What is the GOP doing?

Republicans have had access to Hunters Laptop for over t
two years. They have already released the juiciest parts.

There is nothing there. Not even enough to indict Hunter Biden let alone impeach Biden.

Republicans have a slim advantage in the House. To expect every Republican to jump on flimsy evidence is a reach.
Trump was impeached over a phone call on hearsay testimony. How cool, huh.
Maybe they're waiting until they have evidence on Hunter's laptop that won't turn to shit when presented to a judge.

Like the 65+ times the "rigged election" clown show h
Adam Schiff set the bar for Presidential impeachment with his anonymous whistleblower who witnessed nothing and yet provided "evidence" of an overheard phone call.
What photos, and exactly what do they show?

I dunno, I wish they would arrest Hunter or shut up about it. But hey, I get the feeling there are only a few topics that keeps the RWers all fired up. Hunter seems the be the new Hillary.
Yep. If he broke the law, nail him. If Joe helped him, nail him too.

They're just not very good at actually proving their non-stop accusations and theories.
Losing the 2024 election due to incompetence and extremism

That you can say that as a serious comment while shilling for the D's just shows the depravity of thought in the American populace. I personally hope dumbass Biden wins again and you get a super majority in the house as well, then there are zero excuses, let's see what the real agenda is. I want the American people to really understand what the left is about and that won't happen until they have complete and total control with no fingers being pointed anywhere else. Right now they have total control while being able to push the blame and not being held accountable for anything, those days need to be over.
Nothing on political persecution of J6 victims.
Nothing on 2020 or 2022 Election Fraud.
Nothing on those using GOVT to setup phony Russian Collusion.
Nothing on 51 liars falsifying document to rig Election.
Nothing on DNC Collusion with filthy LW MSM.
Nothing on J6 video but dump on Tucker then block view of it.
//worthless-useless over 100 days.

They're all on the same side, when will people wake up?
Democrats impeached Trump since day one and dragged his name through the mud

Then they won in 2020.

If the GOP wants to win, this is the formula for success.

The baselessness of the Russian collusion conspiracy shows you don't even need valid evidence to proceed.

They're never going to do that, they're in on all of it, it's just good cop/bad cop with them being interchangeable depending on which 'side' you're on.
Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.

What is the GOP doing?​

Nothing, because each party has dirt on the other that may come to light.
You think not wanting men to compete against women is extreme? How about opposing the sexual grooming of children, wanting us to be energy dependent or less reliant on China -- is that extreme? Is it extreme to want only U.S. citizens to vote or want to rein in the profligate printing of money that causes inflation?

Why do you see opposing the off the charts extremism of the Democrat party as being extreme?
Taking drugs this morning? WTH does your spout off have to do with what OP asked?
We heard the phone call, saw that he delayed military assistance.

Always with the constant lies. You've been told (and provided a link) that it was the Pentagon that delayed the National Guard. And I've asked you a dozen times to point out anything Trump said in that phone call transcript that would be considered a high crime, misdemeanor or treason, and you can't point to one sentence.

Then you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.
Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.
Hopefully the GOP is not like the corrupt Democrats who forget all about fair play, honor, due process etc. when they go after somebody and their surrogate MSM will not report the unfairness, dishonorable conduct, lack of due process.

And maybe the GOP is reluctant to do a futile impeachment when there is no way the Senate would convict and remove Biden, most especially when the MSM would paint it as political retaliation with no basis.

You have to remember the Democrats control most of the MSM and therefore most of the message however dishonest. The GOP does not have that.

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