What is the GOP doing?

Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.
Yup, no wall. No Obamacare repeal...heck Hillary never saw an indictment, let alone the inside of a jail.

And now, nary an indictment for the Bidens in sight.

Gad, your side really is incompetent. Looks like you finally figured that out. Thoughts & prayers. :itsok:
I really need to change my handle. It seemed humorous at the time, but …

You are so … “right.”

But please don’t change your Avatar — it fits perfectly. :cool:


  • 9356DDBD-E4DE-480D-B9AE-AEA5D1C77009.jpeg
    2.8 KB · Views: 8
You are so … “right.”

But please don’t change your Avatar — it fits perfectly. :cool:

Practically a miracle someone as out of touch with real life could live nearly 75 years? Mommy musta set your lame butt up so you could sit home and attack America you old fool.
Practically a miracle someone as out of touch with real life could live nearly 75 years? Mommy musta set your lame butt up so you could sit home and attack America you old fool.
Families in China DO have many generations living under one roof now that you mention it.

leftwinger and Dogmaphobe are sad examples of MAGA-macho “Real American” assholes. Ever unable to respond intelligently — or with a sense of humor or proportion to different views — they lack even an ounce of real life wisdom. They lack all solidarity or empathy with women in particular. They pretty much only know how to insult, make up lies about their opponents, and troll.

I thought mothers were off limits on this Message Board? Guess not.

But just to set the record straight for anybody interested: My mother was the eighth child of a poor immigrant family from Eastern Europe — but she was “born in the U.S.A.” Determined that her three boys get a decent education in our country, she worked hard and with my father (a WWII pilot who flew “The Hump”) raised us all to manhood as best she could. We all did well — an engineer, a successful businessman and myself — a blue collar worker.

I left home at 18 and supported myself ever since, working my way through college, winning scholarships, taking out and paying back loans. Couldn’t have done it without the example of sacrifice and love showed by my mother (and her mother) and my whole family.

Dogmaphobe and leftwinger would have more success sucking on each other’s dicks than trying to slander me or my family. As far as I can see, they are just typical ignoramuses and lowlife “macho” mother-f*ckers.
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Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.
It's funny how your kind can't figure these things out.
Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.
The GOP is not interested in the WWE style of government you MAGA guys prefer.
Smoking crack and soliciting prostitutes are both crimes, moron.
Yes, that's what I said, Einstein. Those are obviously crimes, but that wasn't the topic.

The topic was his laptop, and you got confused and posted pictures of something else for some reason.

I know this is complicated for you. I'm sorry. Should I write in crayon for you?
leftwinger and Dogmaphobe are sad examples of MAGA-macho “Real American” assholes. Ever unable to respond intelligently — or with a sense of humor or proportion to different views — they lack even an ounce of real life wisdom. They lack all solidarity or empathy with women in particular. They pretty much only know how to insult, make up lies about their opponent

s, and troll.

I thought mothers were off limits on this Message Board? Guess not.

But just to set the record straight for anybody interested: My mother was the eighth child of a poor immigrant family from Eastern Europe — but she was “born in the U.S.A.” Determined that her three boys get a decent education in our country, she worked hard and with my father (a WWII pilot who flew “The Hump”) raised us all to manhood as best she could. We all did well — an engineer, a successful businessman and myself — a blue collar worker.

I left home at 18 and supported myself ever since, working my way through college, winning scholarships, taking out and paying back loans. Couldn’t have done it without the example of sacrifice and love showed by my mother (and her mother) and my whole family.

Dogmaphobe and leftwinger would have more success sucking on each other’s dicks than trying to slander me or my family. As far as I can see, they are just typical ignoramuses and lowlife “macho” mother-f*ckers.

For you to be OK with what has transpired in this Country via this GOVT takeover in 2020 shows you be a complete imbecile or part of the enemies of America...a supporter of criminals. You are marked as the enemy within.

It's a war. Your kind vs. Normal Decent Honest Americans. You're not worth the time until we are forced to deal with your bloated carcass. You're OK with carving up kids, torture of J6, riots, no bail, stolen treasure etc. Your side is Evil and must be stopped one way or another. American Children need us to fight you off for them.
Maybe they're waiting until they have evidence on Hunter's laptop that won't turn to shit when presented to a judge.

Like the 65+ times the "rigged election" clown show has.
The first democrat cultist chimes in
Trump Russian collusion yeeehaaaaa
Before Trump even took office in 2016, the DNC already had plans to impeach him once they took the House, which they did.

Now that the GOP has taken the House, why is the GOP not impeaching Biden? They have plenty with the Hunter lap top.

What's up with this?

This is how politics is done now, is it not, or is it just for the GOP?

Hell, DeSantis is not even running for President yet and they are already suing him.
Like the Democrats did, the GOP is probably waiting to do it closer to the election to get the maximum possible effect at election time.

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