What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

Looking at the Nixon, Reagan and Trump Administration it appears that the Republican Party has become home to Criminals. Please excuse harmonica, he knows nothing and posts foolishness.
Looking at the Clinton, Obama and Biden Administration it appears that the Dem Party has become home to Criminals. Please excuse Rye, he knows nothing and posts foolishness.
Well that is rather wide open.
To me...
Conservative - based on individual responsibility. We are responsible for ourselves.
Ideology Is Not About Ideas; It Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

Then the born-rich should receive no inheritance, no trust funds, or an allowance while in college. Unless someone is an unAmerican loyal serf, the rule here should be "If we have to do it on our own, so must the sons of the rich."

So Conservatism is not following its principles there and cannot be pro-Capitalist, either, because hereditary power contradicts and weakens Capitalism.
Want to prove you claim? Post a couple of policies which benefit the vast majority of the people by the 21st Century Republican Party.

See what the R Party is doing now, and what the platform of the 1956 R Party stood for:

I have no desire to attempt to prove anything here to a bunch of closed minded left wing nut jobs.

I will post something and you will just say "no that does not help people"

so why try? you have your beliefs and opinions and I have mine. Lets just leave it at that.
You're the only one who needs it explained to you. Even after it is, you're still too fuckin retarded to understand that it's an insidious philosophy that has impoverished, oppressed and murdered hundreds of millions of people. In the few remaining countries that actually practice it in whatever degree people live in squalid shitholes, they're subjected tyranny, while the governing class is a bloated oligarchy.

When people joke about stupid people being dropped on their heads as babies they should have met you first, because someone obviously spiked your dumbass like a football and kicked you for a 30 yard field goal that hit the post. Fuckin imbecile.
Well, once again you've proved your ignorance. Marxism has NEVER been implemented by leadership in any Communist Nation-State.

No communist leadership's have ever implemented a Bill of Rights, supported democracy of all the people or granted the liberty and freedom to speak out for their freedom of speech, religion or for the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Come to think about this last paragraph, that fits the 21st Century Republican Party Leadership.
What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?
The Reagan Trump GOP is a disgraceful giveaway to the rich while dooping the rubes with garbage propaganda. The Justice and fairness Democrats want were obstructed from 1968 until Obamacare. The injustice and lies of the GOP is so obvious now luckily.... Many thanks to the disastrous GOP for the stupidest wars ever, allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence and corrupt recessions and world depressions every time they get the chance. Now a fantasy of stolen election and conspiracies. Poor America.
What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?
I have no desire to attempt to prove anything here to a bunch of closed minded left wing nut jobs.

I will post something and you will just say "no that does not help people"

so why try? you have your beliefs and opinions and I have mine. Lets just leave it at that.
Okay, I will ignore all of your posts. Those who can't respond to those who suffer cognitive dissonance to their own narratives is not worth reading.
Looking at the Clinton, Obama and Biden Administration it appears that the Dem Party has become home to Criminals. Please excuse Rye, he knows nothing and posts foolishness.
You are a damn liar, and one who can't even post a lie of substance and not refuted:

The gop irresponsibly cuts taxes to start wars and benefit the 1%.

The dems irresponsibly spend to start new programs when we aren't paying for older ones.
They both love war and tax cuts. Remember Ears kept W’s tax cuts and now old Joe keeps dumb Don’s tax cuts.

Round and round we go.
I'd start off with some verifiable similarities... ;)

Pretend liberalityPretend conservatism
Screws up everything they touchScrews up everything they touch
I'd start off with some verifiable similarities... ;)

Pretend liberalityPretend conservatism
Screws up everything they touchScrews up everything they touch
the die hards wont believe you.....but it looks about right....

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