What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people

Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

For starters:
Make it impossible for them to make a living by making hiring an illegal alien a felony punishable by serious prison time and a gigantic fine.
Cut off their welfare.
Make hiring, sheltering, concealing, or otherwise aiding them in any way other than emergency medical treatment a felony.
Require all emergency personnel to report them any time they have any contact.
Give the Border Patrol a shoot-on-sight order.
You started well and then went batshit crazy

Undocumented workers have done nothing deserving to be shot for
Your hero FDR imprisoned Japanese Americans. Is that what you want for illegals
If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.

Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal, per day worked for the first offense, x10 for the second. Third time, LWOP and a $1,000,000,000 fine.

This zeal for destroying businesses seems to be an affliction of the open-borders crowd. They don't want to build a wall, they don't want to deport anyone, but they are more than happy to impose crushing fines on business. One would suspect their hatred of capitalism is more at play here than any desire to solve the illegal immigration problem.

You are a special kind of stupid, boy.
This zeal for destroying businesses seems to be an affliction of the open-borders crowd. They don't want to build a wall, they don't want to deport anyone, but they are more than happy to impose crushing fines on business. One would suspect their hatred of capitalism is more at play here than any desire to solve the illegal immigration problem.

Businesses that knowingly rely heavily on illegal labor deserve to be crushed. But you are correct that it makes no sense for liberals to defer responsibility for an open borders policy to the employers. We should go after businesses that knowingly rely on illegal labor, but it needs to go hand-in-hand with securing the border.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

For starters:
Make it impossible for them to make a living by making hiring an illegal alien a felony punishable by serious prison time and a gigantic fine.
Cut off their welfare.
Make hiring, sheltering, concealing, or otherwise aiding them in any way other than emergency medical treatment a felony.
Require all emergency personnel to report them any time they have any contact.
Give the Border Patrol a shoot-on-sight order.
You started well and then went batshit crazy

Undocumented workers have done nothing deserving to be shot for
Your hero FDR imprisoned Japanese Americans. Is that what you want for illegals
WTF does that have to do with the OP?
If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.

Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal, per day worked for the first offense, x10 for the second. Third time, LWOP and a $1,000,000,000 fine.

This zeal for destroying businesses seems to be an affliction of the open-borders crowd. They don't want to build a wall, they don't want to deport anyone, but they are more than happy to impose crushing fines on business. One would suspect their hatred of capitalism is more at play here than any desire to solve the illegal immigration problem.

You are a special kind of stupid, boy.

In other words, I hit the nail right on the head.
We have 2.5 million in our prison system right now.......finding a way to detain 11 million would be quite an endeavor

They only have to be detained for a week or two, so that means at any one time only about 100,000 have to be detained. FDR detained more Japanese Americans during WW II for 4 years.
Take much longer than a week or two. Each is entitled to a hearing in front of an immigration judge
No, FDR did not detain 11 million Japanese, it was more like 100,000

The hearing lasts 10 minutes.
How many illegals have been picked up, put in jail, and are still illegal and still walking American streets?
You can blame Obama and other Democrats for that. Yeah, it's hard enforcing immigration laws when the government refuses to enforce them.
We have 2.5 million in our prison system right now.......finding a way to detain 11 million would be quite an endeavor

They only have to be detained for a week or two, so that means at any one time only about 100,000 have to be detained. FDR detained more Japanese Americans during WW II for 4 years.
Take much longer than a week or two. Each is entitled to a hearing in front of an immigration judge
No, FDR did not detain 11 million Japanese, it was more like 100,000

He rounded them all up within a few weeks.
To round up all illegals you would have to ignore or otherwise get around the 4th Amendment.
That is why I would just as soon take those who break the law and deport them
The rest?
Provide them with working papers and have them work on the books and pay taxes

Why so they can take jobs from Americans?

You want to take a great big shit on American workers.
If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.

Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal, per day worked for the first offense, x10 for the second. Third time, LWOP and a $1,000,000,000 fine.

Yeah, that's a good way to create jobs for American workers, by destroying businesses!

You're a fucking moron.
How many illegals have been picked up, put in jail, and are still illegal and still walking American streets?
You can blame Obama and other Democrats for that. Yeah, it's hard enforcing immigration laws when the government refuses to enforce them.
Might want to check on the laws, the court cases and the Constitution. Might also want to check on why illegal children can go to US schools, why emergency medical care and so on. At times life is somewhat more complex than the laws we create on the boards.
Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal,

The bozo in this country have tried to make it ILLEGAL to check on status. Osama took AZ to court because Policemen were going to check ID..........what an upside down looney bin.
If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.

Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal, per day worked for the first offense, x10 for the second. Third time, LWOP and a $1,000,000,000 fine.

This zeal for destroying businesses seems to be an affliction of the open-borders crowd. They don't want to build a wall, they don't want to deport anyone, but they are more than happy to impose crushing fines on business. One would suspect their hatred of capitalism is more at play here than any desire to solve the illegal immigration problem.

You are a special kind of stupid, boy.

In other words, I hit the nail right on the head.

You do realize that I am 180 degrees opposed to the open borders crowd...right? Or are you too stoned to notice?
Simple solution, one at a time. To be honest once they provide probable cause by violating a law their immigration status can be ascertained and deported if found illegal.

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