What is the real goal of affirmative action?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
It's supposed to ensure fairness. Sadly, it encourages substandard 'professionals.' It's one thing to make sure that no one is denied opportunity that they have worked for. The reality is that it allows some to slide by even though they haven't earned it by lowering standards for them.

Lowering standards to ensure a student can get accepted into medical school or to guarantee a job later on might be good for the individual, but not good for those who will depend on that person. We all want good doctors and would prefer the ones who were always smart, not those who couldn't have made it if not for government lowering the bar for them.

This Indian guy didn't have high enough scores and was rejected when he applied to medical school. When he decided to pretend to be black, suddenly the scores became adequate and he was accepted.

Lowering the bar is not necessary. We should always ensure that skin color is NEVER a factor in being offered or being denied opportunity. Sadly, affirmative action is all about skin color and not about qualifications. Why does the left continue with the assumption that blacks aren't as smart as other people? Affirmative action is just a matter taking mediocre and pretending it's excellence. Who does that really help in the long run?

It's about time that affirmative action is exposed for what it is. Sharpton is furious that an Indian male managed to take advantage of a plan that lowers expectations from blacks. Black people should be furious that big brother thinks they are incapable of getting higher grades.

"College grad Vijay Chokal-Ingam was "determined to become a doctor," but his 3.1 GPA simply was not going to cut it with any medical school admissions department.

Chokal-Ingam, who is of Indian descent, and the brother of "The Office" star Mindy Kaling, applied and — as expected — was rejected.

So he came up with a back-up plan — a very controversial one.

He pretended to be black.

Chokal-Ingam said he "knew that admission standards for certain minorities under affirmative action were, let’s say… less stringent."


Liberals are furious that he is exposing the absolute fraud of so-called "Affirmative Action", accusing him of exploiting his sister’s fame to push "White Supremacy." Al Sharpton reportedly among them:

Huh? White supremact? Newsflash, "Reverend" Al: he’s Indian-American!

Considering that both Michelle and Barack Obama got into elite Ivy League schools via affirmative action — and seeing how horrible they turned out, perhaps this book, and the Supreme Court, can help end this unfair and un-American quota system before too long."

Historically some AA was probably justified; however, it is time to end it and move on. Today everyone should be held to the same standards. everone in America has access to the American dream without the need for special treatment.
Historically some AA was probably justified; however, it is time to end it and move on. Today everyone should be held to the same standards. everone in America has access to the American dream without the need for special treatment.
We would be much further along in race relations, and Black Americans would be much further along as a group, if those so consumed by white guilt and claiming to "care" had less influence over the last couple of generations.

Black Americans deserve much better than what has been done to them by those people.

Got to disagree with all of the above. Asians both south and east are subject to greater discrimination than whites by AA.
Historically some AA was probably justified; however, it is time to end it and move on. Today everyone should be held to the same standards. everone in America has access to the American dream without the need for special treatment.

"Affirmative Action" has been a politically brilliant but socially destructive substitute for Black reparations. It has created a huge number of people who owe their employment, directly or indirectly, to the government (and vote accordingly). However, it is also a repudiation of the steps necessary for lasting achievement (education, effort and experience), which has created a "who you know" rather than "what you know" mentality in the Black community.
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Let's take this thread up a notch...we'll just see how many liberals like this story.

Brother of Famous Actress Admits He Faked Being Black to Get Into Med School and It Worked TheBlaze.com

Brother of Famous Actress Admits He Faked Being Black to Get Into Med School — and It Worked!
Apr. 3, 2015 2:06pm Jason Howerton
In 1998, Vijay Chokal-Ingam was “determined to become a doctor,” but his 3.1 GPA significantly reduced his chances. When he realized his application wouldn’t cut it, he came up with a back-up plan — he pretended to be black.

Chokal-Ingam, brother of famous actress Mindy Kaling, said he “knew that admission standards for certain minorities under affirmative action were, let’s say… less stringent.”


In a blog post, Chokal-Ingam explains how he ended up getting into the St. Louis University School of Medicine despite his low GPA and MCAT score:

So, I shaved my head, trimmed my long Indian eyelashes, and applied to medical school as a black man. My change in appearance was so startling that my own fraternity brother didn’t recognize me at first. I even joined the Organization of Black Students and started using my embarrassing middle name that I had hidden from all of my friends since I was a 9 years old.

Vijay the Indian-American frat boy become Jojo the African American Affirmative Action applicant to medical school.

Chokal-Ingam ended up dropping out of medical school.

Palm Beach County's #affirmativeaction program: If everyone lied about their race like me, it wouldn't work! Taylor questions Palm Beach County apos s minority hiring - Sun Sentinel

— Vijay Chokal-Ingam (@VijayIngam) March 14, 2015

He has since become an activist against affirmative action. He is also apparently in the process of writing a book, titled, “Almost Black – The True Story Of An Indian American Who Got Into Medical School Pretending To Be An African American.”
The real goal of AA, to make a better less racist society. And it is better, just not nearly good enough.

It won't make it better to lower standards. That will make things worse in the long run. Favoritism doesn't fix shit.
The real goal of AA, to make a better less racist society. And it is better, just not nearly good enough.

It won't make it better to lower standards. That will make things worse in the long run. Favoritism doesn't fix shit.
We adjusted for the times, and past unfairness, and people discovered that the "others" weren't so scary after all. Sorry, but it worked, and still does.

And the fellow above better stick with writing because he won't be a doc.

"Rather than to emphasize that Chokalingam-in-Blackface was ultimately rejected from thirteen medical schools — a whopping 93% of those he applied to — Chokalingam would have us focus on the fact that he was accepted into a single medical school: St. Louis University School of Medicine. Of course, he concludes, he only got in because he was (playing at) Black, right?"
Mindy Kaling s Brother Donned Blackface for 2 years in Twisted Racist Experiment Reappropriate

"(To complicate the matter, Chokalingam freely admits that his Blackface failed to convince schools he interviewed with. So how could he have been accepted into medical school by lying about his race, when no one was fooled by his racial makeup?)"

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