What is the middle class?


Older than dirt
Nov 5, 2009
One of the takeaways of reading Piketty's book is an appreciation of how definitions of economic classes has changed over time and how these definitions depend on the measures used (income, wealth, or social status). A century ago it was commonly accepted that in developed economies there were basically five classes. At the lowest by all measures was the poor. They had limited income and virtually no wealth, experienced lowest standard of living, and usually had no regular dependable employment. Next up the scale was the working class which was differentiated from the poor by the fact that they were dependably employed and enjoyed a modest but sufficient standard of living. The working class was made up of the upper levels of agricultural labor, industrial workers, clerks, semi-skilled craftsmen, and lower levels of tradesmen.

The middle class consisted of the proverbial shopkeepers, skilled artisans, upper levels of tradesmen, professionals such as doctors and lawyers, and the middle level of government employees. Many of the middle class were affluent enough to have domestic employees. The upper class was really two classes: one based on inherited wealth which subsisted on the income of either land or government bonds (the rentier class) and a class that received its income from successful business enterprise, either commercial which dominated in the earlier periods, or industrial which came to dominate later.

If we look at the century between the Napoleonic Wars and the advent of WWI, and label the classes based on living standards of today; the poor would be those with less than $15,000 a year of income and no net wealth, the working class (which Americans consider part of the middle class) would have incomes of $15,000 to $50,000 almost entirely from labor, the middle class would have incomes of from $20,000 to $250,000 or so based on labor and self-employment income, the rentiers would have income of $50,000 and up based mostly on investments, and the business upper class would have incomes from $250,000 on up based on income from enterprise. Of course, the boundaries would be very fuzzy.

So my questions are:

1. Have we left anything significant out?
2. What do you consider the income/wealth/social status boundaries of the middle class to be?
3. Is there a separate working class, or is it merely a part of the middle class?
4. Is it useful to make distinctions about the sources of income and status of individuals at the very top?
So my questions are:

1. Have we left anything significant out?
I am not sure what you mean with this point. Left anything out regarding what income levels ?
2. What do you consider the income/wealth/social status boundaries of the middle class to be?
Income - I would go by the $10 per day per person of net income to define poverty as by 2010 purchasing power... or about $16,000 per year- for a household of 4 by 2015 prices.

Wealth - I would define middle class as someone who has acces to the following
1) Basic health ( vaccination , antibiotic, simple hospital operations)
2) Education
3) 3 meals per day with at least 2,000 calories for adults and 1,000 per children
4) Clean water , sanitation, clean air
5) A means of transportation ( bike or better ) .
6) Access to electricity
7) A refrigerator and a washing machine.
8) A shelter
9) Access to at least one cultural and sports venue.
10) A set of clothes per year.

Most of americans are middle class, the probable exception would be the "basic health" part. Amazingly a country as poor as Cuba seems to have that part covered.
That would be the lower end. I would probably set the higher end at 10 times that income ... 160,000 per year ( after taxes).

3. Is there a separate working class, or is it merely a part of the middle class?

There is an intersection between working class and middle class.

4. Is it useful to make distinctions about the sources of income and status of individuals at the very top?
Yes. I find it disquieting that many acquire income through rent-seeking mechanisms which seem to go hand in hand with the revolving door: oligopolies, tax breaks, tax evasion through loophole, multi billion wars, money laundering, insider trading ... etc.
So my questions are:

1. Have we left anything significant out?
I am not sure what you mean with this point. Left anything out regarding what income levels ?
2. What do you consider the income/wealth/social status boundaries of the middle class to be?
Income - I would go by the $10 per day per person of net income to define poverty as by 2010 purchasing power... or about $16,000 per year- for a household of 4 by 2015 prices.

Wealth - I would define middle class as someone who has acces to the following
1) Basic health ( vaccination , antibiotic, simple hospital operations)
2) Education
3) 3 meals per day with at least 2,000 calories for adults and 1,000 per children
4) Clean water , sanitation, clean air
5) A means of transportation ( bike or better ) .
6) Access to electricity
7) A refrigerator and a washing machine.
8) A shelter
9) Access to at least one cultural and sports venue.
10) A set of clothes per year.

Most of americans are middle class, the probable exception would be the "basic health" part. Amazingly a country as poor as Cuba seems to have that part covered.
That would be the lower end. I would probably set the higher end at 10 times that income ... 160,000 per year ( after taxes).

3. Is there a separate working class, or is it merely a part of the middle class?

There is an intersection between working class and middle class.

4. Is it useful to make distinctions about the sources of income and status of individuals at the very top?
Yes. I find it disquieting that many acquire income through rent-seeking mechanisms which seem to go hand in hand with the revolving door: oligopolies, tax breaks, tax evasion through loophole, multi billion wars, money laundering, insider trading ... etc.

oh good culture creep has returned ,and this time with a random list of unrelated ills but he failed to suggest even one specific reform. Utterly meaningless and worthless which is exactly what we expect from this sorry liberal.
Yes. I find it disquieting that many acquire income through rent-seeking mechanisms which seem to go hand in hand with the revolving door: oligopolies, tax breaks, tax evasion through loophole, multi billion wars, money laundering, insider trading ... etc.

Explain that please? I'm an entrepreneur, please explain how I participate in all these ills. In my simple mind I was just the guys cutting paychecks weekly to decent people in an impoverished (rust belt) area of the country. Here I thought my wages were helping to feed hundreds of people weekly but you're saying my entrepreneurialism is really more closely affiliated with; tax evasion, multi billion wars, money laundering, insider trading ... etc. ??? And the feeding of families with honest wages should be delegated to ... whom?
Yes. I find it disquieting that many acquire income through rent-seeking mechanisms which seem to go hand in hand with the revolving door: oligopolies, tax breaks, tax evasion through loophole, multi billion wars, money laundering, insider trading ... etc.

Explain that please? I'm an entrepreneur, please explain how I participate in all these ills. In my simple mind I was just the guys cutting paychecks weekly to decent people in an impoverished (rust belt) area of the country. Here I thought my wages were helping to feed hundreds of people weekly but you're saying my entrepreneurialism is really more closely affiliated with; tax evasion, multi billion wars, money laundering, insider trading ... etc. ??? And the feeding of families with honest wages should be delegated to ... whom?
Are you a top 0.1% or at least a top 1% ?
Do you have an anual income above 400,000 ?
If not , please stop whining.
IMO the term is overly divisive. Better to ask "What is the Third Estate?"
Do you have an anual income above 400,000 ?
If not , please stop whining.
oh my, is that a powerful argument in favor of liberalism from culture creep, or just another waste of space from a liberal who lacks the IQ to know why he's a liberal.
Well Ed,
If she doesn't earn at least 400 K a year she probably lacks the capacity to influence in government policy, nor she is a candidate for the revolving door, nor she has any capacity at all to perform any financial engineering tricks. But I would rather hear it from her.
You Ed, on the other hand seem to be a mere 99% poised on defending the 0.1% and their failed trickle down policy ... must be the economic equivalent of the Stockholm syndrome.
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[ their failed trickle down policy ...

100% stupid and liberal of course. If capitalism failed China would not have eliminated 40%
of the world's poverty the instant it switched to it from liberalism and
it would not have prevented another 60 million from staving to death under liberalism.

Do you think Nazism was successful too?[/QUOTE]
[ their failed trickle down policy ...

100% stupid and liberal of course. If capitalism failed China would not have eliminated 40%
of the world's poverty the instant it switched to it from liberalism and
it would not have prevented another 60 million from staving to death under liberalism.

Do you think Nazism was successful too?
Ed , Ed , hold you horses.
China did not embrace free trade completely... not at least in the way the washington concensus said it should be done.
Their success is precisely because they rejected the wasington concensus and the policies dictated by the IMF.
Enlighten yourself and read Ho Joon Chang's book "bad samaritans".
The middle class is right where one would expect given the current state of affairs, between a rock and a hard place.
The middle class is right where one would expect given the current state of affairs, between a rock and a hard place.

current state of affairs: liberals attacked and destroyed middle class with liberal unions taxes and deficits plus an attack on the family and schools.

Do you understand?
China did not embrace free trade completely..
dear we don't embrace it completely either but the second China made huge moves in the capitalist direction they saved another 60 million from slowly starving to death under liberalism.

Do you understand??
I do, so let me explain you :
China allowed free trade in special economic zones in certain industries , it was specially carefull to ban foreign indirect investment --> Success.
Mexico embraced full free trade with the US and Canada, and allowed free flow of foreign indirect investment --> Failure !! Mass migration of peasents into the USA , skyrocketing violence and drug export and a per capita gdp below that of CUBA !!

Do you understand?
Yes, I completely understand. Neither is good. A rock nor a hard place. Do you find either place comfortable. Do you in fact understand?
China did not embrace free trade completely..
dear we don't embrace it completely either but the second China made huge moves in the capitalist direction they saved another 60 million from slowly starving to death under liberalism.

Do you understand??
I do, so let me explain you :
China allowed free trade in special economic zones in certain industries , it was specially carefull to ban foreign indirect investment --> Success.
Mexico embraced full free trade with the US and Canada, and allowed free flow of foreign indirect investment --> Failure !! Mass migration of peasents into the USA , skyrocketing violence and drug export and a per capita gdp below that of CUBA !!

Do you understand?

understand what exactly? try to be specific.
I'll do better than that, I'll be very specific. You posted some bullshit about liberals attacks and unions and taxes attacking the family. Then you asked me if I understood. It was clear, my post, which you in turn responded to, and now you've asked me twice if I understand. Lastly, you asked me to TRY and be specific. If you review my original post, you'll find it was crystal clear and specific. I could actually draw you a picture, but what a waste of time. Do you read much? Like, are you literate at all? I wonder.
understand what exactly? try to be specific.
Do you understand now how developing nations embracing free trade in a sudden manner can get stagnated ?
And how controlled trade in which only specific sectors are liberalized is a better solution ?

no you idiot!! you can never start in a sudden manner unless you have stuff to trade of equal value.

Making sense now??

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