What is the explanation republicans have as to why all these election lawsuits are being dismissed?

The Fake News Washington Post lied claiming that the Trump campaign had backed off from one of its major claims in the lawsuit currently unfolding in Pennsylvania. It dealt with the hundreds of thousands of ballots allegedly processed without any witness oversight from the state GOP.

The WaPo article is fake news. The allegations regarding the 682,479 ballots in question are still very much part of it.

The Washington Post ran a complete mischaracterization of the Trump campaign’s litigation in Pennsylvania, erroneously claiming the campaign had dropped the claim of nearly 700,000 ballots processed illegally and in secret. The campaign did no such thing. In fact, because of a Friday ruling by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in an unrelated case, the campaign strategically decided to restructure its lawsuit to rely on claims of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The claim that 682,479 ballots were improperly processed and counted is still very much part of the suit.

Paragraph 4 of the amended filing reads: “Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties alone received and processed 682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots without review by the political parties and candidates. These are unprecedented numbers in Pennsylvania’s elections history. Rather than engaging in an open and transparent process to give credibility to Pennsylvania’s brand-new voting system, the processes were hidden during the receipt, review, opening, and tabulation of those 682,479 votes.” See also paragraphs 132-150.
Fuck Billybullshit and his stupid threads.

This isn't the politics forum....it's the retarded forum (whenever he posts).
The Fake News Washington Post lied claiming that the Trump campaign had backed off from one of its major claims in the lawsuit currently unfolding in Pennsylvania. It dealt with the hundreds of thousands of ballots allegedly processed without any witness oversight from the state GOP.

The WaPo article is fake news. The allegations regarding the 682,479 ballots in question are still very much part of it.

The Washington Post ran a complete mischaracterization of the Trump campaign’s litigation in Pennsylvania, erroneously claiming the campaign had dropped the claim of nearly 700,000 ballots processed illegally and in secret. The campaign did no such thing. In fact, because of a Friday ruling by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in an unrelated case, the campaign strategically decided to restructure its lawsuit to rely on claims of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The claim that 682,479 ballots were improperly processed and counted is still very much part of the suit.

Paragraph 4 of the amended filing reads: “Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties alone received and processed 682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots without review by the political parties and candidates. These are unprecedented numbers in Pennsylvania’s elections history. Rather than engaging in an open and transparent process to give credibility to Pennsylvania’s brand-new voting system, the processes were hidden during the receipt, review, opening, and tabulation of those 682,479 votes.” See also paragraphs 132-150.

It's the Washington Post.

I routinely print off articles and wipe my ass with them or give them to a neighbor when she needs liners for her bird cage.
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

Only the truly partisan will deny that there was voter fraud... at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.

However the goal is a last ditch effort to get an election free of fraud. Sadly the Deep State is so strong that it won’t happen.

"The Deep State"
ROTFLMFAO, you just can't make this shit up!!!

Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

Only the truly partisan will deny that there was voter fraud... at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.

However the goal is a last ditch effort to get an election free of fraud. Sadly the Deep State is so strong that it won’t happen.

If Trump had wanted to destroy the Deep State he had the power. He wanted to take control of it. That was the problem.
President Trump has some of the brightest shysters with the best reputations out there working for him.

I'm sure that Giuliani - who brought down the Mob, Lin Wood- who brought down CNN twice, and the Sidney Powell broad would tell the people when it is time to panic.

These lawyers reek with the kind of integrity that you just can't buy.
Lol Guiliani is such a garbage human being.
From america's mayor to top tRump fluffers. That's a looooong fall.
You know when 9/11 happened and Fox News wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Guiliani’s actions on the ground my 15 year old mind got warped. I looked up to the guy. To be fair, he gets credit for being so helpful during the chaos, but it was still just a snapshot of who the guy was. The rest of the Guiliani iceberg is a nightmare as is Fox News lol.

9/11 is only a small part of the Rudy story. The way he decimated New York City's 5 leading families, the way he cleaned up the crime situation shows what a tremendous job he did. Look at the film Death Wish, see the way NYC was Pre-Giuliani. And when he left office, NY was the safest urban hellhole in the country.
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

Only the truly partisan will deny that there was voter fraud... at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.

However the goal is a last ditch effort to get an election free of fraud. Sadly the Deep State is so strong that it won’t happen.

"The Deep State"
ROTFLMFAO, you just can't make this shit up!!!

The Constitution clearly charges the President with control over the Administrative Agencies.
Clearly the President has not been able to establish Constitutional Control over the Administrative Agencies.
"The Deep State" is simply a term to describe these rogue agencies.
What term do you prefer?
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

Only the truly partisan will deny that there was voter fraud... at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.

However the goal is a last ditch effort to get an election free of fraud. Sadly the Deep State is so strong that it won’t happen.

"The Deep State"
ROTFLMFAO, you just can't make this shit up!!!

The Constitution clearly charges the President with control over the Administrative Agencies.
Clearly the President has not been able to establish Constitutional Control over the Administrative Agencies.
"The Deep State" is simply a term to describe these rogue agencies.
What term do you prefer?

tRump is incompetent.
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

Only the truly partisan will deny that there was voter fraud... at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.

However the goal is a last ditch effort to get an election free of fraud. Sadly the Deep State is so strong that it won’t happen.

"The Deep State"
ROTFLMFAO, you just can't make this shit up!!!

The Constitution clearly charges the President with control over the Administrative Agencies.
Clearly the President has not been able to establish Constitutional Control over the Administrative Agencies.
"The Deep State" is simply a term to describe these rogue agencies.
What term do you prefer?

tRump is incompetent.
You refuse to answer the question, which answers the question, thank you.
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

Only the truly partisan will deny that there was voter fraud... at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.

However the goal is a last ditch effort to get an election free of fraud. Sadly the Deep State is so strong that it won’t happen.

"The Deep State"
ROTFLMFAO, you just can't make this shit up!!!

The Constitution clearly charges the President with control over the Administrative Agencies.
Clearly the President has not been able to establish Constitutional Control over the Administrative Agencies.
"The Deep State" is simply a term to describe these rogue agencies.
What term do you prefer?

tRump is incompetent.
You refuse to answer the question, which answers the question, thank you.

Sure did, he is an incompetent boob. That's exactly why.

at the very least they produced completed ballots by dead people.
It would be more convincing if you guys could actually find some dead people who voted. Thing is, whenever people say they have one, it turns out to be someone very much alive.

Is that to prove or disprove your point? Very bizarre, you picked that article. It mentioned Tucker apologize for a mistake on 1 of the 25 deceased people listed. So 24 were legitimately DEAD at the time their ballot was casted.
Utter failure buddy!
I'm no lawyer, but my strategy would be to get the issues out of the lower level marxist kangaroo courts ASAP and have the lovely Ms Barrett dispatching conservative piss into your faces in copious amounts.

You'll probably love it.
I'm no lawyer, but my strategy would be to get the issues out of the lower level marxist kangaroo courts ASAP and have the lovely Ms Barrett dispatching conservative piss into your faces in copious amounts.

You'll probably love it.
Though not as colorful as youve described, Ive heard that same option has been the goal for quite some time.
President Trump has some of the brightest shysters with the best reputations out there working for him.

I'm sure that Giuliani - who brought down the Mob, Lin Wood- who brought down CNN twice, and the Sidney Powell broad would tell the people when it is time to panic.

These lawyers reek with the kind of integrity that you just can't buy.
Lol Guiliani is such a garbage human being.
From america's mayor to top tRump fluffers. That's a looooong fall.
You know when 9/11 happened and Fox News wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Guiliani’s actions on the ground my 15 year old mind got warped. I looked up to the guy. To be fair, he gets credit for being so helpful during the chaos, but it was still just a snapshot of who the guy was. The rest of the Guiliani iceberg is a nightmare as is Fox News lol.

when his own daughter endorced obama instead of him, & his other kids didn't campaign for him - right there says alot.

Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ewen MacAskill in Washington
Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT First published on Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT

The leading Republican for next year's presidential contest, Rudy Giuliani, is having to contend with the embarrassment of discovering his teenage daughter signed up as a supporter of Barack Obama, one of the Democratic frontrunners.
Mr Giuliani, whose family relationships are fraught after a messy divorce, is well ahead of his Republican rivals in spite of reports about his personal life.
His children have already signalled they do not intend to campaign for him. But the Slate political website discovered that his daughter, Caroline, 17, had gone further and signed up to social networking group Facebook's "Barack Obama (1 Million Strong for Barack)" site.
Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

The fix is in.
President Trump has some of the brightest shysters with the best reputations out there working for him.

I'm sure that Giuliani - who brought down the Mob, Lin Wood- who brought down CNN twice, and the Sidney Powell broad would tell the people when it is time to panic.

These lawyers reek with the kind of integrity that you just can't buy.
Lol Guiliani is such a garbage human being.
From america's mayor to top tRump fluffers. That's a looooong fall.
You know when 9/11 happened and Fox News wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Guiliani’s actions on the ground my 15 year old mind got warped. I looked up to the guy. To be fair, he gets credit for being so helpful during the chaos, but it was still just a snapshot of who the guy was. The rest of the Guiliani iceberg is a nightmare as is Fox News lol.

when his own daughter endorced obama instead of him, & his other kids didn't campaign for him - right there says alot.

Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ewen MacAskill in Washington
Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT First published on Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT

The leading Republican for next year's presidential contest, Rudy Giuliani, is having to contend with the embarrassment of discovering his teenage daughter signed up as a supporter of Barack Obama, one of the Democratic frontrunners.
Mr Giuliani, whose family relationships are fraught after a messy divorce, is well ahead of his Republican rivals in spite of reports about his personal life.
His children have already signalled they do not intend to campaign for him. But the Slate political website discovered that his daughter, Caroline, 17, had gone further and signed up to social networking group Facebook's "Barack Obama (1 Million Strong for Barack)" site.
Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ahhh...the Prog children who know nothing. The same ones you uplift above your heads for your information and adulation.
President Trump has some of the brightest shysters with the best reputations out there working for him.

I'm sure that Giuliani - who brought down the Mob, Lin Wood- who brought down CNN twice, and the Sidney Powell broad would tell the people when it is time to panic.

These lawyers reek with the kind of integrity that you just can't buy.
Lol Guiliani is such a garbage human being.
From america's mayor to top tRump fluffers. That's a looooong fall.
You know when 9/11 happened and Fox News wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Guiliani’s actions on the ground my 15 year old mind got warped. I looked up to the guy. To be fair, he gets credit for being so helpful during the chaos, but it was still just a snapshot of who the guy was. The rest of the Guiliani iceberg is a nightmare as is Fox News lol.

when his own daughter endorced obama instead of him, & his other kids didn't campaign for him - right there says alot.

Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ewen MacAskill in Washington
Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT First published on Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT

The leading Republican for next year's presidential contest, Rudy Giuliani, is having to contend with the embarrassment of discovering his teenage daughter signed up as a supporter of Barack Obama, one of the Democratic frontrunners.
Mr Giuliani, whose family relationships are fraught after a messy divorce, is well ahead of his Republican rivals in spite of reports about his personal life.
His children have already signalled they do not intend to campaign for him. But the Slate political website discovered that his daughter, Caroline, 17, had gone further and signed up to social networking group Facebook's "Barack Obama (1 Million Strong for Barack)" site.
Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ahhh...the Prog children who know nothing. The same ones you uplift above your heads for your information and adulation.

uh-huh. they lived with rotten rudy.

they interacted with him on a level that one one else could possibly equal. & i'm sure the shitty 'family values' way he treated his wife - their mother - b4 they got divorced, shirley had something to do with it.


just how much credence do you put in the children of the corn?




the other 2 don't really matter to donny, so i didn't include them.
President Trump has some of the brightest shysters with the best reputations out there working for him.

I'm sure that Giuliani - who brought down the Mob, Lin Wood- who brought down CNN twice, and the Sidney Powell broad would tell the people when it is time to panic.

These lawyers reek with the kind of integrity that you just can't buy.
Lol Guiliani is such a garbage human being.
From america's mayor to top tRump fluffers. That's a looooong fall.
You know when 9/11 happened and Fox News wouldn’t shut the fuck up about Guiliani’s actions on the ground my 15 year old mind got warped. I looked up to the guy. To be fair, he gets credit for being so helpful during the chaos, but it was still just a snapshot of who the guy was. The rest of the Guiliani iceberg is a nightmare as is Fox News lol.

when his own daughter endorced obama instead of him, & his other kids didn't campaign for him - right there says alot.

Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ewen MacAskill in Washington
Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT First published on Tue 7 Aug 2007 19.11 EDT

The leading Republican for next year's presidential contest, Rudy Giuliani, is having to contend with the embarrassment of discovering his teenage daughter signed up as a supporter of Barack Obama, one of the Democratic frontrunners.
Mr Giuliani, whose family relationships are fraught after a messy divorce, is well ahead of his Republican rivals in spite of reports about his personal life.
His children have already signalled they do not intend to campaign for him. But the Slate political website discovered that his daughter, Caroline, 17, had gone further and signed up to social networking group Facebook's "Barack Obama (1 Million Strong for Barack)" site.
Rudy Giuliani's daughter comes out for Obama
Ahhh...the Prog children who know nothing. The same ones you uplift above your heads for your information and adulation.

uh-huh. they lived with rotten rudy.

they interacted with him on a level that one one else could possibly equal. & i'm sure the shitty 'family values' way he treated his wife - their mother - b4 they got divorced, shirley had something to do with it.


just how much credence do you put in the children of the corn?

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the other 2 don't really matter to donny, so i didn't include them.

Actually only 1 of these 3 matter to Donald. I will let u speculate which 1 it is.
Is it part of the liberal conspiracy? Man that is one sophisticated operation right there! All the judges are in on it!

Keep in mind that election officials defending the process and judges ruling on these cases are republicans themselves. You can call them RINOs for not sucking Trump’s dick if you want but you just sound like a cultist.

The fix is in.
We have two layers of protections, the Courts and the Legislature, hopefully they will be sufficient.

NO SOONER DOES THE PRESS DECLARE BIDEN A WINNER THAN THIS HAPPENS: U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Rise for First Time in Five Weeks.
I could not let it pass anymore, you see , everything is a conspiracy for the tRUMP fools if tRUMP does not get his way. This is the cult they live in, sycophants, to the end.
No matter how the evidence is shown to them they find another, and then another excuse to blame someone and become the victim one more time.
Typical of the narcissistic nature.
They are actually easy to ignore but some times it is nice to shove their idiocy in their faces.
Have a nice day.

What a st
simple dumbass. God you are more of a stupid fuck than I ever imagined. it is commie loving judges that kiss bidens ass dismissing the evidence or gop globalists same as bush and romney that are globalists as well :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

View attachment 417704
oh and as far as your ramblings of people in trumps legal camp leaving,thats happening because they getting sick and disgusted with these corrupt new world order politician biden lovers refusing to look at the evidence same as you never do.:ahole-1:
Oh gee what a convenient explanation based on zero evidence whatsoever! Right of course. They are all commie loving judges lol. You people are such children.
What a stupid fuck,dismissing and denying that stalin said that,even though it’s documented and even though it’s well known documented that voting fraud has gone on for several decades,that this would be one of dozens of times a president got illegally put in office getting desperate saying there is no evidence.billy sure has reading comprehension problems the fact I spelled it out for him dummies style and yet he still could not comprehend anything said. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Lol you and I both know I didn’t deny the quote. I obviously simply ignored it because it’s completely irrelevant. Good god.

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