What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Ah, the diversity and the amount of population make it impossible argument. It is interesting though. I live in a country of 12 million, 3 separate language areas around 12 different parties, and a strong independence movement going back 150 years. Yet we manage universal healthcare. Germany, population 83 million manages it. So does Japan, population 126 million does it. Can you explain why the US all of a sudden is incapable? It seems to scale perfectly well in other western nations?
The US does have Government managed healthcare. We call it the Veterans Administration and from my very personal experience it fucking sucks.
Idiot-gram ^^^' variety and author who is too pissed off in this bed to have any common sense.
Says the sniveling, jabbering bed wetter who actually asserts democrooks give a fiddler's fuck about human beings. The same party that fights tooth and nail to ensure as many babies get sucked out of the womb. The same party who elects lunatic judges and DA's that release violent sociopaths back into society and punish police. The same party that wants to make self defense not only impossible, but illegal. The same party globalist billionaires shower with campaign funds. The same party that is doing everything it can to strangle industries in the name of a climate change hoax.

Yeah.... Sure... Democrooks want everyone "equal".....

Equally miserable. Living in equally squalid conditions, with equally pathetic, inefficient schools. Equally terrified to got out at night thanks to criminal gangs. Equally dependent on government. Equally enslaved. Look at every democrook run city, and you see that they're all equal shit holes in serious decline run by corrupt sociopaths that bleed the population.

Thanks Turd Catcher, you make ridiculing you so fuckin easy. I don't know how something as freakishly stupid as you manages to evade natural selection, but you should be in a cage as a side show in a traveling carnival so that people can throw peanuts at you.

What a complete and utter retard, you are the perfect example of someone who suffers from Left Syndrome.

The US does have Government managed healthcare. We call it the Veterans Administration and from my very personal experience it fucking sucks.
Yes, and you also have Medicare and Medicaid. The fact that it sucks might be a direct function of insufficient funding to operate in a for-profit healthcare system.
Really, explain Marxism in detail. Or, STFU.
You're the only one who needs it explained to you. Even after it is, you're still too fuckin retarded to understand that it's an insidious philosophy that has impoverished, oppressed and murdered hundreds of millions of people. In the few remaining countries that actually practice it in whatever degree people live in squalid shitholes, they're subjected tyranny, while the governing class is a bloated oligarchy.

When people joke about stupid people being dropped on their heads as babies they should have met you first, because someone obviously spiked your dumbass like a football and kicked you for a 30 yard field goal that hit the post. Fuckin imbecile.
Belgium. My wife is American.
look the US has way to many different types of people here....we have people who are pretty far right and the other side is those who are pretty far left and in various stages in between....we cant agree on hardly anything....if one side is for a national health system and the other side says no way....it wont get done.....there is opposition for just about anything proposed....i blame all of this on the so called leaders of the 2 parties.....you either line up with one or the other or you get told to fuck off.....the people like me who cant stand both of them get ignored because....we dont belong...
look the US has way to many different types of people here....we have people who are pretty far right and the other side is those who are pretty far left and in various stages in between....we cant agree on hardly anything....if one side is for a national health system and the other side says no way....it wont get done.....there is opposition for just about anything proposed....i blame all of this on the so called leaders of the 2 parties.....you either line up with one or the other or you get told to fuck off.....the people like me who cant stand both of them get ignored because....we dont belong...
Did you miss the part where I said we have about 12 different parties? Not only do we have everything from far left to far right. Unlike the US they have separate parties to represent them. We need to form coalitions in order to get an actual government. A process that can be extremely lengthy. I'm talking for more than a year in some extreme cases. Yet we still managed and manage a universal healthcare system way cheaper than that in the US. I don't think diversity or disagreeing with one another is an argument for it being impossible.
Did you miss the part where I said we have about 12 different parties? Not only do we have everything from far left to far right. Unlike the US they have separate parties to represent them. We need to form coalitions in order to get an actual government. A process that can be extremely lengthy. I'm talking for more than a year in some extreme cases. Yet we still managed and manage a universal healthcare system way cheaper than that in the US. I don't think diversity or disagreeing with one another is an argument for it being impossible.
it is here.....the 2 parties would have a hard time deciding who walks through a doorway first....we also have far more violent people than your country......
Moreover, because of this atmosphere, the general culture is falling, and those who want to be a useful and decent person cannot prove themselves, instead they reap the benefits of this swamp, taking all the blows upon themselves.

I really understood the meaning of the right and left idea, its whole essence.
The left path is the path to the pigsty
Wrong: The Left supports The People, The Right does not support the People. That is a simple but accurate assessment of the 21st Century Republican Party.
Wrong: The Left supports The People, The Right does not support the People. That is a simple but accurate assessment of the 21st Century Republican Party.
Wrong: The Left supports CRIMINALS, The Right supports the People. That is a simple but accurate assessment of the 21st Century DemoRAT Party.
UNDENIABLE = you people LOVE criminals...you treat them like saints....Floyd ring a bell?
Looking at the Nixon, Reagan and Trump Administration it appears that the Republican Party has become home to Criminals. Please excuse harmonica, he knows nothing and posts foolishness.
No not right! The Democrats believe and always have believed in Capitalism. There are no Communist in any position of leadership within the Democratic party let alone supporters of economic slavery.

Democrats believe the government can and should regulate the excesses of Capitalism. Like for instance they believe that everybody has the right to affordable health care and the government in Austria insures they have it. Unlike in the US.
AOC has no influence on leadership? How about China owning a lot of Democrats like they do Swawell?
Looking at the Nixon, Reagan and Trump Administration it appears that the Republican Party has become home to Criminals. Please excuse harmonica, he knows nothing and posts foolishness.
Sorry, the massive fraud and cover-up of the 2020 election blows that out of the water.

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