What is the goal of capitalism?

The robots are coming. That's the end of capitalism MUAHAHAHAHA!
The Cliff-Notes Educated Will Be Thrown Off the Cliff

Diploma Dumbo college graduates will be the next to be replaced. These brainless conformists, whose ignorant grammar proves how mentally inferior they are to what they think they are, comfort themselves with the illusion that machines can only do blue-collar jobs.
The USSR supposedly tortured and enslaved its people, it was an absolute nightmare. You hardly find even one person in any of these types of interviews that agree with your polemic against Soviet Russia. In 2009 70% of the Russian population expressed that they missed the USSR. Your horror stories and rhetoric against the USSR are nothing more than Cold War bullshit propaganda.
Stalin was a brutal dictator. Many died under his rule. That's the risk of dictatorships. While central planning worked in many things having Stalin as a dictator did not work infavor of the USSR.
I know because none of those imaginary people in your mind had family members that would be alive today. Way too many people are for the Soviet Union in Russia, undermining your narrative that they were committing acts of genocide. Now if an asshole sociopath like you got thrown into the Gulag, I wouldn't miss a minute of sleep over it. Good riddance.

I know because none of those imaginary people in your mind had family members that would be alive today.

The victims of the gulag are imaginary?

Way too many people are for the Soviet Union in Russia

Yes, many of the nomenklatura are very sad. The ones who didn't loot the country.
Stalin was a brutal dictator. Many died under his rule. That's the risk of dictatorships. While central planning worked in many things having Stalin as a dictator did not work infavor of the USSR.
Most of what Western academics say about Stalin is bullshit.
UUUUUuuuu, here are the American dungeons and gulags:

Wow, American prisons are so much better and more humane. The longest Gulag sentence was 10 years and much of what has been written about it is an exaggeration.

Its not the same thing at all

Prior to 6-1 we didnt run gulags for political prisoners

But it went on in the old Soviet Union for decades
I know because none of those imaginary people in your mind had family members that would be alive today.

The victims of the gulag are imaginary?

Way too many people are for the Soviet Union in Russia

Yes, many of the nomenklatura are very sad. The ones who didn't loot the country.
Who says they were victims? Your buddies? You? If Soviet Russia was as bad as you claim there wouldn't be so many people in Russia who lived during that time, saying they miss it. Since you're a capitalist apologist troll, you flippantly dismiss that fact as irrelevant.
Who says they were victims? Your buddies? You? If Soviet Russia was as bad as you claim there wouldn't be so many people in Russia who lived during that time, saying they miss it. Since you're a capitalist apologist troll, you flippantly dismiss that fact as irrelevant.

Who says they were victims? Your buddies?

Exactly! They were asking for it!

If Soviet Russia was as bad as you claim there wouldn't be so many people in Russia who lived during that time, saying they miss it.

When you're old, broke and retired, waiting in line for 3 hours for a loaf of bread and 3 potatoes
doesn't sound so bad. You have a lot more free time now, since you're not working at the
crappy Soviet tractor factory anymore.
Socialism is a failure and the future of nothing.

There is no death toll argument against capitalism. The wars you cite were fought for OTHER political reasons.

Communism is the single greatest cause of murder in the twentieth century.
Because It Is a Scam Invented by the Sons of Capitalists to Take Over Democracy

After narrowly avoiding being exterminated by the French Revolution, the spoiled-putrid guillotine-fodder decided they would pretend to be for the common people and trick them into taking over power and handing it to HeirHeads who believed they were "Born to Rule," based on no evidence of superiority but only because their Daddies had always told them they were special.
Yes, a couple of million assholes like you, were thrown into the gulag out of almost 200 million. Scum like you inflate the numbers, but yes about two or three million went through the gulag system. Most survived their ten-year sentences of hard labor.

Scum like me? Is it because my boot is still in your ass?
How many people did Stalin kill? 30 million? 60 million?

Or was it just a couple? Was he just misunderstood?
Who says they were victims? Your buddies?

Exactly! They were asking for it!

If Soviet Russia was as bad as you claim there wouldn't be so many people in Russia who lived during that time, saying they miss it.

When you're old, broke and retired, waiting in line for 3 hours for a loaf of bread and 3 potatoes
doesn't sound so bad. You have a lot more free time now, since you're not working at the
crappy Soviet tractor factory anymore.
They sure were asking for it, Your line for a piece of bread and potato existed in the early 20s, during the war, and in ww2, when they were invaded by 4 million Nazis, and in the 1980s, with the introduction of market reforms. War and capitalism, created lines and food shortages, scarcity.
They sure were asking for it, Your line for a piece of bread and potato existed in the early 20s, during the war, and in ww2, when they were invaded by 4 million Nazis, and in the 1980s, with the introduction of market reforms. War and capitalism, created lines and food shortages, scarcity.

They sure were asking for it, Your line for a piece of bread and potato existed in the early 20s, during the war,

No lines in the 50s, 60s or 70s?

War and capitalism, created lines and food shortages, scarcity.

So did peace and communism, apparently.
The USSR was a massive failure proving how marxism can never work.

The famed industrialization of the USSR is a sham.

They force dmassive industrialization by forcing people to build factories and then working in those factories which in turn produced NOTHING of value.

Essentially it was slave labor to produce an impressive statistic.

The result was not only economic failure and slavery it was in caused a massive collapse of agriculture and in turn starvation. On top of mass murder of tens of millions.

A few outlying examples of innovation does not disprove the facts about the insanse monstrosity and failure of the USSR
Russia Had Been Tagging Along for Centuries, While America Had Nothing Going for It Except the Superiority of the Unentitled

Since Netrixters haven't been programmed to think, let me point out that America started out in far worse shape than Russia did at the advent of Communist industrialization. We were stuck with a completely undeveloped wilderness occupied by vicious savages, while Russia was halfway developed through the influence of Western Europe, starting with Czar Peter the Great.
They sure were asking for it, Your line for a piece of bread and potato existed in the early 20s, during the war,

No lines in the 50s, 60s or 70s?

War and capitalism, created lines and food shortages, scarcity.

So did peace and communism, apparently.
Communism turned Russia into the second-largest economy in the world and a world nuclear superpower. If you want to believe that people were going hungry in the USSR, go ahead and delude yourself. However, when we have socialism here in America, it will be even better than what existed in the USSR. Our technology is much more advanced now than it was back then. We also won't have a capitalist empire trying to destroy us since we are the capitalist empire that will be adopting socialism.

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