What is the 5 billion for?

If Trump never made that statement and said he would fund the wall, it wouldn't have changed one vote. We didn't elect Trump because of Mexico paying for the wall, we elected Trump because he promised to build one.

I doubt that.

Do you have any data to support that claim?

Where would one find such data?

You are asking for something you know isn't there. Typical leftist.

So you're just making a claim that you can't support in any fucking way.

Ok, got it.

How many people do you think would have not voted for Trump if he promised to build the wall, but we would pay for it instead? It's not data, it's common sense. The most important issue was not who was going to pay for it.

A lot.

I don't think Trump supporters are the smartest bunch and I certainly don't expect them to have common sense. I mean...they're the same retards who believed Trump would pay for it in the first place, right? Not much common sense there.

But that's just my opinion. I don't claim this as a fact.
Well when we Trump supporter observe ewe dumb democrats and your cities such as Detroit, LA, Portland, San Fran and pretty much the entire fucking state of California has pretty much gone down the shitter we thinks you may have severe fucking brain damage.
Trump's 40' concrete wall evidently now is a fence and only part of the border security program.

So, why isn't there a breakdown of what the money is for?

I mean if it not for that 40' concrete wall, why don't we know more??

Does it matter? Illegal immigration costs taxpayers $155 billion a year, or 31 times more.

You're not willing to spend a measly $5 billion to save $150 billion?

I'm not willing to spend a penny on the bullshit promise you idiots fell for. But here, I welcome you to spend for it.

Click here to support We The People Will Fund The Wall organized by Brian Kolfage

Put your money where your mouth is.
Does this mean you are willing to pay for every single illegal and let the taxpayers off the hook? Put your money where your big mouth is!

I didn't say I want all illegals here, you fucking moron.

I said that I don't support you retarded wall.
Nothing else has worked bitch so either support the wall or ewe pay for the fucking illegals you idiot!
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.
Does this mean you are willing to pay for every single illegal and let the taxpayers off the hook? Put your money where your big mouth is!

I didn't say I want all illegals here, you fucking moron.

I said that I don't support you retarded wall.
Who gives a shit what you want.............LOL

Ok.........to the op..........we promise to put a few solar panels on the walls.............that should make you happy.

Apparently the last idiot cared enough to ask me.

I'll agree to solar panels on the wall.

Right after we get the funds from Mexico to pay for the wall, we'll be happy to put solar panels on it.
That's original.............wow..........

How much does it cost America per year for all the new illegals coming here............or perhaps just one going to school after they get here.............thanks in advance .........Oh I forgot ............Saving money doesn't pay for anything.........

Okie Dokie....

So...Mexico ISN'T paying for the wall?!


How could that be?
There are many ways to have Mexico pay for that wall. Think outside your sandbox moron! Can ewe think of any? Or are you just all about shooting off talking points?work with us here, your intelligence is not shining through!
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though
3. Those who are stopped by a wall will (many will anyway) find other means of entry.
Stupid to start bailing until you seal the leaks.

Even dumber to sell a boat to morons and say that the boat they are buying is water-tight when it clearly is not;

Dumber still to vote for the guy selling you the leaky boat.

He told us the boat was leaking before he sold it. He also said he was going to fix the leak. Now we want him to do just that, but the Democrats are hell bent on making sure he can't. So blame the Democrats for the leak not getting repaired--not Trump.

I thought Mexico was going to repair the boat? Trump wasn't lying was he? A simple yes or yes will suffice.

But, but, campaign promise! Campaign promise!
Well was he lying or is he just incredibly ineffective?
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though

It's more fun watching the Democrat Party melt into disarray, while believing that they're actually "unified" in anything but their hatred of a President.

I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my baby brother.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though
Use the fees from Mexicans in legal immigration for the Wall........same thing Obama did to create a slush fund for DACA and the Dreamers..............Did OBAMA get that approved by Congress.............LOL

Another Legacy item.........
- Cruel Reality: Obama Paying for Illegal Amnesty With Fees Paid by Legal Immigrants

As the debate rages on Capitol Hill about how to defund President Obama's executive action that gives legal status to 5 million illegal immigrants, it's important to take a look at where the funding for his new amnesty program is coming from.

The funding for Obama's executive action is coming through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, a fee, not tax based agency under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security. Because the USCIS is a fee based agency, many have argued Congress cannot defund it. According to the Congressional Research Service, Congress does in fact have the ability to defund the agency through the appropriations process.

Obama was one Sneaky/dirty ass politician...............Using the money for whatever HE FELT was right without the consent of the people...........

There's the money for Border Security...........being used to try to make illegals citizens..........and the left says.........OBAMA was so tough on immigration......................
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though

It's more fun watching the Democrat Party melt into disarray, while believing that they're actually "unified" in anything but their hatred of a President.

I haven't had this much fun since the hogs ate my baby brother.

I have zero doubt that the Democrats will screw it up. They usually do.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though
Use the fees from Mexicans in legal immigration for the Wall........same thing Obama did to create a slush fund for DACA and the Dreamers..............Did OBAMA get that approved by Congress.............LOL

Another Legacy item.........

Again, that isn’t Mexico paying for the wall. But you’ve already admitted “we’re going to pay for it”….I know that was hard for you; telling the truth and all.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though
Use the fees from Mexicans in legal immigration for the Wall........same thing Obama did to create a slush fund for DACA and the Dreamers..............Did OBAMA get that approved by Congress.............LOL

Another Legacy item.........

Again, that isn’t Mexico paying for the wall. But you’ve already admitted “we’re going to pay for it”….I know that was hard for you; telling the truth and all.
They pay the fees now don't they............Where was the authorization from the people for Obama to do this..........Did he get that approval to use that money for legal fees to Dreamers and DACA.........Why no he didn't................but did it anyway.............and during the time frame............didn't use it to improve security at the border.

Currently El Paso district is processing about 2000 immigrants a week........Since the infrastructure can't handle these numbers they are releasing them again and back to Catch and Release.............They are having to do it for 2 main reasons..............The Flores agreement and recent 9TH Court ruling on the families...........who have twisted it again to force ICE detention centers to let them go...............They don't have the facilities and manpower to handle the numbers.......under Flores they can only hold children for 20 days.............and now through loop holes have to start turning the families out for a later court date again..............All via LEGAL LOOP HOLES........and JUDICIAL ACTIVISM of leftist Judges........

That is why a flood is coming to the legal entry points of entry...........why another Caravan of 15000 are coming.......and even larger caravans will follow to overwhelm the border patrol and detentions centers to use the loop holes against us.

Congress refuses to get rid of the loop holes.
Congress refuses to fund more facilities and manpower.
Congress refuses to go after the businesses who hire them.
Congress refuses to hire more Court teams to speed up the process..
Then Politicians ham it up on MSM saying look how EVIL THE OTHER SIDE IS.....even though they refuse to improve and fund answers to those problems........

Its about an establishment that doesn't want secure borders........for cheap labor and votes and nothing more....and why the people are getting pissed about it...........but we've been demanding they do something for decades.........Come election time they shout WE WILL FIX THIS.......like 2006 and spend hardly a damned thing after the show on it......It's the situation and we are tired of it.......
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

You are kidding.......right?

We wanted a wall long before Trump even thought of running for President. The wall is why we elected him. Unlike every other contender, he heard what we demanded and promised to provide. So we voted for him.

Trump had four bankruptcies in his career of running or owning over 500 companies. That means he had one bankruptcy for every 100 he operated. Find me another businessman with that record. Plus most of his bankruptcies happened during bad economic times when other companies were doing the same.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

You are kidding.......right?

We wanted a wall long before Trump even thought of running for President. The wall is why we elected him. Unlike every other contender, he heard what we demanded and promised to provide. So we voted for him.

Trump had four bankruptcies in his career of running or owning over 500 companies. That means he had one bankruptcy for every 100 he operated. Find me another businessman with that record. Plus most of his bankruptcies happened during bad economic times when other companies were doing the same.

Good boy. Do you fetch and roll over too?

Quote yourself where you were demanding a wall before the blob told you that you wanted one.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

You are kidding.......right?

We wanted a wall long before Trump even thought of running for President. The wall is why we elected him. Unlike every other contender, he heard what we demanded and promised to provide. So we voted for him.

Trump had four bankruptcies in his career of running or owning over 500 companies. That means he had one bankruptcy for every 100 he operated. Find me another businessman with that record. Plus most of his bankruptcies happened during bad economic times when other companies were doing the same.
The Wall was a big aspect for voting for him.

The number one reason was SCOTUS............we couldn't afford to let Hillary make those appointments....because they would do JUDICIAL ACTIVISM ON STEROIDS if she was elected.........

Judicial activism is now forcing ICE to release illegal immigrants again..........through more loop holes in the system...........and that will be challenged in the SCOTUS again..........if Hillary had appointed them........they would have used the SCOTUS to Open the borders WIDE THE FUCK OPEN........

At least we stopped that with Trump........

Not to mention Paris Agreement........TPP and etc..........French are real happy about that Accord right now. LOL
A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though
Use the fees from Mexicans in legal immigration for the Wall........same thing Obama did to create a slush fund for DACA and the Dreamers..............Did OBAMA get that approved by Congress.............LOL

Another Legacy item.........

Again, that isn’t Mexico paying for the wall. But you’ve already admitted “we’re going to pay for it”….I know that was hard for you; telling the truth and all.
They pay the fees now don't they............Where was the authorization from the people for Obama to do this..........Did he get that approval to use that money for legal fees to Dreamers and DACA.........Why no he didn't................but did it anyway.............and during the time frame............didn't use it to improve security at the border.

Currently El Paso district is processing about 2000 immigrants a week........Since the infrastructure can't handle these numbers they are releasing them again and back to Catch and Release.............They are having to do it for 2 main reasons..............The Flores agreement and recent 9TH Court ruling on the families...........who have twisted it again to force ICE detention centers to let them go...............They don't have the facilities and manpower to handle the numbers.......under Flores they can only hold children for 20 days.............and now through loop holes have to start turning the families out for a later court date again..............All via LEGAL LOOP HOLES........and JUDICIAL ACTIVISM of leftist Judges........

That is why a flood is coming to the legal entry points of entry...........why another Caravan of 15000 are coming.......and even larger caravans will follow to overwhelm the border patrol and detentions centers to use the loop holes against us.

Congress refuses to get rid of the loop holes.
Congress refuses to fund more facilities and manpower.
Congress refuses to go after the businesses who hire them.
Congress refuses to hire more Court teams to speed up the process..
Then Politicians ham it up on MSM saying look how EVIL THE OTHER SIDE IS.....even though they refuse to improve and fund answers to those problems........

Its about an establishment that doesn't want secure borders........for cheap labor and votes and nothing more....and why the people are getting pissed about it...........but we've been demanding they do something for decades.........Come election time they shout WE WILL FIX THIS.......like 2006 and spend hardly a damned thing after the show on it......It's the situation and we are tired of it.......


We’ve had the border that we have now for about 60-80 years. We haven’t been overran, conquered, threatened, or even injured. During those 60 years, the growth of the economy and American influence has been largely unparalleled. It didn’t happen because of illegal immigration but illegal immigration certainly didn’t prevent any of it from happening.
A wall does not equate to border security. People opposed to a wall are not in favor of open borders. Those are scam talking points aka, lies from the liar in chief. A wall is the least effective way to achieve border security. Notice how proponents always add "sniper and machine gun equipped guard towers", "minefields" along with all the things sensible people are asking for such as drones, electronic surveillance, additional manpower, more judges and effective courts, etc. Leave out the scam points being made to satisfy the ego of our narcissistic asshole President Trump and end this costly charade.

A wall is a huge part of border security and it won't be the solution for every case. However in many cases, it will stop or at the very least, extremely slow down the border crossers. It also acts as a deterrent.

So why are your puppet masters telling you it won't do any good even though there is zero evidence of their claim? Because a wall cannot easily be removed. Democrats know a wall will provide positive results, but they don't want to stop this flow of illegals. They want it to continue and expand, it's just they can't tell you that.

Democrats only want solutions they can get rid of once in power again so they can get more illegals into the country and not take any blame.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

You are kidding.......right?

We wanted a wall long before Trump even thought of running for President. The wall is why we elected him. Unlike every other contender, he heard what we demanded and promised to provide. So we voted for him.

Trump had four bankruptcies in his career of running or owning over 500 companies. That means he had one bankruptcy for every 100 he operated. Find me another businessman with that record. Plus most of his bankruptcies happened during bad economic times when other companies were doing the same.

Good boy. Do you fetch and roll over too?

Quote yourself where you were demanding a wall before the blob told you that you wanted one.
I was for the 2006 Fence Act..........so were people like Obama, Schumer, Hillary..........oh how times changed......they got what they wanted ...........THEIR POWER..............and then spent very small amounts on the Fence...........to later go SEE........it doesn't work.

They were a joke on the border........always have been and always will be..........They are HAS BEENS........LOL

Clinton in the 90's used the same crap for the election........built about 8 miles of fence for the votes.........LOL

Our politicians will ONLY IMPROVE BORDER SECURITY when a fire is held to their collective asses.......and that is what this is about.

CBP said last years funding for improvements were the most they had seen in 10 years......1.4 Billion.......and repairs upgrades going on now they have been begging for since 2008

That is what this is about.
Some, actually many, are convinced they can not trust a person who consistently lies and has a long proven record of being a scam artist like Trump. He has a long history of dishonesty and using lies to promote fake and fraudulent enterprises. His many bankruptcies are examples. So many bankruptcies that no American bank will loan him a dollar or dime. Amazingly, his followers ignore this and still call him a wonderful businessman.

People who get scammed often refuse to admit they have been scammed. Trump's wall supporters have fallen for his wall scam and refuse to admit it has been a big scam.

It is fun watching the rationalization fest though
Use the fees from Mexicans in legal immigration for the Wall........same thing Obama did to create a slush fund for DACA and the Dreamers..............Did OBAMA get that approved by Congress.............LOL

Another Legacy item.........

Again, that isn’t Mexico paying for the wall. But you’ve already admitted “we’re going to pay for it”….I know that was hard for you; telling the truth and all.
They pay the fees now don't they............Where was the authorization from the people for Obama to do this..........Did he get that approval to use that money for legal fees to Dreamers and DACA.........Why no he didn't................but did it anyway.............and during the time frame............didn't use it to improve security at the border.

Currently El Paso district is processing about 2000 immigrants a week........Since the infrastructure can't handle these numbers they are releasing them again and back to Catch and Release.............They are having to do it for 2 main reasons..............The Flores agreement and recent 9TH Court ruling on the families...........who have twisted it again to force ICE detention centers to let them go...............They don't have the facilities and manpower to handle the numbers.......under Flores they can only hold children for 20 days.............and now through loop holes have to start turning the families out for a later court date again..............All via LEGAL LOOP HOLES........and JUDICIAL ACTIVISM of leftist Judges........

That is why a flood is coming to the legal entry points of entry...........why another Caravan of 15000 are coming.......and even larger caravans will follow to overwhelm the border patrol and detentions centers to use the loop holes against us.

Congress refuses to get rid of the loop holes.
Congress refuses to fund more facilities and manpower.
Congress refuses to go after the businesses who hire them.
Congress refuses to hire more Court teams to speed up the process..
Then Politicians ham it up on MSM saying look how EVIL THE OTHER SIDE IS.....even though they refuse to improve and fund answers to those problems........

Its about an establishment that doesn't want secure borders........for cheap labor and votes and nothing more....and why the people are getting pissed about it...........but we've been demanding they do something for decades.........Come election time they shout WE WILL FIX THIS.......like 2006 and spend hardly a damned thing after the show on it......It's the situation and we are tired of it.......


We’ve had the border that we have now for about 60-80 years. We haven’t been overran, conquered, threatened, or even injured. During those 60 years, the growth of the economy and American influence has been largely unparalleled. It didn’t happen because of illegal immigration but illegal immigration certainly didn’t prevent any of it from happening.

Your deflecting my points.............tomorrow when the detention centers are full..........you will scream about that......

We'll say let's build better facilities, and hire more people to man them..............Then maybe not you but the leftist will SCREAM RACISM.....then they next thing will be why are you being cruel.........while refusing to fund the new facilities.........establishment GOP will make a good show.......we voted for it and tried.....knowing that it wouldn't be passed......

It's all a SHOW.......and the numbers from El Paso are spot on........that only shows the ones they catch........not the ones getting through..........but you don't care because YOU WANT OPEN BORDERS.

You will say otherwise.......I really don't care.........because by the Dems policies it is CRYSTAL CLEAR they don't want to secure our borders.

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