What IS The Free Market

Any sensible person would be opposed to such a grant of privilege.
Obviously, there were a lot of rich sensible Englishmen who felt entitled to such privilege. Just as today many rich sensible Americans feel entitled to privilege foreign corporations to equal status with US government policies that Americans rely on for safe food and a clean environment.

There was a very small minority of Englishmen who felt entitled to the privilege. The rest of your post is unintelligible gibberish. All foreign corporations are compelled to follow American laws regarding safe food. I have no idea why you think they should follow our environment laws rather than the laws of the country where they reside.
Your belief that profits would have gone to wages is totally unfounded.
Between 2003 and 2012 stock buybacks comprised 54% of corporate profits which could have gone to higher wages or increased investment in plants and equipment or in public investment such as infrastructure, all of which would have increased consumer demand.
Billionaire Hanauer Hammers Stock Buybacks The Nader Page

You keep saying that, but you don't provide a shred of evidence to support it. Wages are determined by supply and demand for labor, not the level of corporate profits.
On reason wages are staying down is the fact that we are importing all kinds of low wage competition. That includes competition for high tech jobs. There are millions of Indians working here on H1-Bs. These people depress the wages that technical people can earn.
That is one reason wages stay low.
Here's another:

"“Wal-Mart has spent [over ten years] more than$65.4 billion on stock buybacks — about 47 percent of its profits. That’s an average of more than $6.5 billion a year in stock buybacks, enough to give each of its 1.4 million U.S. workers a $4,670-a-year raise.

"It is also, coincidentally, an amount roughly equivalent to the estimated $6.2 billion Wal-Mart costs U.S. taxpayers every year in food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, and other public assistance to its many impoverished employees.”
Billionaire Hanauer Hammers Stock Buybacks The Nader Page

Nope, that has nothing to do with wages. If the demand for labor was higher then Walmart would have to pay more and it's profit margin would therefore be lower. Wage levels affect profits, and not the other way around.
It was Waite's history that was important, from the colonization period that belied your statement that regulation began with FDR.

Where federal regulation is concerned, it did.
What of the Sherman Anti Trust Act, 1890 or the Clayton Act 1914?

That was a first step, but it had little practical effect 1911 when Standard Oil was broken up. However, that's still an incredibly small amount of regulation compared to the firehose of regulations showered on business today.
Special Ed..... please.
" Free markets are decidedly about distributing economic powerunequally. They allow us to vest the power to direct labor and resources with those who provide us with the goods and services we want and need. It's hard to see that as an inherently bad thing."

The catch is that unequal power counters free markets.

How so? To be clear, I'm talking about economic power, not state power.

Those who gain economic power through free markets eventually take over. Hence, robber barons followed by Wall Street and the Fed, etc.

All of them? Huh? What do you mean 'take over'?

take over - definition of take over by The Free Dictionary

Hence, deregulation from the '80s onward, increased military spending and profits from conflict while keeping the petrodollar propped up, bailouts, and consumer spending.
governments were created to ensure public control over the monopoly of power,

dear, govts are monopolies and as such out Founders thought them the source of evil in human history and that was without seeing the great 20Century liberal monopolists: Hitler Stalin and Mao.

Now do you understand?

Liberal monopolists? Capitalists ruled the roost, starting with robber barons, then capitalists, and now financial investors in mega-corporations.
Those who gain economic power through free markets eventually take over. Hence, robber barons followed by Wall Street and the Fed, etc.

dear, the Fed Chairman is usually a college professor appointed by the president and approved by Congress and supported intellectually by most college economics professors.

The Fed is a private consortium controlled by commercial banks. It also operates independently of the government.
Society has decided the power over the natural monopoly of violence is best controlled through government working in the best interests of all its citizens.

Do you have a better idea?

the conservative/libertarian idea of our founders was that govt has been the greatest monopoly and as such the greatest source of evil in human history and so should be very very limited.

Welcome to your first lesson in American History!! See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance??

The conservative idea rested on beliefs connected to monopoly. That's why only white males were allowed to vote.
Those who gain economic power through free markets eventually take over. Hence, robber barons followed by Wall Street and the Fed, etc.

dear, the Fed Chairman is usually a college professor appointed by the president and approved by Congress and supported intellectually by most college economics professors.

The Fed is a private consortium controlled by commercial banks. It also operates independently of the government.

The Fed is intimately connected to government. It's the perfect example of non-free market corporatism, and a direct result of indulging government interference in economic matters.
" Free markets are decidedly about distributing economic powerunequally. They allow us to vest the power to direct labor and resources with those who provide us with the goods and services we want and need. It's hard to see that as an inherently bad thing."

The catch is that unequal power counters free markets.

How so? To be clear, I'm talking about economic power, not state power.

Those who gain economic power through free markets eventually take over. Hence, robber barons followed by Wall Street and the Fed, etc.

All of them? Huh? What do you mean 'take over'?

take over - definition of take over by The Free Dictionary

Hence, deregulation from the '80s onward, increased military spending and profits from conflict while keeping the petrodollar propped up, bailouts, and consumer spending.

You can't have de-regulation without first having regulation. You're simply pointing out the very real dangers of government economic manipulation.
I have no idea why you think they should follow our environment laws rather than the laws of the country where they reside.
Do you have any idea concerning the number of global biospheres currently in existence?
" Biosphere
Eitzen (2003:80) describes the biosphere as the surface layer of the earth's atmosphere. The biosphere provides the land air water and energy necessary to sustain life."
Chapter 4 Threats to the Environment
The correct answer is 1.
governments were created to ensure public control over the monopoly of power,

dear, govts are monopolies and as such out Founders thought them the source of evil in human history and that was without seeing the great 20Century liberal monopolists: Hitler Stalin and Mao.

Now do you understand?

Liberal monopolists? Capitalists ruled the roost, starting with robber barons, then capitalists, and now financial investors in mega-corporations.

What did capitalists "rule?" Can you name a single law made by a capitalist?
I have no idea why you think they should follow our environment laws rather than the laws of the country where they reside.
Do you have any idea concerning the number of global biospheres currently in existence?
" Biosphere
Eitzen (2003:80) describes the biosphere as the surface layer of the earth's atmosphere. The biosphere provides the land air water and energy necessary to sustain life."
Chapter 4 Threats to the Environment
The correct answer is 1.

So you think U.S. law should apply to foreign corporations in operating in foreign countries? That's got to be one of the stupidest ideas ever posted in this forum. China would tell you to go fuck yourself if you ever suggested to them. In fact, China has told the U.N. to go fuck itself.
You are proposing libertarian goals and a pure capitalist model that goes against the will of the population,

dear, the American revolution was opposed or ignored by 2/3 of the population.

The same revolution involving Founders who were supposed to challenge monopolies, among others?

Where did the Founders ever mention monopolies as a basis for the Revolution?

You libturds live in a fantasy world where all the facts of history are made up to suit your agenda.

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