What IS The Free Market

Why don't you worry about that rather than worrying about how much Walmart (one company) pays its workers?
Why not worry about both?
Wal-Mart is the biggest employer in the US and its shareholders externalize an estimated $6.2 billion every year onto the backs of US taxpayers in the form of food stamps, Medicaid, and government subsidized housing. Why wouldn't you worry about that as well as the import of high tech labor?
Why don't you worry about that rather than worrying about how much Walmart (one company) pays its workers?
Why not worry about both?
Wal-Mart is the biggest employer in the US and its shareholders externalize an estimated $6.2 billion every year onto the backs of US taxpayers in the form of food stamps, Medicaid, and government subsidized housing. Why wouldn't you worry about that as well as the import of high tech labor?

That's Marxist horseshit. Walmart didn't force anyone to pay welfare to anyone. If the taxpayers want to give welfare to people, they have no one to blame but themselves. Eliminating imported labor is a simple task. To "solve" your Walmart problem would require eliminating capitalism.
My opinion is supported by every legitimate economist who ever graduated from college. None of them ever ageed that wages are controlled by corporate profits. It's the other way around.
So link to your list of wage determinants.
No one ever said wages are controlled by corporate profits other than you. Wages are influenced by corporate profits as the employees and shareholders of Wal-Mart are well aware.
My opinion is supported by every legitimate economist who ever graduated from college. None of them ever ageed that wages are controlled by corporate profits. It's the other way around.
So link to your list of wage determinants.
No one ever said wages are controlled by corporate profits other than you. Wages are influenced by corporate profits as the employees and shareholders of Wal-Mart are well aware.

I already told you that the laws of economics say that labor is a commodity the price of which is determined by the laws of supply and demand. You are trying to claim the laws of supply and demand are invalid. Profits are the result of prices and not the cause of prices.
Referring to a very complicated SEC prosecution proves nothing. Probably hundreds of charges were file in the case. Where any of them fraud? You're just throwing shit against the wall to see what will stick.
Why don't you read the link and see if any of your questions were answered?

You can quote the sections that support your point.
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I already told you that the laws of economics say that labor is a commodity the price of which is determined by the laws of supply and demand. You are trying to claim the laws of supply and demand are invalid. Profits are the result of prices and not the cause of prices
But you never offer any evidence of what you are claiming to be true.
I already told you that the laws of economics say that labor is a commodity the price of which is determined by the laws of supply and demand. You are trying to claim the laws of supply and demand are invalid. Profits are the result of prices and not the cause of prices
But you never offer any evidence of what you are claiming to be true.

I don't need to provide evidence for the laws of supply and demand. They have been two of the most basic fundamentals of economics for over 100 years.
Walmart didn't force anyone to pay welfare to anyone. If the taxpayers want to give welfare to people, they have no one to blame but themselves
Wal-Mart shareholders forced US taxpayers to subsidize Wal-Mart workers by means of food stamps, Medicaid premiums, and subsidized housing vouchers. Taxation is not voluntary in spite of what the investor class would have you believe.
Walmart didn't force anyone to pay welfare to anyone. If the taxpayers want to give welfare to people, they have no one to blame but themselves
Wal-Mart shareholders forced US taxpayers to subsidize Wal-Mart workers by means of food stamps, Medicaid premiums, and subsidized housing vouchers. Taxation is not voluntary in spite of what the investor class would have you believe.

Nope. Taxation is the result of elections. I thought Marxist drones like believe that democracy is the highest form of freedom? Walmart didn't choose the politicians sitting in Congress who approved Welfare and Medicaid. Quit trying to blame Walmart for the decisions of voters and politicians. You're like the serial killer who said "stop me before I kill again."
don't need to provide evidence for the laws of supply and demand. They have been two of the most basic fundamentals of economics for over 100 years.
Supply and demand is not the only determinant of wage level.
If you disagree, provide a link.

Yes, actually, supply and demand are the only things that determine wage levels.

I don't need to provide a link to any basic Freshman level economics text.

Your attempt to reject the laws of economics only shows that you're a gullible ignoramus.
Walmart didn't force anyone to pay welfare to anyone. If the taxpayers want to give welfare to people, they have no one to blame but themselves
Wal-Mart shareholders forced US taxpayers to subsidize Wal-Mart workers by means of food stamps, Medicaid premiums, and subsidized housing vouchers. Taxation is not voluntary in spite of what the investor class would have you believe.
WalMart doesn't have that kind of power. They may support and benefit from welfare programs, but the legislatures that pass these laws are the responsible parties.
Yes, actually, supply and demand are the only things that determine wage levels
Legislation also determines (minimum) wage levels. Maybe you should actually complete Econ 101 before making an even bigger fool of yourself?

Whenever the government tries to mandate prices it causes either shortages or surpluses. When it sets the price too high it causes a surplus, which means much of the product will remain unsold. In the case of labor that means unemployment.
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Wal-Mart shareholders forced US taxpayers to subsidize Wal-Mart workers by means of food stamps, Medicaid premiums, and subsidized housing vouchers. Taxation is not voluntary in spite of what the investor class would have you believe.

Of course thats very very stupid and liberal . If that was true you could blame all the poverty and unemployment in the world on corporations for not hiring enough and paying enough.
WalMart doesn't have that kind of power. They may support and benefit from welfare programs, but the legislatures that pass these laws are the responsible parties.
Wal-Mart shareholders acting through their board of directors have sole power to set wages for their 1.4 million US workers. If they chose to pay a living wage the taxpayers wouldn't need to provide $6.2 billion every year to Wal-Mart's labor force.
Wal-Mart shareholders acting through their board of directors have sole power to set wages for their 1.4 million US workers. If they chose to pay a living wage the taxpayers wouldn't need to provide $6.2 billion every year to Wal-Mart's labor force.

great idea so why not pass a law that corporations have to eliminate poverty and unemployment??
WalMart doesn't have that kind of power. They may support and benefit from welfare programs, but the legislatures that pass these laws are the responsible parties.
Wal-Mart shareholders acting through their board of directors have sole power to set wages for their 1.4 million US workers. If they chose to pay a living wage the taxpayers wouldn't need to provide $6.2 billion every year to Wal-Mart's labor force.

Why should Walmart pay any more than the market wage to their employees? When and how did they incur this obligation?
Wal-Mart shareholders acting through their board of directors have sole power to set wages for their 1.4 million US workers. If they chose to pay a living wage the taxpayers wouldn't need to provide $6.2 billion every year to Wal-Mart's labor force.

great idea so why not pass a law that corporations have to eliminate poverty and unemployment??

Don't even suggest it. That's exactly what they would like to do.

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