What is the point of a “DEBT CEILING” if we just keep raising it?

You just validated your stupidity. The best that can be hoped for in any politician is their track record. If you vote for someone without a track record, you get what everyone else already knew. Nothing. But I understand--as you just confirmed--You're not wrong--its the rest of the world.

Yet you keep voting for people with no track record of cutting spending, and then whine about spending.

In the end, spending is not really a big deal to you, it is just something to talk about when a Dem is in the White House
Then why are American companies still doing business with China, let alone moving their base of manufacturing there?
Greed..... cheep labor.... but that will not stop China from taking our economy down if they get backed into a corner.... by the way fewer and fewer companies are choosing China as a base of business....
A debt ceiling means nothing if you just keep raising it. The point of a debt ceiling is to cut spending if you are approaching the ceiling.

Just continuing to spend like crazy so you have to keep raising the debt ceiling is stupid.

Its just an arbitrary number that keeps raising.

The Congress should get rid of the debt ceiling because it doesnt matter anyways.
The average American needs to budget in order to pay their bills. Congress is no exception.
You just validated your stupidity. The best that can be hoped for in any politician is their track record. If you vote for someone without a track record, you get what everyone else already knew. Nothing. But I understand--as you just confirmed--You're not wrong--its the rest of the world.
Not Long Island NY.
They voted for and republicans accepted a man with a track record.

George Anthony Devolder Santos is the U.S. representative for New York's 3rd congressional district, covering part of northern Nassau County on Long Island.

Santos has made numerous claims about his biography, work history, and financial status in public and private. Six weeks after his election, numerous news outlets reported that large parts of his self-published biography appear to be fabricated, including claims about his ancestry, education, employment, charity work, property ownership, and crimes of which he claimed to be a victim. Santos has admitted to lying;[2] as of January 2023, he is under investigation by federal, state, county,and Brazilian[ authorities.

There have been several judgments against Santos in eviction and personal debt cases in the United States, involving thousands of dollars. In 2010, he confessed to committing check fraud in 2008 in Brazil, but he failed to appear in court in 2011 leaving the case unresolved. In the wake of his election, Brazilian authorities revived the case in late 2022.

The House GOP Steering Committee on Tuesday recommended that embattled Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) sit on the House Small Business Committee and House Science, Space and Technology Committee,
A debt ceiling means nothing if you just keep raising it. The point of a debt ceiling is to cut spending if you are approaching the ceiling.

Just continuing to spend like crazy so you have to keep raising the debt ceiling is stupid.

Its just an arbitrary number that keeps raising.

The Congress should get rid of the debt ceiling because it doesnt matter anyways.
I think the point is to force members of Congress to go record regarding whether that support adding the debt or not. Then voters can hold them accountable come election time.

But we don't really do that. We just keep electing them anyway.
I think the point is to force members of Congress to go record regarding whether that support adding the debt or not. Then voters can hold them accountable come election time.

But we don't really do that. We just keep electing them anyway.
They are only accountable to special interest groups.
Greed..... cheep labor.... but that will not stop China from taking our economy down if they get backed into a corner.... by the way fewer and fewer companies are choosing China as a base of business....
There are other countries with cheap labor, one, we have a trade agreement with.

1,069 jobs will stay put thanks to $7 million in tax breaks, courtesy of Indiana, over ten years — the terms of which were negotiated by Vice President-elect Mike Pence. This leaves Carrier with about 1,300 jobs that will all move to Mexico. Bloomberg notes that workers in Indiana are compensated $30 per hour to Mexico's $3 per hour. It's estimated that, if Carrier were to move all of its jobs to Mexico, the company would save about $65 million, eclipsing the $7 million given instead.

Then if corporations, were really patriotic, as are most Americans, they would keep the hand that feeds them well fed.
Instead, profits over the country.
Yet you keep voting for people with no track record of cutting spending, and then whine about spending.

In the end, spending is not really a big deal to you, it is just something to talk about when a Dem is in the White House
And you still have not elected one person that has had a track record, period. You apparently either don't believe in fiscal responsibility or no one you've elected in IL does. https://illinoiscomptroller.gov/fin...e-to-dig-6-2-billion-deeper-in-debt-this-year
They'd be accountable to voters if we simply held them accountable. But we don't. We vote for them anyway. That's the problem.
It should be made public, which politicians, added an amendment to a bill, instead of who just the sponsors were.
Then, you might see some turnover and some recalls
It should be made public, which politicians, added an amendment to a bill, instead of who just the sponsors were.
Then, you might see some turnover and some recalls
I doubt it. It's easy enough to see their voting records, and most people don't care. They vote D because their scared of the Rs, or they vote R because they're scared of the Ds. Lesser of two evils. Lesser, and lesser, and lesser.
The idea that foreign governments can at anytime “dump” U.S. bonds and demand their money back from Uncle Sam … is simple minded. They can only sell those bonds to others on the world’s open bond markets, unless they hold them until maturity (usually 20 years). If they try to “dump” them on the market all at once they will probably take huge losses. What bond holders (and all international purchasers of U.S. debt) generally fear is a steep decline in the value of the dollar relative to other currencies. They of course also need U.S. currency and reserves in the forms of U.S. Government notes and bonds to carry on international trade.
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And you still have not elected one person that has had a track record, period. You apparently either don't believe in fiscal responsibility or no one you've elected in IL does. https://illinoiscomptroller.gov/fin...e-to-dig-6-2-billion-deeper-in-debt-this-year

I cannot elect fiscally conservative people by myself. I need others to also vote for them.

The Dems will not do it because they are not fiscally conservative people. And you all will not do it because you are not either. The only real difference between you and the Dems is they do not even pretend to be.

Chicago controls who is elected in my state. That is why 88% of the counties were red in 2020 yet Trump had no actual chance of winning the state. But on a local level the people we elect are fiscally conservative and our village/county is doing great.

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