What is the explanation republicans have as to why all these election lawsuits are being dismissed?

President Trump has some of the brightest shysters with the best reputations out there working for him.

I'm sure that Giuliani - who brought down the Mob, Lin Wood- who brought down CNN twice, and the Sidney Powell broad would tell the people when it is time to panic.

These lawyers reek with the kind of integrity that you just can't buy.
Lol Guiliani is such a garbage human being.
From america's mayor to top tRump fluffers. That's a looooong fall.
You know when 9/11 happened and Fox News wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Guiliani’s actions on the ground my 15 year old mind got warped. I looked up to the guy. To be fair, he gets credit for being so helpful during the chaos, but it was still just a snapshot of who the guy was. The rest of the Guiliani iceberg is a nightmare as is Fox News lol.

when his own daughter endorced obama instead of him, & his other kids didn't campaign for him - right there says alot.

Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ewen MacAskill in Washington
Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT First published on Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT

The leading Republican for next year's presidential contest, Rudy Giuliani, is having to contend with the embarrassment of discovering his teenage daughter signed up as a supporter of Barack Obama, one of the Democratic frontrunners.
Mr Giuliani, whose family relationships are fraught after a messy divorce, is well ahead of his Republican rivals in spite of reports about his personal life.
His children have already signalled they do not intend to campaign for him. But the Slate political website discovered that his daughter, Caroline, 17, had gone further and signed up to social networking group Facebook's "Barack Obama (1 Million Strong for Barack)" site.
Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ahhh...the Prog children who know nothing. The same ones you uplift above your heads for your information and adulation.

uh-huh. they lived with rotten rudy.

they interacted with him on a level that one one else could possibly equal. & i'm sure the shitty 'family values' way he treated his wife - their mother - b4 they got divorced, shirley had something to do with it.


just how much credence do you put in the children of the corn?

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the other 2 don't really matter to donny, so i didn't include them.

Actually only 1 of these 3 matter to Donald. I will let u speculate which 1 it is.

Dear Billy000 The Courts are not structured to handle the data showing "statistical anomalies" which do not count as "legal proof" of fraud. What the data and the sworn testimonies show is the process is not reliable or accurate enough to rely on to measure narrow margins in close races and states with close to 50/50 split. That isnt the question. The courts require proof of enough fraud to offset the margin of votes. But the statistics and testimonies are a snapshot. We don't have time or resources to research and document enough cases to prove these anomalies in millions of cases which would exceed the capacity of courts and the timeframe of the election and certification process. What we CAN use the documentation for is to prove to the public that mailin ballots cannot be policed and verified on this mass scale, but notarized absentee ballots or voting in person where ID can be verified under penalty of perjury WOULD be agreed on. This requires a Constitutional Convention of Parties People and States to AGREE on election rules, not Courts that do not have that jurisdiction. The real problem is people within States don't agree to the same election rules and process. This conflict exposed that due to mailin ballots that were legally contested as unauthorized changes that didn't follow either election laws or the laws on state legislatures making changes. But we already have contested election laws because of discrimination against third parties, and conflicts over electoral college issues. And the biggest issue that only people can address is the conflict over political beliefs being pushed through govt, where parties are bypassing states and imposing beliefs through federal govt. People need to address this ourselves. This will likely take a Constitutional Convention to address the agreed uses and limits on govt and party. We havent even asked the right questions, which exceed the limited scope that the courts can accommodate or determine.

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