What is the best Hitchcock movie

"Psycho". Hitch's director skill makes you think that you saw Janet Leigh being stabbed to death but you don't. The suspense continues until the final scene.
Notorious from 1946 has always been my favorite Hitchcock movie.

Those movies cannot be made today. They would be too offensive. The woke cannot create they can only adulterate the creation of others.

You know why they can't be made today? Because people like you say they can't be made. You're the reason why.

Who says a movie can't be made?

Quentin Tarantino spoke about this.

Notorious from 1946 has always been my favorite Hitchcock movie.

You know why they can't be made today? Because people like you say they can't be made. You're the reason why.

Who says a movie can't be made?

Quentin Tarantino spoke about this.

If these movies were made today they would be so altered as to be unrecognizable.

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