What is the difference in these two photos?

NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.
thats what democrats do not republicans,,,
I've never been to a Dem rally but I'm sure the Drumpftards will all show their fealty to Drumpf by licking all available surfaces and tongue kissing each other.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
plus one is indoors with air conditioners circulating the virus in a packed space...

the other is outdoors...

both risky, one much more so.
are you saying the lockdown was the wrong call???

I think you did,,,
uhhh, nope! not even close! ;)
then what did you say???

cause it sure looks like you said staying inside is bad,,,
staying in a jam packed closed stadium or concert hall, with a bunch of strangers, shouting and screaming, and not wearing masks, for a couple of hours, is about if not THE highest risk situation anyone can be in, for covid transmission. Plus all the hard surfaces like handrails and stadium seats, and ublic bathrooms and doors with thousands touching the surfaces....

Staying at home with your family members, who also have been staying at home and are not sick, isn't dangerous at all....

only if there is a family member with the infection and you do not separate yourself completely from the infected relative or isolate them from you, then you are likely to catch it from them. Less likely in a home like mine, because we have forced hot water heating.... no air circulating... and a few bathrooms where the infected person could have their own bathroom and bedroom.... like said, less likely to spread, but not a guarantee not to...
so again you say staying inside is the best way to get the virus,,,
Yes staying indoors jammed packed with strangers with no mask is the best way to get the virus. Whats so hard about that?
its the best way to do a lot of things,,,
whats your point???
How did you possibly miss the point? You dont remember what question you asked? I'll say it again...

Yes staying indoors jammed packed with strangers with no mask is the best way to get the virus.
could be,, but why do you care???

are you scared his base is alive and strong???
Who said I cared? I just said its the best way to get the virus. If they are Drumpftards thats even better.
your complaining means you either care or are scared,,,
which is it???
Where did I complain? When did making an observation become complaining?
I think your scared,,,,
Scared of what?
OF COURSE IT CAN, silly one! Didn't you see that example on the news of the person who had the virus in a fine restaurant and the people at 9 tables in the room around the infected person, caught the virus from this person.... it was the circulating air in that dining room that spread it!
Funny how you ask for a link. I asked for a link to when I "admitted defeat" and you couldn't ever provide one.
I accept your defeat.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.
thats what democrats do not republicans,,,
I've never been to a Dem rally but I'm sure the Drumpftards will all show their fealty to Drumpf by licking all available surfaces and tongue kissing each other.
that stinks of fear,,,,
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
But they are suppose to be 6 feet apart.
so, you are all for shutting down these protests, right?

Any event where the people can't socially distance, or in which they are not wearing masks, should be banned. The "public welfare" exception that would override an otherwise protected constitutional right.
Explain how you would ban these protests in detail.

Then tell us how you would do it without police.

NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.
thats what democrats do not republicans,,,
I've never been to a Dem rally but I'm sure the Drumpftards will all show their fealty to Drumpf by licking all available surfaces and tongue kissing each other.
that stinks of fear,,,,
Thats your upper lip youre smelling. You cant smell anyone over the internet.
I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.
I would agree, if they were required to stay there for 14 days before going home.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.
thats what democrats do not republicans,,,
I've never been to a Dem rally but I'm sure the Drumpftards will all show their fealty to Drumpf by licking all available surfaces and tongue kissing each other.
that stinks of fear,,,,
Thats your upper lip youre smelling. You cant smell anyone over the internet.
I said THAT not you,,,
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.

THAT would be the Democrat convention!
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.
thats what democrats do not republicans,,,
I've never been to a Dem rally but I'm sure the Drumpftards will all show their fealty to Drumpf by licking all available surfaces and tongue kissing each other.
that stinks of fear,,,,
Thats your upper lip youre smelling. You cant smell anyone over the internet.
I said THAT not you,,,
Are you drunk already?
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.

THAT would be the Democrat convention!
Well you wont catch me at either but I trust the Dems wont do it because they are all about safety first regarding the virus.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.

THAT would be the Democrat convention!
Well you wont catch me at either but I trust the Dems wont do it because they are all about safety first regarding the virus.
dems wont do it cause they dont want people to see how bad biden really is,,,

and also because theyre a bunch of scared pussies
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
Protest is outside and if you zoom in almost everyone is wearing a mask.

The tRump herd meeting is inside and if you zoom in almost no one is wearing a mask.

Plus the protest will have a much higher average IQ.

You mean the protest with people who think men can be women...

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