caves in, he looks weak to his base. If he continues this, he's fighting a battle that Americans don't want. Lose-lose situation for him.

Americans Don’t Want A Government Shutdown Because Of The Border Wall

Poll: Americans Want Trump To Compromise On Border Wall To Avoid Possible Shutdown

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

People on your side are a bunch of racists who just don't like brown people.

And people on your side are members of the anti-white party.

If Trump conducted himself by polls, he would have dropped out of the race after his first primary debate.

Did he back down from having Mexico pay for the wall?


Where did you go, Ray From Cleveland?

To bed. Some of us working people have to stay on schedule for when we return to the job on Wednesday.

So one more time because the last ten times didn't seem to sink in:

We don't care who pays for it. IT'S NOT OUR ISSUE--IT'S YOURS. And again, we don't know what his plans are once the funds are appropriated. He may get Mexico to pay it by force. We don't know. He may cut foreign aid, he may tax money Mexican citizens send to Mexico, we just don't know. What we do know is that it will pay for itself AFTER it reduces the amount of illegals flowing into the country. In fact it will save us ten times what we spend.
I'm sure it is. However Donald Trump is not a person to back down. So what we may see is a government shutdown for months if not until 2020. And then people will realize just how worthless all those government workers are.

As for contributions, people on our side are contributing to enforcing our sovereignty and create solutions. People on your side are contributing to breaking laws. Quite a contrast, don't you think?

Just like how he didn't back down with making Mexico pay for the wall?

The government shutdown is fine with me too. It at least makes it more difficult for Trump to fuck anything up if the government isn't even running.

Plus, he's fighting a losing battle. If he caves in, he looks weak to his base. If he continues this, he's fighting a battle that Americans don't want. Lose-lose situation for him.

Americans Don’t Want A Government Shutdown Because Of The Border Wall

Poll: Americans Want Trump To Compromise On Border Wall To Avoid Possible Shutdown

Poll: Majorities oppose Trump's wall funding demand, call for compromise

People on your side are a bunch of racists who just don't like brown people.
It's not brown people I don't like, it's folks coming over here to get on Welfare.

Yea I get that. Border security IS an issue and should be addressed. I just don't think a wall is a very cost-effective way to get that done.

And not everyone on the right is a racist piece of shit. But there are A LOT who are.

You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

No, they don't want to fund it because they know it will work, and they don't want anything that will work.
You're all over the place, so border security is fine but a wall is racist?


Democrats are fine with border security. They just don't want to fund the wall. Because it's a dumb idea.

Because you think laws are racist and want to exploit the brown people.


I didn't say laws are racist.

Of course you did, you think a border wall is racist

How is it racist?



Don't care. The wall is dumb. The wall isn't going to protect people. The racists want the wall, and fuck what they want.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

Does it matter? Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $155 billion a year, or 31 times more.

You're not willing to spend a measly $5 billion to save $150 billion?

$5B for wall way less than illegals' $155B annual burden


Why should we? Didn't Orange tell us Mexico was paying for it?
I'm sure it is. However Donald Trump is not a person to back down. So what we may see is a government shutdown for months if not until 2020. And then people will realize just how worthless all those government workers are.

As for contributions, people on our side are contributing to enforcing our sovereignty and create solutions. People on your side are contributing to breaking laws. Quite a contrast, don't you think?

Is this the same Donald Trump that backed down from the CAS that had him paying his "satisfied customers" $25,000,000.00? Did you enjoy the military parade? Hillary is still walking around..what happened to locking her up? Just 3 of the ways your blob has oozed back from a marker he sat down.

So WTF does any of this have to do with my comment? Perhaps I had one to many beers, but maybe I'll understand your explanation tomorrow.
However Donald Trump is not a person to back down.

He backs down constantly.

If that's the what you believe, I'm sure you'll appreciate his stance this time.

Believe? Sure because each example is factual.

He wants $5B. If he gets less in the CR, will you agree he caved?

Not if he gets 4.5 or something close. Anything less, then yes he caved. But I don't foresee that this time.
Couple things

1- bogus math
2 - bogus logic that a wall would stop all illegal immigrants. 40% enter legally . That’s just your starting point .

3. Those who are stopped by a wall will (many will anyway) find other means of entry.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

But, but, campaign promise! Campaign promise!

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