What Is The Best conservative Media, Blogs, Think Tanks etc. Share The Knowlege!


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
What Are The Best conservative Media, Blogs, Think Tanks, etc. Share The Knowlege!

Here are a few off of the top of my head.


Hot Air
Hot Air
Gateway Pundit
The Gateway Pundit | Where Hope Made a Comeback
The Blaze
The Blaze
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
Big Government
- Big Government
Drudge Report
Sweetness & Light
Sweetness & Light
Pajamas Media
Pajamas Media
Right Network
Liberty Pen
Breaking News and Conservative Opinion on Politics - Townhall

Think Tanks

Heritage Foundation
Conservative Policy Research and Analysis | The Heritage Foundation
Cato Institute
The Cato Institute
Citizens against Government Waste
Citizens Against Government Waste Homepage
American Enterprize Institute
Welcome to AEI

Media Watch Dogs

Media Research Center
NewsBusters.org | Exposing Liberal Media Bias
What Is The Best conservative Media, Blogs, Think Tanks etc. Share The Knowlege!

Share the Knowledge or "Spread the Propaganda"?

I suspect that reputable right wing "think tanks tend to agree with Democrats more often than not, but that's just a guess.

But this time around, the Heritage model’s economic forecasts touted by Rep. Ryan are not just fantastical, they are wildly fantastical. We now have the data to evaluate the economic policies of tax cutting slanted toward corporations and the wealthy at the expense of middle-class families during the Bush presidency. We also have the data to evaluate the credibility of the Heritage Foundation’s economic model. Both are clear failures that should be rejected by policymakers and the American people. So let’s dig a little deeper into Heritage’s inauspicious record.

Ryans Unbelievable Path to Prosperity


The Heritage foundation is the Right Wing's number one "think tank". They constantly scrub their site of bogus predictions based on "made up" data. Reading their predictions is "hysterical".

This is an actual chart presented by the Heritage Foundation explaining the "benefits" of the now "failed" Bush tax cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 3%.


Memory Hole Alert - NYTimes.com

Wow. Yesterday afternoon I downloaded the tables from that Heritage report that’s the basis for the Ryan plan. The first page looked like this:

You can see the unemployment forecast, with the amazing 2.8 percent prediction, in the fourth set of figures.

But go to the same place right now, and you get this:


See what happens? The number one Conservative "think tank" posts made up "data". When everyone laughs at it and exposes it for "fraud", they rush to remove the offending and made up "numbers". How many times to we have to see this? Right wing "think tanks" are really "Right wing think stuff up tanks".

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