What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Well, once again you've proved your ignorance. Marxism has NEVER been implemented by leadership in any Communist Nation-State.

No communist leadership's have ever implemented a Bill of Rights, supported democracy of all the people or granted the liberty and freedom to speak out for their freedom of speech, religion or for the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Come to think about this last paragraph, that fits the 21st Century Republican Party Leadership.
He REALLY IS this stupid.

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Neither party has ever been worthy of my vote. They and their platforms you can shove. Not my principles.
Found in the bible....live moralistically. I see zero...notta...one person of good morals in either party. That's sad.
Found in the bible....live moralistically. I see zero...notta...one person of good morals in either party. That's sad.
I'm a life long Democrat and my principles were learned well before I registered as a Democrat at age 21. My principles were built on the foundation of the teaching of the Nuns on the Beatitudes:

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the Earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
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What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

One is pounding you in the rear end while the other one is cramming it down your throat.

If it's of any consolation, they're giggling and high fiving each other the whole time. And when they're done, as you hobble away, red faced and humiliated, told how important you were t othem, after being used and abused, you'll have the distinguished opportunity to decide which one of the two heatherns gave it to you the best.

You will see many different responses here. Rest assured, however, that this is the only meaningful truth you'll read.
One is pounding you in the rear end while the other one is cramming it down your throat.

If it's of any consolation, they're giggling and high fiving each other the whole time. And when they're done, as you hobble away, red faced and humiliated, told how important you were t othem, after being used and abused, you'll have the distinguished opportunity to decide which one of the two heatherns gave it to you the best.

You will see many different responses here. Rest assured, however, that this is the only meaningful truth you'll read.
Wrong: The Left supports CRIMINALS, The Right supports the People. That is a simple but accurate assessment of the 21st Century DemoRAT Party.
Who are these criminals that the left supports? Trump had people looking into his antics early on with the mueller report. Here's a link below of a few mainly good buddies of trump that he pardoned. Looks like he even pardoned thieving congressman duncan hunter sos he could get his pension. No, I think the republicans have the market cornered when it comes to criminality. Been going on at least since Nixon.
Who are these criminals that the left supports? Trump had people looking into his antics early on with the mueller report. Here's a link below of a few mainly good buddies of trump that he pardoned. Looks like he even pardoned thieving congressman duncan hunter sos he could get his pension. No, I think the republicans have the market cornered when it comes to criminality. Been going on at least since Nixon.
how about---ahhhhhhh--well------------------FLOYD!!!
etc etc
every BLACK criminal
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Democrats will drive you over the cliff as fast as they can. R's do it at the speed limit.
To put it even more simply, it will be something like this:

Democrats are supporters of slavery and communist totalitarianism in the economy, and Republicans are economic liberals in the spirit of the Austrian school of economy.

Reading the Gateway Pundit much these days...

Truth is the Democrats would be right wing party in Europe, they wouldn't even be centre right...

European Countries aren't as much in the pockets of Corporations as US is...

Europe takes a longer term view at things like infrastructure, education, health... There types of Government makes for less conflict and better governance...

Better Government is better for all... There is some here that don't believe that and hooked all the Government is bad, so if the Government succeeds they are wrong... Government has many successful programs, look at roads, they are there and will be there tomorrow. Only complaint is when they aren't there. We take good Government for granted and focus on their failures..
Reading the Gateway Pundit much these days...

Truth is the Democrats would be right wing party in Europe, they wouldn't even be centre right...

European Countries aren't as much in the pockets of Corporations as US is...

Europe takes a longer term view at things like infrastructure, education, health... There types of Government makes for less conflict and better governance...

Better Government is better for all... There is some here that don't believe that and hooked all the Government is bad, so if the Government succeeds they are wrong... Government has many successful programs, look at roads, they are there and will be there tomorrow. Only complaint is when they aren't there. We take good Government for granted and focus on their failures..
hard to compare Europe that way--their countries have much less a population and less diversity
Prototypical democrats: AOC and her squad, Schumer, Bernie, the Xiden WH disaster and catastrophic policies, also include the democrats in the House and Senate.

Prototypical republicans: Trump, Pence, Pompeo, Nikki Haley, Dan Crenshaw, Jim Jordan, Tom Cotton, Hawley, Ted Cruz, Ron Desantis, all the GOP governors, senators, and congressmen.

One big difference between democrats and republicans is that republicans are pro-business and democrats are clueless. Here is one example:
1. Amazon wanted to build HQ2 in NYC, in a blighted area that is in AOC's district
2. That HQ2 mega-project would have turned a blighted area into an architectural wonder
3. Cuomo said it would gain NY state about $28b a year in new tax revenue
4. It would gain NYC 25,000 new well paying jobs with full benefits
5. AOC killed HQ2 and it moved to VA. Democrats are MORONS.

View attachment 547686 This is what AOC could have had, but..

View attachment 547685 The moron chose to keep this instead

AOC didn't kill it but did reference that investing in smaller companies the same incentives would yield higher return..

This was back by experts... You see you like the big boys and AOC seems to want to support mom and pop stores...

Amazon were there for the incentives and were running an auction... That was smart of Amazon but they weren't moving to a high cost area like NY...
hard to compare Europe that way--their countries have much less a population and less diversity
EU has twice the population of US and it has far deeper diversity...

They don't even speak the same language. Massive cultural differences...

You know that Spanish are Hispanics...

EU states are referred to as countries but their constitution is 15 times longer than US one... it is 265 pages long...

They also have the ECJ which over rules the EU states supreme courts (seem familiar)

Any way how is larger population and less diversity an excuse for short sightness... China has been building large infrastructure projects for decades and they are bigger than US...

Please don't compare us to others because it is awkward is not excuse... I will tell you those European countries compare themselves to other countries all the time and ask why they aren't Number One in everything...
earlier in this thread some idiot (probably on ignore now) stated that (D)s put people over profits unlike (R)s who do the opposite.......well so much for that theory....

earlier in this thread some idiot (probably on ignore now) stated that (D)s put people over profits unlike (R)s who do the opposite.......well so much for that theory....

Lets make one thing clear

Fox News

These companies are about profit... It is their legal obligation to make as much of it as possible...

Facebook fact checked because it was good for their business... The reputation damage because of spreading lies was going to effect their bottom line or they were going to see more regulation...

Fox News has a market position of Conservative/Trump News... The Australian (living in UK) is interested in money and power over any ideology... Murdoch has basically no moral compass and that showed in the British newspaper scandal...


All these corporations have primary objective of making money... Some have better ethics than others but in survival mode they will revert to primary objective...

Saying that Salesforce have taken a very interesting view with calling various entities as Stakeholders (Customers, Shareholders, Employees...) and that have each should have a respected view how the company should be run... This was taken from a more German model...

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