What is the Crime???

Here is the only post I saw where you wrote anything:
Slade3200 said:
How do you not know the crime by now?

He hide payments made to silence Stormy Daniels via a NDA violating business filing and election laws

And none of those things are illegal.
Trump violated no business filing laws, because hush money is a valid celebrity tax write off.
There are no campaign finance laws involved because while hush money may help a campaign, they are NOT at all covered by any legislation.
HIDING payments... making the payments and disclosing them legally is just fine. HIDING them in a way that violates campaign laws is illegal like I very clearly said. How is this not getting through to you?!
Here I will spell it out very simply... AGAIN

You misspelled simplemindedly.
Trump is being prosecuted for HIDING payments made to Stormy Daniels so she wouldn't tell her story about their affair.
That’s not what the persecution says.
The way he is accused of hiding the payments violates both state and federal campaign laws.
Again, that’s not what the persecution claims.
Thats the crime.
no. It’s not. One cannot “hide” a payment made for any purpose when one pays and enters the payment in one’s records. And the purpose was to pay his lawyer’s invoice.

But even if they had discussed that the reason for the payment for the NDA as being to hide the fact of an NDA, that’s the whole point of an NDA. To keep private the information (or blackmail claim) the Ho was agreeing not to share.
Very simple.

You’re very simple. But your explanation is shallow and hollow and unprovable.
If you want to get into details and statues then watch the trial and see how it all plays out.

No need. I read the laws and I’ve followed this bogus trial. The question isn’t about how it turns out at the trial level. The question remains: what was the actual “other crime.” You still haven’t pointed to one.
But stop playing stupid and pretending like there is no crime.

I’m not the one being stupid. That’s you for pretending that there ever was any crime.
What I just laid out is the crime he is being accused of. Get it?
No. You’re wrong. So what’s there to get!? That your an idiot? I already know that.

It’s obvious you lack any shred of ability to answer the question. That’s ok. You’re dismissed.
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Thats a rather stupid statement. People ask others if they understand things all the time that the asker doesn't understand.
You asking the question, soy boi, did suggest that you knew that answer since you’re the chucklehead who offered that bullshit.

For example;
"Hey do you understand everything in Steven Hawkins Brief history of time?" If I ask that I'm certainly not implying that I understand it all.
You didn’t write that tome, stupid.
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A crime requires specific legislation to be violated, that is intended to defend individuals from violations of their inherent rights.
Since there is no victim, there not only was no crime, but no delegated authority to then use for prosecution.
You misspelled simplemindedly.

That’s not what the persecution says.

Again, that’s not what the persecution claims.

no. It’s not. One cannot “hide” a payment made for any purpose when one pays and enters the payment in one’s records. And the purpose was to pay his lawyer’s invoice.

But even if they had discussed that the reason for the payment for the NDA as being to hide the fact of an NDA, that’s the whole point of an NDA. To keep private the information (or blackmail claim) the Ho was agreeing not to share.

You’re very simple. But your explanation is shallow and hollow and unprovable.

No need. I read the laws and I’ve followed this bogus trial. The question isn’t about how it turns out at the trial level. The question remains: what was the actual “other crime.” You still haven’t pointed to one.

I’m not the one being stupid. That’s you for pretending that there ever was any crime.

No. You’re wrong. So what’s there to get!? That your an idiot? I already know that.

It’s obvious you lack any shred of ability to answer the question. That’s ok. You’re dismissed.
Instead of Trump paying Stormy directly he had Cohen pay her and then after the election he paid Cohen back in payments disgusted as retainer payments of $35K.

Thats a lot of hoops to jump through
Here you go... All 34 laid out with statutes and numbers and everything.... Have fun:

So YOU cannot name the criminal act, nor cite the underlying law being violated....The bookkeeping jiggery-pokery is only illegal if it's covering up an actual underlying criminal act.

You just go with "well, the prosecutor brought charges, there they are, so that's the crime".

Too fucking dumb to know you're dumb.
So YOU cannot name the criminal act, nor cite the underlying law being violated....The bookkeeping jiggery-pokery is only illegal if it's covering up an actual underlying criminal act.

You just go with "well, the prosecutor brought charges, there they are, so that's the crime".

Too fucking dumb to know you're dumb.
Well I explained the crime very simply and it wasn't good enough for you so then I post the detailed list of indictments with all the details and its still not good enough... Grow up
Instead of Trump paying Stormy directly he had Cohen pay he

Based on what the perjurer himself (all alone) claims?

And even if true, so what? Since it’s legal to pay for an NDA, it doesn’t matter even if Trump wished to conceal it, for any reason.

One of your many ignorant and utterly baseless ASSumptions, slacker, is that there would have been anything illegal in Trump paying for it for ANY reason up to and including to avoid campaign problems. It wouldn’t have been. And you are just as unable to demonstrate that I’m wrong.
r and then after the election he paid Cohen back in payments disgusted as retainer payments of $35K.
Thats a lot of hoops to jump through
No it’s not. You (like the Bragg persecution) have failed to make a case.
I just did answer... Laid out all the technical details since my 1st grade simplification wasn't good enough for you geniuses
No. You simply failed to even have the first clue about the subject matter.

You’re a hack.

And you’ve completely failed. Again.
Based on what the perjurer himself (all alone) claims?
Irrelevant, it’s up to the trial to vet out the evidence. This thread was asking what the crime was. That’s what I explained. Now whether it happened and is proven thats for the trial
I didn’t post anything from the media, what are you talking about?
You posted a link to the dreck that Bragg filed, which is the only thing the media is bothering with.

Through all of that, you still haven't demonstrated that you have found an easily explainable underlying crime, with legal points and authorities, in that steaming heap of nothing.....Because there isn't one.
What did Trump do to warrant a jury trial that is costing New Yorkers millions at a time NY can't afford to spend it.... If people are asking today... what is the crime... and the defendant is a former US president for Gods sake....
This is going to do real harm to the democrat party....

Now if you would like to try and tell us what the CRIME is please use this thread...
You wouldn't understand it anyway.
It's a bullshit OP.

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