What is the point of a “DEBT CEILING” if we just keep raising it?

I doubt it. It's easy enough to see their voting records, and most people don't care. They vote D because their scared of the Rs, or they vote R because they're scared of the Ds. Lesser of two evils. Lesser, and lesser, and lesser.
From where?
They're website?
They're campaign website?
Disclosing a vote for a bill isn't the same as the amendments you attached to a bill.
A debt ceiling means nothing if you just keep raising it. The point of a debt ceiling is to cut spending if you are approaching the ceiling.

Just continuing to spend like crazy so you have to keep raising the debt ceiling is stupid.

Its just an arbitrary number that keeps raising.

The Congress should get rid of the debt ceiling because it doesnt matter anyways.
There is ultimately no point in it except to put the brakes on a little to slow down how fast they bust through to the next level. And it does serve to make more public when they are doing it.
The tax rates that were in lace before 1980 must be reinstated along with cuts in military spending.
I'll just pick one of your goofy comments.

IF we revert to the tax rates prior to 1980, do you agree to lower SSI and Medicare withholding to those rates too? If we return to the 1970's tax rates, then we must also return to the same deductions, right? In 1979 those withholdings totaled 6.05%, today they total 15.3%

Did you know that when President Reagan reduced the top tax rate from 70% to 50% revenues INCREASED? When dropped from 50% to 38% revenues increased and when dropped from 38% to 28% they increased AGAIN.
I cannot elect fiscally conservative people by myself.
So who have you voted for that has shown a record of fiscal conservatism? You don't know because they have never been elected which leads any thinking human to vote otherwise. Also, even if one did get elected, they have to work with the powers that be which is the establishment. Trump was anti-establishment and not a politician, yet you still bad mouth him because he was inarticulate, insulting and posted mean tweets. IDGAF, he was more effective at achieving those goals you claim to embrace than anyone in recent memory in spite of congressional obstruction.
From where?
They're website?
They're campaign website?
Disclosing a vote for a bill isn't the same as the amendments you attached to a bill.
I understand that. But voters don't care about the votes. Why would they care about he amendments. They're still gonna vote for their tribe regardless.
This from the guy that voted for Trump with no track record of fiscal conservatism.

With each post you just dig your hole deeper.

Damn fun to watch.
Enjoy your fantasies. I wish I had voted for Trump. You don't know shit about me, moron. Keep your lies to yourself. BTW, you can file this post with all of those lies you keep asking to be reminded of .
If Trump was anti-establishment why did he get rid of all the outsiders in his admin within 2 years and replace them all with establishment drones?
Ivanka and Jared are establishment drones? Nice to know. Total lie, but whatever. You can file this one with the rest of your lies. You still haven't come up with another candidate that you voted for with a record of fiscal conservatism. Distract, Divert, Dodge.
Ivanka and Jared are establishment drones? Nice to know. Total lie, but whatever. You can file this one with the rest of your lies. You still haven't come up with another candidate that you voted for with a record of fiscal conservatism. Distract, Divert, Dodge.

Ivanka and Jared were not part of his Administration. They were volunteers
Enjoy your fantasies. I wish I had voted for Trump. You don't know shit about me, moron. Keep your lies to yourself. BTW, you can file this post with all of those lies you keep asking to be reminded of .

So, you did not vote for Trump in 2020? I am surprised to hear that
Ivanka and Jared were not part of his Administration. They were volunteers
Another LIE that you can file.
In January 2017, as Jared Kushner received approval from the Office of Government Ethics to allow him to work in the White House. It was announced in late March 2017 that she would officially become a federal employee in the White House.
Anyone that didn't vote for Trump voted for Biden... admit your mistake.... own up to it... you fucked up and the wrong man got elected....

It is no my fault that you have no clue how our election system works.

My vote for Jo had the exact same impact on the election as did the 2.4 million votes for Trump in my state.
Another LIE that you can file.
In January 2017, as Jared Kushner received approval from the Office of Government Ethics to allow him to work in the White House. It was announced in late March 2017 that she would officially become a federal employee in the White House.

I stand corrected. Who knew.

Not sure that makes up for all the establishment drones he hired, but if you think so...good on you.

What is the point of a “DEBT CEILING” if we just keep raising it?​

The same as all the other "points" that Congress recycles, that being to keep the duopoly in control.
It is no my fault that you have no clue how our election system works.

My vote for Jo had the exact same impact on the election as did the 2.4 million votes for Trump in my state.
If you didn't vote for Trump you voted for Joe Biden... that's how it works... sadly but true....
If you didn't vote for Trump you voted for Joe Biden... that's how it works... sadly but true....

That is not how it works. How can one get to be an adult and not know how our election system works?

I hope you do not actually vote.

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