What is the point of a “DEBT CEILING” if we just keep raising it?

President Joe Biden is demanding that the debt ceiling must be raised, WITHOUT CONDITIONS! In other words, just give us the money and TRUST US to spend it wisely. Just sign the blank check and we'll take care of everything!

Kind of glad I'm near the end of my life-span. I don't want to see how this ends.

Could Happy Birthday Song *Joe be bringing back cash for clunkers?

Cash for Clunkers 2. This time we’re serious!
That is not how it works. How can one get to be an adult and not know how our election system works?

I hope you do not actually vote.
I know exactly how our elections works... and if you didn't vote for Trump you may as well have voted for Joe... it was a two man race in reality even if not on paper... we all know this except you I guess....
I know exactly how our elections works... and if you didn't vote for Trump you may as well have voted for Joe... it was a two man race in reality even if not on paper... we all know this except you I guess....
And if you didn't vote for either, is that the same as a vote for both of them?? You got some weird logic going on there.
I know exactly how our elections works... and if you didn't vote for Trump you may as well have voted for Joe... it was a two man race in reality even if not on paper... we all know this except you I guess....

In my state it was not even really a two man race. Trump had only a slightly larger chance to win the state than did Jo. And winning a state is all that matters.
Its absolutely true.... it was a two man race... if you chose the thirds guy you voted for the winner of that two man race... common sense...
It's common, but it's not sense.

So, in your bizarre view, in the next election, if I vote Libertarian, who am I "really" voting for? The D or the R?
And if you didn't vote for either, is that the same as a vote for both of them?? You got some weird logic going on there.
No if you didn't vote for either you shouldn't vote ever again because its obvious you don't care enough...
It's common, but it's not sense.

So, in your bizarre view, in the next election, if I vote Libertarian, who am I "really" voting for? The D or the R?

If the person is a D then you voted for the R, if the person is an R then you voted for the D.

Both sides use this same twisted logic to make their sheep stay in line.
No if you didn't vote for either you shouldn't vote ever again because its obvious you don't care enough...
Don't run away. Back up your silly claim. I hear this bullshit from both tribes. "If you don't vote for our guy it's the same as a vote for "other". That's insane, and it's at the core of why we keep electing shitty candidates.
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So then everyone in your state that voted for the last place guy with zero chance of winning voted for Biden including you....

And everyone in my state that voted for Trump also voted for Biden as he got all the EC votes, which is all that matters.

My vote accounted for the exact same thing the 2.4 million Trump voted counted for
And everyone in my state that voted for Trump also voted for Biden as he got all the EC votes, which is all that matters.

My vote accounted for the exact same thing the 2.4 million Trump voted counted for
No they didn't... are you sure you know how elections are run?.... because you are not making any sense what so ever....
No they didn't... are you sure you know how elections are run?.... because you are not making any sense what so ever....
I'm still trying to figure out who I'm "really" voting for when I vote Libertarian. You say it's the same as voting Democrat. The Dems say it's the same as voting Republican. Are both sides right? Or, are both sides motherfucking liars who can only get their jackasses elected by scaring people.

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