What is the difference in these two photos?

NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
plus one is indoors with air conditioners circulating the virus in a packed space...

the other is outdoors...

both risky, one much more so.
are you saying the lockdown was the wrong call???

I think you did,,,
uhhh, nope! not even close! ;)
then what did you say???

cause it sure looks like you said staying inside is bad,,,
staying in a jam packed closed stadium or concert hall, with a bunch of strangers, shouting and screaming, and not wearing masks, for a couple of hours, is about if not THE highest risk situation anyone can be in, for covid transmission. Plus all the hard surfaces like handrails and stadium seats, and ublic bathrooms and doors with thousands touching the surfaces....

Staying at home with your family members, who also have been staying at home and are not sick, isn't dangerous at all....

only if there is a family member with the infection and you do not separate yourself completely from the infected relative or isolate them from you, then you are likely to catch it from them. Less likely in a home like mine, because we have forced hot water heating.... no air circulating... and a few bathrooms where the infected person could have their own bathroom and bedroom.... like said, less likely to spread, but not a guarantee not to...
so again you say staying inside is the best way to get the virus,,,
staying inside with a bunch of strangers shouting and screaming, damn sure is the best way to get the virus....! Where have you been?

staying at home with your family members, weeks on end, is not.
But if you move that scene outside, and add the fact that they're fighting, wrestling and throwing Molatave cocktails, then it's totally different!
Rioters, looters etc should be arrested and charged with their crimes.... They are not protesters, they are criminals.

The protesting in mass crowds outside, even with masks, have a risk in catching the virus and is a danger.

Rallies of 20,000 jammed pack inside a Hall, shouting and screaming, without or with masks is much, much more dangerous, and the likelihood of catching and spreading the virus is greater.

Why the President is pushing this for solely his campaigning wish, when it is against his own Whitehouse and CDC advice is beyond reason, and extremely derelict and gross negligence.
Trump is pushing for rallies because he is an idiot. And only idiots support him. His rallies are auditoriums full of idiots.
Trump is an idiot magnet. Just look at the idiot posts of his supporters on this site. They all have one thing in common, they are idiots. Trump has given a voice to the idiots of America.
I see a little leftist projection in your comment,,,
No it is strong anti-Trump bias. Trump and followers are a cult not a political party. There is merit to some programs from the right and from the left. A cult never produces anything good except mindless followers do not have to think for themselves.
and its also a bad case of TDS,,,
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801

So, to be honest, I don't care about Corona. I'm going to the beach in a week, and I'm not wearing a mask, or worrying about six-feet.

So therefore the difference between the two pictures is.....

One group of people wants to tear America apart, praise and bestow saint-hood on a career criminal, and the other group wants to build America back up, and make it a great country.
Now there is a statement of an extremely stupid person. Trump is making America stupid. That is not great.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
plus one is indoors with air conditioners circulating the virus in a packed space...

the other is outdoors...

both risky, one much more so.
are you saying the lockdown was the wrong call???

I think you did,,,
uhhh, nope! not even close! ;)
then what did you say???

cause it sure looks like you said staying inside is bad,,,
staying in a jam packed closed stadium or concert hall, with a bunch of strangers, shouting and screaming, and not wearing masks, for a couple of hours, is about if not THE highest risk situation anyone can be in, for covid transmission. Plus all the hard surfaces like handrails and stadium seats, and ublic bathrooms and doors with thousands touching the surfaces....

Staying at home with your family members, who also have been staying at home and are not sick, isn't dangerous at all....

only if there is a family member with the infection and you do not separate yourself completely from the infected relative or isolate them from you, then you are likely to catch it from them. Less likely in a home like mine, because we have forced hot water heating.... no air circulating... and a few bathrooms where the infected person could have their own bathroom and bedroom.... like said, less likely to spread, but not a guarantee not to...
so again you say staying inside is the best way to get the virus,,,
staying inside with a bunch of strangers shouting and screaming, damn sure is the best way to get the virus....! Where have you been?

staying at home with your family members, weeks on end, is not.
But if you move that scene outside, and add the fact that they're fighting, wrestling and throwing Molatave cocktails, then it's totally different!
Rioters, looters etc should be arrested and charged with their crimes.... They are not protesters, they are criminals.

The protesting in mass crowds outside, even with masks, have a risk in catching the virus and is a danger.

Rallies of 20,000 jammed pack inside a Hall, shouting and screaming, without or with masks is much, much more dangerous, and the likelihood of catching and spreading the virus is greater.

Why the President is pushing this for solely his campaigning wish, when it is against his own Whitehouse and CDC advice is beyond reason, and extremely derelict and gross negligence.
Trump is pushing for rallies because he is an idiot. And only idiots support him. His rallies are auditoriums full of idiots.
Trump is an idiot magnet. Just look at the idiot posts of his supporters on this site. They all have one thing in common, they are idiots. Trump has given a voice to the idiots of America.
I see a little leftist projection in your comment,,,
No it is strong anti-Trump bias. Trump and followers are a cult not a political party. There is merit to some programs from the right and from the left. A cult never produces anything good except mindless followers do not have to think for themselves.

The “Obama Youth Cult”

NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The folks in the top picture has feels.
The folks in the bottom picture has jobs.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
plus one is indoors with air conditioners circulating the virus in a packed space...

the other is outdoors...

both risky, one much more so.
are you saying the lockdown was the wrong call???

I think you did,,,
uhhh, nope! not even close! ;)
then what did you say???

cause it sure looks like you said staying inside is bad,,,
staying in a jam packed closed stadium or concert hall, with a bunch of strangers, shouting and screaming, and not wearing masks, for a couple of hours, is about if not THE highest risk situation anyone can be in, for covid transmission. Plus all the hard surfaces like handrails and stadium seats, and ublic bathrooms and doors with thousands touching the surfaces....

Staying at home with your family members, who also have been staying at home and are not sick, isn't dangerous at all....

only if there is a family member with the infection and you do not separate yourself completely from the infected relative or isolate them from you, then you are likely to catch it from them. Less likely in a home like mine, because we have forced hot water heating.... no air circulating... and a few bathrooms where the infected person could have their own bathroom and bedroom.... like said, less likely to spread, but not a guarantee not to...
so again you say staying inside is the best way to get the virus,,,
staying inside with a bunch of strangers shouting and screaming, damn sure is the best way to get the virus....! Where have you been?

staying at home with your family members, weeks on end, is not.
But if you move that scene outside, and add the fact that they're fighting, wrestling and throwing Molatave cocktails, then it's totally different!
Rioters, looters etc should be arrested and charged with their crimes.... They are not protesters, they are criminals.

The protesting in mass crowds outside, even with masks, have a risk in catching the virus and is a danger.

Rallies of 20,000 jammed pack inside a Hall, shouting and screaming, without or with masks is much, much more dangerous, and the likelihood of catching and spreading the virus is greater.

Why the President is pushing this for solely his campaigning wish, when it is against his own Whitehouse and CDC advice is beyond reason, and extremely derelict and gross negligence.
They aren't any more jampacked than the crowds that jammed Washington DC for the Floyd protest. In fact less so because they have seats and the chances that they will be touching each other is far less. Trump supporters are polite, not a bunch of wild animals climbing all over each other like the protesters.


Even all masked, and outdoors, that looks like a recipe for disaster on corona virus spread.

and yet its turned out to be nothing more than a bad flu season,,,

EXCEPT the MSM has blown COVID so out of proportion!
LOOK at this fact: In the USA 99% of the case are mild and NOT hospitalized! But where is the MSM?
RIGHT now the total deaths of 118,741 is proportional to the 1968 Hong Kong flu that killed over 100,000 Americans.
BUT the difference between 2020 and 1968?
A) Population in 1968 was 200.71 million VS today 330 million or nearly 40% more people...
B) The MSM was defeating the USA in Vietnam on nightly news.
C) There were no 7/24 dozen cable news networks especially who had donated 96% of their money to Hillary's campaign in 2016!
D) Consequently 7/24 news writes 93% negative news about Trump, the country, COVID, Russia,Ukraine, etc.!

Screen Shot 2020-06-16 at 2.10.19 PM.png
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801

The protesters didn’t have to sign a waiver accepting liability for a deadly disease.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801

The protesters didn’t have to sign a waiver accepting liability for a deadly disease.
And it wouldn't make a difference! They are protestors. They don't need to abide by any laws!

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