What is the best Hitchcock movie

Vertigo scared me as youngster.... the babysitter let me watch it but I had to promise not to tell mom and dad. We snuggled up and screamed together..... man, she was hot.
North By Northwest, The Birds, Rear Window.

The Birds scared the hell out of me when I was kid. I saw it at an afternoon matinee and when I was walking home from the show I walked across my high schools' track field, same time as a huge flock of black birds was overhead, and kept dropping lower and lower and lowere as they went back and forth, back and forth. lol spooked the hell out of me.
Probably Psycho. Although today there is nothing unusual about a man in a dress. Perfectly normal.

My favorites are
North by Northwest
To Catch a Thief
I agree. Psycho has to be #1. I enjoyed The Birds and Rear Window as well. I sure wish there was someone with the brains and imagination making great movies today. The greats have all passed, and modern films don't even come close.
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Psycho gets my vote. I watched it alone at night, and it scared me. And I was 17 or 18 years old at the time! I also really enjoyed Frenzy, which is a real "sleeper", so to speak. It had some unexpected humor in it, as well.
I agree. Psycho has to be #1. I enjoyed The Birds and Rear Window as well. I sure wish there was someone with the brains and imagination making great movies today. The greats have all passed, and modern films don't even come close.
Those movies cannot be made today. They would be too offensive. The woke cannot create they can only adulterate the creation of others.

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