What is the Purpose of Gay Marriage?

yes we know you are a godless anti-religious relativistic Secular bigot....

God isn't even remotely relevant to the issue of gay marriage and yet people like you insist on bringing it up.

Take your god issues and butt out.

take your Secularist Shit and butt out...

I completely respect other's beliefs and right to practice a religion peacefully (and actually do think it can be a very beneficial thing for a community (my wife DOES NOT, lol)), but do you agree that you can’t really prove whether or not a God exists?

Too (on the flipside), let’s take the angle and say God really did give Moses instructions, and some of the more supernatural aspects of the old/new Testament really did occur..

Even in this scenario, weren’t those stories and instructions handed down for literally hundreds/thousands of years before being written down (thousands with regards to old testament, obviously)? And when the stories were written down, was it possible the writers had an agenda? We see the Gov't and news organizations spin stories ALL THE TIME.

So even if the story is mostly true, we still have all these issues to deal with and take into account, right? The point I'm making is that there's simply not enough evidence proving that the Bible is in fact the true word of God (and should be used to dictate our laws, ect).

Therefore, it’s probably best to keep “what God says” out of the debate when it comes to the public policy, and stick to more tangible things like I think straight marriage is better because the mom and dad can provide X, or I think gay marriage is equal because it comes down to whether or not the parents are loving (vs Gay), ect…

See my point?

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It's one thing to assert western christianity influenced the morality of people like Locke and Jefferson, though Jefferson's views on marriage were questionable on morality grounds, but it's quite another thing to assert American marriage laws exist to apply Jewish (and the reformed don't really follow those) or Jesus out of context quites to civil law.

so as a people we are supposed to just dump the very core beliefs that have contributed so much to the success of the Western world.....just because some minority wants us to approve of their sodomy....?
It's one thing to assert western christianity influenced the morality of people like Locke and Jefferson, though Jefferson's views on marriage were questionable on morality grounds, but it's quite another thing to assert American marriage laws exist to apply Jewish (and the reformed don't really follow those) or Jesus out of context quites to civil law.

so as a people we are supposed to just dump the very core beliefs that have contributed so much to the success of the Western world.....just because some minority wants us to approve of their sodomy....?
Isn't tolerance one of the core American virtues? How could we build such a great nation with people from all over the world and not have some tolerance for our differences? Not acceptance, but simple tolerance. You're Chinese, but that doesn't give me the right to refuse you service in my store. You're Black, but that doesn't make it right for me to burn a cross on your front yard. You're Irish, but that doesn't mean I can fire you for that.

Tolerance. A virtue lost on Conservatives when marriage equality is proposed.
It's one thing to assert western christianity influenced the morality of people like Locke and Jefferson, though Jefferson's views on marriage were questionable on morality grounds, but it's quite another thing to assert American marriage laws exist to apply Jewish (and the reformed don't really follow those) or Jesus out of context quites to civil law.

so as a people we are supposed to just dump the very core beliefs that have contributed so much to the success of the Western world.....just because some minority wants us to approve of their sodomy....?

Western Christianity has twice been the excuse of a holocaust against Jews, whichi is just one example of an intellectual vacuum when you assert "a core belief," because what you assert is a core belief it does not necessarily make it moral, or even a core belief, because you selectively take quotes of to context to mean either somehting they did not mean when stated or are not accepted today. Love and tolerance would appear to me to be more core concepts that what you put forth. The sermon on the mount is generally viewed as the most concise summation on Jesus's teachings as to the responsibility of persons to each other, and there's no mention of homosexuality by Jesus there, or anywhere else in the bible.

Neverthless, I think you simply misunderstand morality in terms of civil law. We theorectically cannot steal because it's crime against property. We can't take property or lives indescriminatly .... and away we go on abortion.
It's one thing to assert western christianity influenced the morality of people like Locke and Jefferson, though Jefferson's views on marriage were questionable on morality grounds, but it's quite another thing to assert American marriage laws exist to apply Jewish (and the reformed don't really follow those) or Jesus out of context quites to civil law.

so as a people we are supposed to just dump the very core beliefs that have contributed so much to the success of the Western world.....just because some minority wants us to approve of their sodomy....?
Isn't tolerance one of the core American virtues? How could we build such a great nation with people from all over the world and not have some tolerance for our differences? Not acceptance, but simple tolerance. You're Chinese, but that doesn't give me the right to refuse you service in my store. You're Black, but that doesn't make it right for me to burn a cross on your front yard. You're Irish, but that doesn't mean I can fire you for that.

Tolerance. A virtue lost on Conservatives when marriage equality is proposed.

first they wanted "tolerance"......now they want "acceptance"....

and this acceptance of sodomy as being normal and natural will be forced upon us in our schools and businesses....
so as a people we are supposed to just dump the very core beliefs that have contributed so much to the success of the Western world.....just because some minority wants us to approve of their sodomy....?
Isn't tolerance one of the core American virtues? How could we build such a great nation with people from all over the world and not have some tolerance for our differences? Not acceptance, but simple tolerance. You're Chinese, but that doesn't give me the right to refuse you service in my store. You're Black, but that doesn't make it right for me to burn a cross on your front yard. You're Irish, but that doesn't mean I can fire you for that.

Tolerance. A virtue lost on Conservatives when marriage equality is proposed.

first they wanted "tolerance"......now they want "acceptance"....

and this acceptance of sodomy as being normal and natural will be forced upon us in our schools and businesses....
Are homosexuals criminals by simply being homosexual?
God isn't even remotely relevant to the issue of gay marriage and yet people like you insist on bringing it up.

Take your god issues and butt out.

take your Secularist Shit and butt out...

I completely respect other's beliefs and right to practice a religion peacefully (and actually do think it can be a very beneficial thing for a community (my wife DOES NOT, lol)), but do you agree that you can’t really prove whether or not a God exists?

Too (on the flipside), let’s take the angle and say God really did give Moses instructions, and some of the more supernatural aspects of the old/new Testament really did occur..

Even in this scenario, weren’t those stories and instructions handed down for literally hundreds/thousands of years before being written down (thousands with regards to old testament, obviously)? And when the stories were written down, was it possible the writers had an agenda? We see the Gov't and news organizations spin stories ALL THE TIME.

So even if the story is mostly true, we still have all these issues to deal with and take into account, right? The point I'm making is that there's simply not enough evidence proving that the Bible is in fact the true word of God (and should be used to dictate our laws, ect).

Therefore, it’s probably best to keep “what God says” out of the debate when it comes to the public policy, and stick to more tangible things like I think straight marriage is better because the mom and dad can provide X, or I think gay marriage is equal because it comes down to whether or not the parents are loving (vs Gay), ect…

See my point?


when someone tells me to shove my religion.....i shove back....

godless Secularism is nothing more than a different set of beliefs.....it has no inherent superiority....
Isn't tolerance one of the core American virtues? How could we build such a great nation with people from all over the world and not have some tolerance for our differences? Not acceptance, but simple tolerance. You're Chinese, but that doesn't give me the right to refuse you service in my store. You're Black, but that doesn't make it right for me to burn a cross on your front yard. You're Irish, but that doesn't mean I can fire you for that.

Tolerance. A virtue lost on Conservatives when marriage equality is proposed.

first they wanted "tolerance"......now they want "acceptance"....

and this acceptance of sodomy as being normal and natural will be forced upon us in our schools and businesses....
Are homosexuals criminals by simply being homosexual?

not in this country...
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

where in your marriage license does it say you have to produce children?

and just and fyi..... gay couples are just as able to adopt and rear children and straight couples.
To obtain financial benefits (joint tax returns and spousal social security benefits) without having to rear children?

where in your marriage license does it say you have to produce children?

and just and fyi..... gay couples are just as able to adopt and rear children and straight couples.

Our reproductive systems don't stop working just because we're gay either...
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traditional marriage is about having and raising children with both a mother and a father and promoting a stable society.....'gay marriage' only undermines that stability....because children become pawns and are denied either their real father or real mother and real parents become dispensible....so which marriage do you think is morally superior...?

Here’s the thing. There are always going to be gay people, and they’re going to always be adopting/having kids, period. You can’t stop this. So, either you deny them the right to share assets, insurance, ect (and proactively hurt the children involved in those relationships), or you allow them to receive those benefits. That's one way of looking at it.

Secondly, I don’t agree with your argument that ‘because the household is same sex the kid will be adversely affected’.

But what does adversely affect children? It's things like when a child is abandoned, or when a child has an abusive dad, or when the child has a mom that doesn't care about him/her, or when a child has uneducated/unmotivated parents that don't push him/her to succeed. That's what you should at least focus on first, in my opinion, if you're worried about the well being of our country's youth.

Obviously, you agree that gay parents are just as capable as straight parents of being loving and supporting of their kids, right? So what’s the issue?

Quick question…

If there was an orphan, would you rather see that kid grow up without parents (in an institution) or with a loving, stable, same-sex couple?
in the cases where gays use sperm donors or surrogates...

why is it right to deny a kid his real mother or father.....? what about his civil rights....??

There's a civil-right to parents??


Fuckin' Porky Limbaugh gets more-crazy each day....
It's one thing to assert western christianity influenced the morality of people like Locke and Jefferson, though Jefferson's views on marriage were questionable on morality grounds, but it's quite another thing to assert American marriage laws exist to apply Jewish (and the reformed don't really follow those) or Jesus out of context quites to civil law.

so as a people we are supposed to just dump the very core beliefs that have contributed so much to the success of the Western world.....just because some minority wants us to approve of their sodomy....?
Isn't tolerance one of the core American virtues? How could we build such a great nation with people from all over the world and not have some tolerance for our differences? Not acceptance, but simple tolerance. You're Chinese, but that doesn't give me the right to refuse you service in my store. You're Black, but that doesn't make it right for me to burn a cross on your front yard. You're Irish, but that doesn't mean I can fire you for that.

Tolerance. A virtue lost on Conservatives when marriage equality is proposed.

Tolerance is, indeed, an American virtue. But at what point does "tolerance" become a "hindrance"? Frankly, gay marriage doesn't bother me in the least. However, my Christian beliefs tell me that it is wrong. Here's where I disagree with popular opinion - They will answer to God. It is not my place to judge. I am human and I GUARNTEE you that I have made my share of mistakes. THEY don't have to believe in God - God believes in THEM.

But now, and more to the point, where does it end? Where does your "tolerance" become a "hindrance" on MY rights? You see, to liberal "enlightened" pseudo-intellectuals, "if it feels good, do it" can have dire consequences on a large segment of any society. Should a 30 year old man be allowed to marry an 11 year old child? No? What about "tolerance"? Should NAMBLA be allowed to recruit children for their little "clubs"?? No? Again, what about "tolerance"? Should terrorists be allowed to take up residence in America? ......you get my point.

Who will be the arbiter of deciding at what point YOUR rights begin to infringe on MY rights?
not in this country...
If homosexuals are not criminals, why should their rights be repressed?

If polygamists or bisexuals or two brothers are not criminals, why should their rights be repressed?
But polygamy is a crime. And brothers already have a relationship established, unlike people about to wed. Marriage establishes a relationship in the eyes of the law, so there is no need for brothers to wed. And bisexuals are marrying as heterosexual couples right now. How are their rights being repressed?

If homosexuals are not criminals by simply being homosexuals, why are their rights being repressed? Is it right to refuse tax paying American citizens their rights if they have committed no crime?
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That is opinion, not fact.

Same goes for infertile couples wanting to raise children.

you are entitled to your own opinion....as are others....

when we make the laws that we live by in this country.....they should reflect the opinions and morals of the majority....

despite what leftist judges have ruled and despite what leftie polls say.....the majority in this country are still pro-traditional marriage...even in fruits-and-nuts California...as Prop 8 proved in Nov. 2008....

The homosexual marriage issue is just part of the larger demoralization, and slow decline
of an American empire, and society that is following in the foot steps of many past
societies, ie the Roman, and Greek empires are prime examples of countries
that allowed homosexuality to florish, and saw their societies degeneration, and
then invasion by barbarians, who then proceeded to loot and pillage and destroy those countries.

Ya' need help packing??!!!

not in this country...
If homosexuals are not criminals, why should their rights be repressed?

If polygamists or bisexuals or two brothers or just two-same sex friends who want to get bennies are not criminals, why should their rights be repressed?

Not my fight. If you can take your case to court and no one is able to demonstrate a societal harm in allowing it, best if luck to you.

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