What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people

Give them 3 months to leave on their own through warning that anybody caught here illegally after that grace period will be deported to Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan.
How many illegals have been picked up, put in jail, and are still illegal and still walking American streets?
You can blame Obama and other Democrats for that. Yeah, it's hard enforcing immigration laws when the government refuses to enforce them.
Might want to check on the laws, the court cases and the Constitution. Might also want to check on why illegal children can go to US schools, why emergency medical care and so on. At times life is somewhat more complex than the laws we create on the boards.

The courts just shut down Obama's attempt to grant amnesty to 5 million illegals, which is in direct contravention to our immigration law.

I don't need to check jack shit.

Sometimes the law is cut and dried. However, you can always count on leftwing judges to complicate it.
Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal,

The bozo in this country have tried to make it ILLEGAL to check on status. Osama took AZ to court because Policemen were going to check ID..........what an upside down looney bin.

Yep. It's that same old pesky constitution that outlaws unreasonable searches and seizures, as well as racial profiling. Since we all know that Obama wrote the constitution, it must be bad, and should be shredded.....
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

5. Create economic and legal conditions sufficiently hostile to Illegal Aliens and their Anchor Babies so as to make them want to leave of their own free will and at their own cost.
Anchor babies are American citizens. That is a constitutional reality. Why would we want to make economic conditions hostile to American citizens? Sounds like a GOP plan to me!
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

just pass a law making work illegal and they would self-deport
Anchor babies are American citizens. That is a constitutional reality. Why would we want to make economic conditions hostile to American citizens? Sounds like a GOP plan to me!
Anchor Babies are only American Citizens because their Illegal Alien parents cynically exploited an unintended weakness in the 14th Amendment...

A loophole that needs closing.

To make omelettes, you've gotta break a few eggs.

To flush their Illegal Alien parents back to Mexico, et al, we're gonna have to get them to take their Anchor Brats home with them.

Given that those Anchor Brats are, technically, American citizens, they can stay, while the parents go, after the parents arrange proper care for their brats.

Or, they can return to their parents' countries of origin, being put on a list of those allowed to return at a later date, and then return, when they attain their majority.

As to the parents, and as to the pain of a potential family break-up, should they choose to leave their Anchor Brats here...

To the Devil with them...

They should have thought of this BEFORE they trespassed upon American soil and began popping-out puppies...

It's time to begin hardening our hearts about all this, and then acting upon that new, hard Reality, in order to reestablish our sovereignty in this context...

Don't like it? Go live with the expelled Illegals, once they've been flushed out.
Well, I am pleased that you are not in favor of leaving the "Anchor brats" on a rocky coastal outcropping to feed the buzzards! This proves that Bush's "compassionate conservatism" is real!
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Well, I am pleased that you are not in favor of leaving the "Anchor brats" on a rocky coastal outcropping to feed the buzzards! This proves that Bush's "compassionate conservatism" is real!
Nice try.


Their parents can take their Anchor Brats back to Mexico, etc., or their parents can leave them here, under the care of others who are allowed to be here.

It is the price of callously and cynically exploiting the loophole they've found in the 14th.

Don't want to split up your family?

Don't pop-our your puppies on our soil, while you're Illegal yourself.

You have no one to blame but yourselves for such an outcome.

And, as to leaving folks on the rocks for the buzzards...

One need look no further than the harsh Immigration laws of Mexico, for guidance.


We should not be rewarding 12,000,000 Invaders by granting them what they want in the first place - to stay here.

That will only encourage other untold millions to try, also, in future.

When does this end?

We might as well screw-up our courage, harden our hearts, and do this now, and get it the hell out of the way.

The Law is not a National Suicide Pact.

Time to flush the Invaders from our soil, by fair means, or foul, or just using the Law itself.

Nothing to do with any particular candidate.

And everything to do with national sovereignty and the rule of Law.
Well, I am pleased that you are not in favor of leaving the "Anchor brats" on a rocky coastal outcropping to feed the buzzards! This proves that Bush's "compassionate conservatism" is real!
Nice try.


Their parents can take their Anchor Brats back to Mexico, etc., or their parents can leave them here, under the care of others who are allowed to be here.

It is the price of callously and cynically exploiting the loophole they've found in the 14th.

Don't want to split up your family?

Don't pop-our your puppies on our soil, while you're Illegal yourself.

You have no one to blame but yourselves for such an outcome.

And, as to leaving folks on the rocks for the buzzards...

One need look no further than the harsh Immigration laws of Mexico, for guidance.


We should not be rewarding 12,000,000 Invaders by granting them what they want in the first place - to stay here.

That will only encourage other untold millions to try, also, in future.

When does this end?

We might as well screw-up our courage, harden our hearts, and do this now, and get it the hell out of the way.

The Law is not a National Suicide Pact.

Time to flush the Invaders from our soil, by fair means, or foul, or just using the Law itself.

Nothing to do with any particular candidate.

And everything to do with national sovereignty and the rule of Law.

Are there any other US citizens for which you want to make economic conditions unbearable? Gays? Spanish speaking? Liberals?
If we just turned off the goodies, many illegals would leave on their own. Stop letting illegals use emergency rooms for free. Stop letting them get food stamps. Stop letting them get welfare. Stop letting their non-U.S.-born kids go to our public schools. Stop the insane anchor baby policy. Enforce e-verify so that illegals find it almost impossible to get jobs. Do these things, and many if not most illegals will leave on their own.

And before someone whines that these steps would be heartless, many other countries follow most or all of these same policies, including Mexico, Canada, Norway, Sweden, etc., etc.
...Are there any other US citizens for which you want to make economic conditions unbearable? Gays? Spanish speaking? Liberals?
Nope. Just the 12,000,000 Invaders.

Yet, the anchor baby citizens are not invaders......
The Anchor Babies are the spawn of Invaders who shameless exploit a loophole in the 14th Amendment - a loophole that needs closing.

It is not the concern of the American People, if those who cheat, to obtain a citizenship status for their offspring, suffer a return to Mexico, etc., or a splitting-up of families.

The parents should have thought-out the possible consequences before they came here.

Their children can stay here, or they can come back once they've grown up, but their parents cannot stay.

There are simply too many of them, for the American People to continue falling for that overused excuse for inaction or allowing them to stay here.

If we weaken now, more millions will follow, knowing what soft-headed, simple-minded fools the Americans are.

Enough already.
,,,so, their parents committed a misdemeanor, which is equivalent to a charge for speeding, so their children should be punished?
,,,so, their parents committed a misdemeanor, which is equivalent to a charge for speeding, so their children should be punished?

Going to where they belong is not being "punished." Is everyone denied a visa to the United States being "punished?"
If we just turned off the goodies, many illegals would leave on their own. Stop letting illegals use emergency rooms for free. Stop letting them get food stamps. Stop letting them get welfare. Stop letting their non-U.S.-born kids go to our public schools. Stop the insane anchor baby policy. Enforce e-verify so that illegals find it almost impossible to get jobs. Do these things, and many if not most illegals will leave on their own.

And before someone whines that these steps would be heartless, many other countries follow most or all of these same policies, including Mexico, Canada, Norway, Sweden, etc., etc.
Should we do this by defying Court decisions or by amending the Constitution? Maybe a law that says the Courts no longer interpret the Constitution might work?

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