What is the best way to round up and deport 11 million people

If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.

Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal, per day worked for the first offense, x10 for the second. Third time, LWOP and a $1,000,000,000 fine.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

Dunno, but betting it has something to do with this:



- Red Dwarf

Little early to be drunk, isn't it?
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

Dunno, but betting it has something to do with this:



- Red Dwarf

Little early to be drunk, isn't it?

I don't imbibe.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

For starters:
Make it impossible for them to make a living by making hiring an illegal alien a felony punishable by serious prison time and a gigantic fine.
Cut off their welfare.
Make hiring, sheltering, concealing, or otherwise aiding them in any way other than emergency medical treatment a felony.
Require all emergency personnel to report them any time they have any contact.
Give the Border Patrol a shoot-on-sight order.
You started well and then went batshit crazy

Undocumented workers have done nothing deserving to be shot for
It would take 44,000 aircraft packed full to get them out of here. We don't have that capacity with planes, ships or trains. It's going to take a few years to get them out of here.
We need to ship our 9 million prisoners out of here to those countries the illegals came from like a citizen exchange program.
Why can't Obama just say "leave" to the illegal aliens. Clearly he is the voice of God so why wouldn't the obey him and if the illegals dont obey his supreme will we can just call them a Nasty slur like "anti-government" which makes them sound like they are dangerous seditionist.
Why can't Obama just say "leave" to the illegal aliens. Clearly he is the voice of God so why wouldn't the obey him and if the illegals dont obey his supreme will we can just call them a Nasty slur like "anti-government" which makes them sound like they are dangerous seditionist.
Some comeback

Take you all night to come up with that clever retort?
If you arrest them there's a good chance the business may close.
Kind of detrimental to what you're trying to accomplish dont you think?
Fine the living shit out of em and you can apply the money towards the cause.

Actually, I would WANT the fines to crush the business. Say, $10,000 per illegal, per day worked for the first offense, x10 for the second. Third time, LWOP and a $1,000,000,000 fine.

This zeal for destroying businesses seems to be an affliction of the open-borders crowd. They don't want to build a wall, they don't want to deport anyone, but they are more than happy to impose crushing fines on business. One would suspect their hatred of capitalism is more at play here than any desire to solve the illegal immigration problem.
It would take 44,000 aircraft packed full to get them out of here. We don't have that capacity with planes, ships or trains. It's going to take a few years to get them out of here.

They don't all have to be deported on the same day, numskull.
Sounds easy but how do you round up and deport a population the size of Ohio that is distributed throughout the US and has spent decades learning how not to get caught?

1. Place adds in the newspapers telling them they have to leave
2. Institute show me your papers laws that stop anyone who doesn't look like a real American
3. Hire a million man brute squad to go door to door looking for illegals
4. Bribe people to turn in their neighbors

We will pay liberals to convince them that life in Guatemala is better than life in Chicago. They will leave in droves.

Should be pretty easy for a liberal arts major.

First, let's stop letting more in, starting with the 10,000 Syrians coming to New Orleans.

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