What is the main difference between Republicans and Democrats?

EU has twice the population of US and it has far deeper diversity...

They don't even speak the same language. Massive cultural differences...

You know that Spanish are Hispanics...

EU states are referred to as countries but their constitution is 15 times longer than US one... it is 265 pages long...

They also have the ECJ which over rules the EU states supreme courts (seem familiar)

Any way how is larger population and less diversity an excuse for short sightness... China has been building large infrastructure projects for decades and they are bigger than US...

Please don't compare us to others because it is awkward is not excuse... I will tell you those European countries compare themselves to other countries all the time and ask why they aren't Number One in everything...
you fkd up--
1.you said COUNTRIES!! not the UE
2. UK over 80% white!!!!
--less diversity = less problems like we have in the US..problems meaning all this bullshit about racism and police brutality/etc/etc-DIVIDES the country/etc
--blacks commit crimes at MUCH higher rates = PROBLEMS!!
.....HAHAHAHAHAHAH short sightedness!!!!!! ??? what???!!!!!!--any grade schooler knows you can't compare populations that are much different
The difference is that they have different ways of preserving capitalism.
Some people think, that capitalism is still in the early 19th century stage and has a bright future ahead of it.
Others think, that if you just make the rich pay for everything by taxing them, then everything will be fine.
Both theories are utopian.
Who are these criminals that the left supports? Trump had people looking into his antics early on with the mueller report. Here's a link below of a few mainly good buddies of trump that he pardoned. Looks like he even pardoned thieving congressman duncan hunter sos he could get his pension. No, I think the republicans have the market cornered when it comes to criminality. Been going on at least since Nixon.
Floyd for one!!!! all the BLACK criminals--the left love and HONOR them with:
plaques/statues/murals/kneeling/etc /etc

Floyd for one!!!! all the BLACK criminals--the left love and HONOR them with:
plaques/statues/murals/kneeling/etc /etc
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Maybe you quit murdering them in the street then you get a different reaction.
Democrats don't like freedom. Repukes say they love freedom, but only if it fits their narrow little parameters. Neither party has one thing in common with my ideals.
George Wallace figured it out in the 1960's and then
He said, "There is not a dime's worth of difference between the democrat & republican parties." And that is their net effects.
So here we are in the early stages of the fall of Yankee Babylon and a severe depopulation of Yankeeland.
Republicans cannot think and hate progress and dems are all for progress.

Depends on what you define as progress. If progress means catering to weirdos in dresses, we are not for that. If progress means open borders, we are not for your progress. If progress means weakening our police and authorities and catering to the criminals, we are not for progress. If progress means pressuring people to buy electric cars they don't want, or take vaccines we question, we are not for progress. If progress means forcing employers to pay government mandated wages, we are not for progress.
Depends on what you define as progress. If progress means catering to weirdos in dresses, we are not for that. If progress means open borders, we are not for your progress. If progress means weakening our police and authorities and catering to the criminals, we are not for progress. If progress means pressuring people to buy electric cars they don't want, or take vaccines we question, we are not for progress. If progress means forcing employers to pay government mandated wages, we are not for progress.
Spoken like a republican shill.
Good places to work have excess great employees. Only bad employers cannot find workers....as it should be. They do not deserve even decent workers.

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