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What is the problem with allowing Gay Marriages?

Nice...........nice to see that Christians can even take the joy out of sex.

Never seen such a bunch of repressed up tight asses.
The word Marriage. Call it a union of some sort and no one cares even if it is invested with all the same rights as a marriage. Call it a marriage and you start jacking with people's perceptions and people as a general rule hate that sort of thing.

As I keep warning those who wish to call gay unions, marriage. Just keep up the good work and you'll manage to Mainstream Fred Phelps the Kansas Nut bar. And that frankly is the last thing I or any other sane person want. There are enough people putting lies in the mouth of the God I love with out adding that moron to the mix.
The word Marriage. Call it a union of some sort and no one cares even if it is invested with all the same rights as a marriage. Call it a marriage and you start jacking with people's perceptions and people as a general rule hate that sort of thing.

As I keep warning those who wish to call gay unions, marriage. Just keep up the good work and you'll manage to Mainstream Fred Phelps the Kansas Nut bar. And that frankly is the last thing I or any other sane person want. There are enough people putting lies in the mouth of the God I love with out adding that moron to the mix.
God hates the workers of iniquity,Psalm 5:4-5.That includes glbt.God deals angry with the wicked every day,Psalm 7:11.God is not mocked,Galatians 6:7.We all read key warning about gays in Romans 1:26-32.
God hates fags and fag enablers!
The word Marriage. Call it a union of some sort and no one cares even if it is invested with all the same rights as a marriage. Call it a marriage and you start jacking with people's perceptions and people as a general rule hate that sort of thing.

As I keep warning those who wish to call gay unions, marriage. Just keep up the good work and you'll manage to Mainstream Fred Phelps the Kansas Nut bar. And that frankly is the last thing I or any other sane person want. There are enough people putting lies in the mouth of the God I love with out adding that moron to the mix.
God hates the workers of iniquity,Psalm 5:4-5.That includes glbt.God deals angry with the wicked every day,Psalm 7:11.God is not mocked,Galatians 6:7.We all read key warning about gays in Romans 1:26-32.
God hates fags and fag enablers!
Then what's up with San Fransisco still being around?

Attempting to rationalize your bigotry by appealing to your naive conception of God is illogical. Here, our laws are based on the freedom-affirming principles of the Enlightenment and preclude the use of pseudo-religious stupidity as a means of denying others their right to be treated equally.

Also, if it's so important to you that your holy book is followed to the letter, you'd better start growing a beard and stoning disrespectful children. Your selective interpretation of the Bible to fulfill your own ideological needs is laughably hypocritical. :lol:
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It's the same problem with allowing circular squares and feathered mammals to exist. They are inherent contradictions.

Gays have exactly the same rights to marry as anyone else. They choose not to do this because of their lifestyle choices. That doesnt give them the right to force society to redefine fundamental and vital institutions.
Sorry this country sn't going to hell becuase of Gays the ACLU or any other left or right wing organization. Read Isaiah. "If my people who are called by my name will repent of their wicked ways and turn unto me with a whole heart then I will restore their land."

Christians both on the left and right have spent the last fifty years trying to replace God with Government and just looking around right now I'd say God isn't real happy.
Seems to me that biggest outcry against it is that marriage is sacred to the religion. O.K. But what does religion really have to do with it? If the country allows gays to marry, I don't see where that right would be forced upon Churches or Synoagues, or Musk (sp) to perfom the ceramony. If that were the case I would be the first to stand up and say... NO WAY.

But that isn't the case here. Is it? Gay folks want to be married in the eye of the Law. So they have the same rights as hetrosexuals do in marriage. Why is that such a bad thing. I don't understand.

The government can't force religious institutions to comply with the ceramony. So I don't understand why the religious folks are so against this, as it doesn't effect them or their place of worship at all.

Do we not live in a country that seperates Church from state?

Can someone explain it to me?

How's about this? The problem with legal recognition of homosexual "marriage" is that I don't want to. Who the hell are you to tell me I have to?

Although I am religious, my objections to legal sanction of homosexual "marriage" have nothing to do with religion whatsoever. And very suspiciously, you dorks on the other side of the aisle NEVER want to address them. All you ever want to do is scream, "Religious nuts! Only religious nuts oppose it! This is why religious objection is wrong, and that's the only objection there is, and so we should get our way!"

Oh, and then I get the same old, tired talking points spewed at me ad nauseam, as though they are a replacement for real, reasoned thought.
I think most people who have a problem with gay marriage project their disgust of the sexual act onto themselves, and find reasons to rationalize their internalized revulsion to oppose expanding rights for homosexuals.

Just another example of why thinking should require a license, or at least a learner's permit, before novices attempt it.
So basically are you saying God isn't the creator of all? Just the hetrosexual folks?

No, i never said that. God created ALL of us, everything, and he created us in his image. I'm saying there is no such thing as a gene that makes a person gay. Everyone is born a man or a woman as God planned. It's that man or woman that makes their own decisions, decides how their lives will be lived. That's what God gave us all - the right to our own decisions. We don't always make the right ones!

This is where I don't understand your reasoning on choice. Why would someone chose a life a ridicule, persecution and biased perceptions against them? Homosexuals have been around for ages, and for ages they have been persecuted for being so. How you can honestly think anyone freely choses a life like that is hard for me to understand. Wouldn't it just be easier for them to do it "your way" and play what you believe to be normal?

You do realize that "choice" doesn't necessarily mean "conscious choice", right? And by the way, lots of people choose to be victims. They enjoy it. Just because I don't understand it doesn't mean they don't do it.
No, people who have a problem with gay marriage have an inferiority complex living in a world in which their religion only makes up a tiny percentage of the world's people. So they take it out on people who are different than they are and who are perceived as weak. They also don't believe in equal value to all human life, in other words, they're brought up in a prejudiced environment, frustrated that blacks got equal treatment and now they're drawing a line in the sand against gays.
Why should normal people be forced to let the mentally ill fudge packers to marry?

For thousands of years marriage has been reserved for a man and a woman.

These perverted homos want to destroy civilazition with their nasty sickness.
Sunni man, the only sickness the world has is Islam and other religions that preach hate like you do. Why should you "let" them? It's called a free country with equal rights, you muzzy piece of shit.
You have me all wrong.

I support all homos in having frequent and random unprotected gay sex with each other.

That way they will continue to spread their deadly infections and diseases among their fellow sodimites.

And the sooner the earth will be rid of them!!!
Shouldn't you be beating your 9 year old wife right about now? And thanks for keeping all your ugly hairy women under sheets, they must be uglier than your camel, because you don't cover them up, only the women. I bet you also like to picture 2 guys going at it for allah, that's why you talk about it so much: allah akbar..akbar...akbar...akbar...oooooo akbar...
Shouldn't you be beating your 9 year old wife right about now? And thanks for keeping all your ugly hairy women under sheets, they must be uglier than your camel, because you don't cover them up, only the women. I bet you also like to picture 2 guys going at it for allah, that's why you talk about it so much: allah akbar..akbar...akbar...akbar...oooooo akbar...
LOL Hitting the bottle a little early today :lol:
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Sunni, I've always wondered, do muzzyz wear deodorant, cuz they don't look like they would, wanting to be the most offensive and all.
I take it that as a no, cuz I FOR SURE ain't gonna take a chance to die an agonizing death by poisoning. So it must really stink in a mosque when on top of that, everyone takes their shoes off?

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