CDZ What is the difference between Covid exposure and a vaccine?

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Like the common cold, the Chinese Flu is highly transmissible but has a miniscule death rate among the general population. For the vast majority, what is practical difference between Covid exposure (testing positive?) and taking a Covid vaccine? In either case, minor or nonexistent symptoms seem to be a beneficial trade-off for subsequent immunity.

Since overloading our health care systems is no longer a serious threat, what are we gaining by waiting for a vaccine?
Like the common cold, the Chinese Flu is highly transmissible but has a miniscule death rate among the general population. For the vast majority, what is practical difference between Covid exposure (testing positive?) and taking a Covid vaccine? In either case, minor or nonexistent symptoms seem to be a beneficial trade-off for subsequent immunity.

Since overloading our health care systems is no longer a serious threat, what are we gaining by waiting for a vaccine?
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?

What do you think the chances are that President Trump, having tested positive for the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, and even showing mild symptoms, is actually going to die or suffer serious and/or permanent harm from it?

I think I know what you wish would happen, but the reality is that even if he had no medical treatment at all, for it, it's almost certain that he would make a full recovery, and suffer no lasting or serious harm, just the same as for nearly everyone else who contracts this virus. Only slightly better for him, than for most, is the extraordinary level of medical care that is available to him, well beyond what is available to most of us.
Most healthy people have probably already built natural immunity to it.
But when a vaccine comes out, first responders and healthcare professionals will
supposedly be the first to receive them, so then we'll see- first if they really all take them, and if they do what side effects will we see ?
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?

Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?

MOD NOTE - this post was warned for violating CDZ rules. No flaming/put downs/insulting. The purpose of CDZ is civil debate.
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"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
Cognitive decline? Or have you always been this way?
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
Cognitive decline? Or have you always been this way?
You really don't bring much to the conversation do you? Have you always been this way?
The 'herd immunity' premise doesn't work with all viruses for one, and COVID is not just a normal flu virus; the death toll is higher, despite all the conspiracy theory idiocy from people who guessed wrong in their stock market gambling and are now whining about it being 'overblown'. It creates long term health issues for a significant number of people. A vaccine is a much quicker way back to normalcy.
You really don't bring much to the conversation do you?
This is the Clean DEBATE Zone, not the yammering conversation zone. I asked about the difference between Covid exposure and and a vaccine. You responded, as usual, with TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! I suggest you go to the Invite Only echo chamber for your "conversations."
Like the common cold, the Chinese Flu is highly transmissible but has a miniscule death rate among the general population. For the vast majority, what is practical difference between Covid exposure (testing positive?) and taking a Covid vaccine? In either case, minor or nonexistent symptoms seem to be a beneficial trade-off for subsequent immunity.

Since overloading our health care systems is no longer a serious threat, what are we gaining by waiting for a vaccine?
I think traditional vaccines are made from a dead virus, and a specific controlled, minimal amount....enough to make antibodies.... not enough to make most people, sick.

Catching the virus in person, is so so so much riskier, because the virus is live, and because you never know what you are going to the sense of exposure amounts of the virus....if the viral load is small then you will have a mild case, but if the viral load is large, then you will usually get a really bad infection and end up hospitalized.

This is why it is NOT GOOD, to catch the uncontrolled, live virus in person, is my understanding, and in simple layman's terms.
Also for the record it's not true they still make vaccines from inert mutations or mild forms of the viruses. That used to be the case that they would infect people with a mild form of whatever it is but no longer. Besides, there is no evidence or conflicting evidence this form of COVID 19 is following the usual patterns of epidemic virii and mutating into less and less dangerous forms as it progresses through humans. At least the evidence it isn't doing so at a fast rate.

"Head of Milan’s San Raffaele Hospital Dr Alberto Zangrillo says the disease is now much less lethal and ‘no longer clinically exists’ in Italy. The physician of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said newly infected patients are showing milder symptoms and that the number of viruses in their system decreased significantly between March and May. Scientific theory suggests viruses may become weaker in order to survive, as killing or incapacitating too many human hosts will limit their capacity to spread. But not everyone in the scientific community is buying these latest claims. The president of the government’s scientific advisory body said he was ‘baffled’ by Dr Zangrillo’s remarks, while an epidemiologist at Stanford University called the report ‘bulls**t’. Viruses like HIV and the common cold have mutated in the same way the research claims. But critics point out these diseases have done so over the course of many years, but coronavirus has only been recorded in humans since December last year."
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Covid has a .1% death rate among those under 70 and approx. 5% death rate for those over 70. Vehicular deaths in all 50 States range from 19% to 43%. Should we shut down driving?
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"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Covid has a 99.9% survival rate among those under 70 and approx. 95% survival rate for those over 70. Vehicular deaths in all 50 States range from 19% to 43%. Should we shut down driving?
I know people who have gotten ill and been miserable, I know people who have died. Not many, it is true but why should I take any extra risks? I've given up concerts, movies, restaurants, etc., and I usually wear a mask. All for my own protection. If the entire country had done the same we'd likely be opening the country by now.
I know people who have gotten ill and been miserable, I know people who have died. Not many, it is true but why should I take any extra risks? I've given up concerts, movies, restaurants, etc., and I usually wear a mask. All for my own protection. If the entire country had done the same we'd likely be opening the country by now.

You're probably doing more harm to youself, cowering in your mother's basement, living in fear and submission; than if you got out, lived your life, and faced the risks from which you are cowering.
I know people who have gotten ill and been miserable, I know people who have died. Not many, it is true but why should I take any extra risks? I've given up concerts, movies, restaurants, etc., and I usually wear a mask. All for my own protection. If the entire country had done the same we'd likely be opening the country by now.

You're probably doing more harm to youself, cowering in your mother's basement, living in fear and submission; than if you got out, lived your life, and faced the risks from which you are cowering.
You may be right but if I got Covid and passed it to someone who passed it to someone who passed it to someone who died, I'd feel real bad about. Other may not care but I do.
I know people who have gotten ill and been miserable, I know people who have died. Not many, it is true but why should I take any extra risks? I've given up concerts, movies, restaurants, etc., and I usually wear a mask. All for my own protection. If the entire country had done the same we'd likely be opening the country by now.
If you drive, your life and the lives of others is in much more danger. Perspective is sometimes needed in the face of hysterics.
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