CDZ What is the difference between Covid exposure and a vaccine?

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I know people who have gotten ill and been miserable, I know people who have died. Not many, it is true but why should I take any extra risks? I've given up concerts, movies, restaurants, etc., and I usually wear a mask. All for my own protection. If the entire country had done the same we'd likely be opening the country by now.
If you drive, your life and the lives of others is in much more danger. Perspective is sometimes needed in the face of hysterics.
True but as dangerous as driving is, driving while drunk is even more dangerous.
You may be right but if I got Covid and passed it to someone who passed it to someone who passed it to someone who died, I'd feel real bad about. Other may not care but I do.

Do you drive?

It's much more likely that you'll kill someone with your car, than as a vector for the #CoronaHoax2020 virus.
True enough but it is more likely I'll kill someone from a corona infection if I don't wear a mask than if I do.
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
trump is no different than any other single person except he had a helicopter take him to the doctor instead of his wife in the family car,,,

and theres still a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital,,,
I know people who have gotten ill and been miserable, I know people who have died. Not many, it is true but why should I take any extra risks? I've given up concerts, movies, restaurants, etc., and I usually wear a mask. All for my own protection. If the entire country had done the same we'd likely be opening the country by now.
If you drive, your life and the lives of others is in much more danger. Perspective is sometimes needed in the face of hysterics.
True but as dangerous as driving is, driving while drunk is even more dangerous.
but the drunks have an excuse,,,theyre drunk,,,
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
Cognitive decline? Or have you always been this way?
You really don't bring much to the conversation do you? Have you always been this way?

He starts thread sin the CDZ then proceeds to the personal attack immediately.

It is telling that Trump didn't know people died from the flu--he said so. And his supporter doesn't know the difference between getting a disease and getting vaccinated against a disease.
True but as dangerous as driving is, driving while drunk is even more dangerous.

"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
trump is no different than any other single person except he had a helicopter take him to the doctor instead of his wife in the family car,,,

and theres still a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital,,,
correction: he had a helicopter take him to the 13 doctors

there's a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital since he might not have adequate health insurance
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
trump is no different than any other single person except he had a helicopter take him to the doctor instead of his wife in the family car,,,

and theres still a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital,,,
correction: he had a helicopter take him to the 13 doctors

there's a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital since he might not have adequate health insurance
nice spin but it doesnt play put,,,

most people arent pathetic morons and go to the doctor everytime they get the sniffles,,, and ins doesnt even come into play when its a life threatening issue like this,,,
"miniscule death rate" Is that what they told Trump when he was being helicoptered to the hospital?
Are you too stupid to understand what "a miniscule death rate among the general population" means?
I'm guessing it means the virus is not very dangerous. Of course, Trump was helicoptered to the hospital so maybe it is a bit more dangerous than we're told? Trump is known to minimize the danger of the virus even though he knows it is deadly, as he told Woodward.
trump is no different than any other single person except he had a helicopter take him to the doctor instead of his wife in the family car,,,

and theres still a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital,,,
correction: he had a helicopter take him to the 13 doctors

there's a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital since he might not have adequate health insurance
nice spin but it doesnt play put,,,

most people arent pathetic morons and go to the doctor everytime they get the sniffles,,, and ins doesnt even come into play when its a life threatening issue like this,,,
First you say "if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital" and now you say "its a life threatening issue". I'm confused.
True enough but it is more likely I'll kill someone from a corona infection if I don't wear a mask than if I do.
Not sure about that. Viruses are typically transmitted through touch not through the air. Common sense such as not coughing in people's faces, keeping a safe distance and, above all, washing one's hands or even using waterless 70% (or higher) alcohol and/or hand cleaner will do much more than any mask. In fact, a mask could give a false sense of security.
True enough but it is more likely I'll kill someone from a corona infection if I don't wear a mask than if I do.
Not sure about that. Viruses are typically transmitted through touch not through the air. Common sense such as not coughing in people's faces, keeping a safe distance and, above all, washing one's hands or even using waterless 70% (or higher) alcohol and/or hand cleaner will do much more than any mask. In fact, a mask could give a false sense of security.
I'm pretty sure it's been proven that this virus is spread through the air.
I'm pretty sure it's been proven that this virus is spread through the air.
Viruses exist in droplets (sputum) viruses do not fly through the air on their own. Social distancing helps when someone coughs or sneezes near another person and fails to cough into the crook of their arm (CDC recommendation) which virtually stops droplets the same as a mask. Most stores now have plexiglass shields so cashiers and customers can't spray each other while talking. If you keep a safe distance, no one is sneezing or coughing in faces there is virtually no way to get this virus through the air. However, it will probably be on your hands.....Keep them clean and don't touch your face frequently. Remember, if you do happen to inhale this virus, your chances of survival is 99.9 to 95%. Disclaimer: I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do and not recommending anything just laying out what I have studied. I wish you good health.
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What is the difference between Covid exposure and a vaccine?

Vaccines are usually made from denatured or dead forms of the pathogen, still containing the necessary elements to stimulate our immune system to produce antibodies against them, but not able to actually infect us and make us ill.

That is the key difference.. Flu vaccines in general are NOT really to protect the general population. THey are recommended to protect the vulnerable..

And for the "vulnerable" under this rogue UNprotected Chinese plague -- the death rate IS multiple times higher than seasonal flu.. Numbers keep changing but probably 2 to 3% for elderly and "at risk" versus 0.3 or 0.5% for other seasonal flus..

Not to confuse overall with the FACT that OVERALL mortality estimates about Covid 19 are closer to "seasonal flu" now. As opposed to the 3 or 4% the WHO and CDC were peddling in March/April...
correction: he had a helicopter take him to the 13 doctors

there's a chance if he was an average person he might not have ever went to the hospital since he might not have adequate health insurance

And even so, he'd still have had a better than 99% chance of fully recovering, with no lasting or serious harm.

Even if he never saw a doctor or other medical professional at all. Even if he just stayed at home, and spend a few days living on chicken soup. and chamomile tea.
There is no reason not to practice the sanitary precautions at this point. I don't do so because I'm worried about myself, since I don't catch colds or the flu or much of anything else except some allergies, but I do think I need to not be carrier spreading it to other people. Sociopaths of course don't give a flying shit about anybody else and don't concern themselves with such matters; I'm fine with tossing them into cages until the epidemics run their courses if they don't feel like cooperating and taking basic public safety measures, and that goes for the other epidemics, like HIV, drug resistant staph, syphilis, hepatitis, etc., etc. Unless you live by yourself in a cave in nothern Canada it's not 'All About You"; your Mommy was lying to you. I'm also fine with taking drunk drivers' licenses away from them and could care less if booze got banned.
What is the difference between Covid exposure and a vaccine?

Vaccines are usually made from denatured or dead forms of the pathogen, still containing the necessary elements to stimulate our immune system to produce antibodies against them, but not able to actually infect us and make us ill.

That is the key difference.. Flu vaccines in general are NOT really to protect the general population. THey are recommended to protect the vulnerable..

And for the "vulnerable" under this rogue UNprotected Chinese plague -- the death rate IS multiple times higher than seasonal flu.. Numbers keep changing but probably 2 to 3% for elderly and "at risk" versus 0.3 or 0.5% for other seasonal flus..

Not to confuse overall with the FACT that OVERALL mortality estimates about Covid 19 are closer to "seasonal flu" now. As opposed to the 3 or 4% the WHO and CDC were peddling in March/April...

But what would the numbers be for flus without all those people who get their flu shots every year? Some flus are worse than others, same with other types of epidemic diseases. If the measures weren't really effective then why do Asians bother with them all year round? They have been taking such measures seriously for decades now.
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