What is the difference in these two photos?

Feel free to bring video of him telling people to inject bleach.

So what "in a minute" disinfectant did Trump suggest people get injected with?

Trump didn't specify, but every disinfectant in that category is lethal.

So arguing if Trump wanted people to be injected with bleach, or isopropyl alcohol, or lysol but didn't specify which one is ignoring the basic premise and arguing minutia instead.

Get back to the basic point Trump suggested injecting people with poison.
Feel free to bring video of him telling people to inject bleach.

So what "in a minute" disinfectant did Trump suggest people get injected with?

Trump didn't specify, but every disinfectant in that category is lethal.

So arguing if Trump wanted people to be injected with bleach, or isopropyl alcohol, or lysol but didn't specify which one is ignoring the basic premise and arguing minutia instead.

Get back to the basic point Trump suggested injecting people with poison.
I think the Bleach thing makes Drumpftards more embarrassed and angry than anything we mock Drumpf over.
Get back to the basic point Trump suggested injecting people with poison.
I think the Bleach thing makes Drumpftards more embarrassed and angry than anything we mock Drumpf over.

I remember spending days going line by line over what Trump said at the news conference. Each time someone said that Trump didn't suggest "injecting people with disinfectant".

They couldn't even make an argument that "injecting" didn't mean injecting, or "disinfectant" didn't mean disinfectant.
While not absolute proof, this clearly shows that nostra has thrown in the towel.

He isn't even trying to answer any of the questions asked of him.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The difference? The masks.

Was that supposed to be a tough question?
Pretty sure even you could figure out that masks weren’t a thing back then. But you prove me wrong again.
supposedly, they are not requiring masks at this upcoming Trump campaign rally....

I think they should be able to do whatever they like at the Drumpftard rally to be honest. I hope they lick all the door knobs and have a group tongue kiss.

THAT would be the Democrat convention!
Well you wont catch me at either but I trust the Dems wont do it because they are all about safety first regarding the virus.
dems wont do it cause they dont want people to see how bad biden really is,,,

and also because theyre a bunch of scared pussies
I think Biden could fall asleep in a debate and people will still vote for him because Drumpf is such a complete and utter fuckup.
Context? Which Trump policies do you dislike? Be specific.
Drumpf lies
Drumpf has horrible leadership skills.
He uses dumb people
He piggybacks on Obamas work and claims its his.
He lies
He steals
He divides
He carnival barks
Did I mention he lies?
Hes fucking retarded or he doesnt know how to accurately express himself.
Hes petty
Hes vindictive
Hes way too fucking sensitive.
Did I mention he lies?
He's childish
He pouts
Hes racist
Hes a chauvinist
Hes intimidated by women
and most of all the fucker lies like a rug (bearskin rug?) Whatever the hell you white people say to emphasis the amount of lying he does.
All subjective. I said be specific. What policies of his have damaged this country or you directly? You sound like a petulant child. Evolve. And act like an adult. For example, I did not like the ACA or Obama’s handling of our foreign affairs, especially in Israel. That is an answer that an evolved human gives. You’re beneath me. Our debates are finished. I win 450-0 and I have publicly emasculated you. Something you will never recover from. Have a nice, primitive life.
Specifically he has totally fucked up the country by the way he has handled the pandemic and race relations. What kind of retarded mother fucker suggests using Bleach inside the body? Why did he listen to China instead of his own intelligence? Why did the retard call the virus a hoax? Why did he call peaceful demonstrators thugs or in the case of Kap a son of a bitch? I could go on an on but I know thats just going to make you more sad and you might get some children to save you again.
Bleach = Joke, only a moron would take that seriously
Pandemic = He has done a great job after China and the WHO lied to us. Ceased travel on Jan 24th. First death in the US was Feb 29th.
Virus = Is not a hoax but it is not as bad as the media tells you it is.
Peaceful demonstrators don't burn, deface and loot. Maybe in Oakland they do.
Kap is a loser who doesn't respect veterans who gave their lives for his freedom

So all your issues are post COVID-19. Before that he was a great POTUS. Thanks for sharing.

501-0. You lose again.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
plus one is indoors with air conditioners circulating the virus in a packed space...

the other is outdoors...

both risky, one much more so.

are you really that stupid? there have been no Trump rallys since the chinese sent the virus. Pre-virus vs post virus. dumbass. There was also no rioting looting and burning at any Trump rally, the other one was staged solely for those purposes.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
For your more intelligent ones are the beggars.
NBC News first tweeted a link to a protest in Brooklyn and wrote, “Rally for Black trans lives draws packed crowd to Brooklyn Museum plaza.

” About an hour later, the news outlet tweeted out another story,
“President Trump plans to rally his supporters next Saturday for the first time since most of the country was shuttered by the coronavirus.
But health experts are questioning that decision.”

What is the difference... BLM protest shoulder to shoulder or
View attachment 350800

Trump rally shoulder to shoulder...
View attachment 350801
The first photo has intelligent people wearing masks.

The other has a fat guy on stage and no one is wearing a mask it looks like.

Did I get it right?
plus one is indoors with air conditioners circulating the virus in a packed space...

the other is outdoors...

both risky, one much more so.
The virus can't propagate that way, dingbat.
OF COURSE IT CAN, silly one! Didn't you see that example on the news of the person who had the virus in a fine restaurant and the people at 9 tables in the room around the infected person, caught the virus from this person.... it was the circulating air in that dining room that spread it!
It can travel through the air for a few feet, not for hundreds of yards, moron.
The virus can't propagate that way, dingbat.
OF COURSE IT CAN, silly one! Didn't you see that example on the news of the person who had the virus in a fine restaurant and the people at 9 tables in the room around the infected person, caught the virus from this person.... it was the circulating air in that dining room that spread it!
Back in the 19th century, doctors didn't believe that unseen "bugs" caused disease. You would think we'd be more enlightened in the 21st century.
Yeah, now numbskulls like you believe that if one infected person walks into a building, then everyone in the building will be infected.
Grown-up people of every political persuasion agree that the BLM protesters are wrong to march at this time and that President Trump is wrong to hold a rally at this time.

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