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What is the real reason that the GOP does not want a deal with Iran?

Iran could have given up their nuclear program all together and even donated to the GOP and it would still not have been enough. The repubs just don't want to see Obama win.....again.
try it and see what happens. I bet the GOP's will celebrate if Iran gave up it's nuclear ambitions.
I think Ernie summed it up, though suggesting Obama wants Iran to have nuclear weapons, puts him in the nutter stands. But, the rational people opposing this deal in particular think we can get a better deal, in which Tehran will give up a nuclear program entirely, and that Iran can be persuaded to do this with more sanctions. Jeffrey Goldberg terms this deal "the least worse option" doubts this premise, and so do I, but for reasons a bit different from his.

"War would not end the Iranian nuclear challenge. Israeli strikes, and certainly U.S. strikes, could destroy much of the physical infrastructure of the Iranian nuclear program, but cruise missiles cannot destroy knowledge, and I doubt they could destroy the will of the regime. Iran would rebuild those facilities, and would do so free from the burden of international sanctions, which would most likely crumble after such a preventative attack. Sanctions, too, were not bringing Iran to total capitulation. I do think that sanctions concentrated the attention of the regime, and that additional sanctions might have helped improve America's negotiating position. But the Iranian regime was not going to capitulate in the face of a collapsing economy. It would have adapted."

The Iran Nuclear Deal Obama Chooses the Least-Worst Option The Atlantic

I recall the sanctions on Iran, and those sanctions really did shut down Saddam's nuclear program, and the threat of war allowed inspectors to have free access, which the present framework for an agreement requires. Yet, even when el-Baradi found no evidence of a nuclear program, the GD neocons invaded the place anyway, and in doing so we allied the Iraqi Sunnis with Al Queda. So, I don't believe for a second that ALL the pols saying "we need tougher sanctions" will ever support any agreement, and just want to opt for war, and the sooner the better. Iraq would be a walk in the park compared to Iran, and we really didn't win in Iraq.

France and Germany both say they haven't seen enough from Iran to support withdrawing any sanctions. Sadly, I'm sure they're saner than Cotton of Boom Boom McCain, and I suspect they'll require more from Iran that would Obama.

In other words: Republicans don't have a solution.

I don't think I said that. I don't think all gopers want to invade regardless. I think they have to give lip service to Iran is a nuclear threat to Israel, even if they know that to be total Netanyahu bulltripe. I agree with Goldberg that sanctions in and of themselves probably will not get the Republican Guard to give up the entire nuclear program. But, if they're just saying we don't know enough of what Iran is giving up to know if this is good enough.

Attacking Israel is the last thing the Iranians would want to do. Who wants to attack a nation that can retaliate with a couple of hundred nuclear warheads.

Iran and every other middle eastern nation will never nuke Israel.

They've bothered to do what most of the conservatives are way too lazy to do. That is look at a thing we call A MAP.

When they look at that map they see how small Israel is and they know how big the blast, destruction and fall out zones are for a nuclear bomb. They know that if a nuclear bomb is used on Israel then Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq are also nuked. They know that the fall out will be blown with the wind all over the middle east and the last thing Iran or any other middle eastern leader is going to do is nuke themselves or their friends in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Iraq.

There is absolutely no reason to fear for the safety of Israel. They actually have nuclear bombs and will use them.

The best way to make sure that Israel is safe is to create that two state situation. Let the Palestinians have self rule.
They believe the 12th imam will save them from fallout.
Republicans want to stop a nuclear deal with Iran. They may have ensured Obama gets one Comment is free The Guardian

"If no deal is reached, what does the Senate GOP think will happen? Peace on earth and goodwill to men? Iran will continue to build up its nuclear program, and the world will eventually face a stark choice between Iran being a screwdriver’s turn away from a nuclear bomb, or using its own traditional bombs inIranand starting a disastrous war."

So what is the reason the GOP does not want a deal with Iran? There is one HUGE reason and it has nothing to do with security, world peace, or even Iran. The GOP does not want to give Obama another victory. They know if Obama gets a deal with Iran, their chances of winning the WH go down to near 0%. It is all a repub political game.
This says a lot about you OP, nothing.good..just a low information voter, probably didn't even vote in the midterms
Iran could have given up their nuclear program all together and even donated to the GOP and it would still not have been enough. The repubs just don't want to see Obama win.....again.
try it and see what happens. I bet the GOP's will celebrate if Iran gave up it's nuclear ambitions.

What are there ambitions? Respond in detail, because your post ^^^ suggest you do. Oh, and provide evidence.
Iran could have given up their nuclear program all together and even donated to the GOP and it would still not have been enough. The repubs just don't want to see Obama win.....again.
try it and see what happens. I bet the GOP's will celebrate if Iran gave up it's nuclear ambitions.

What are there ambitions? Respond in detail, because your post ^^^ suggest you do. Oh, and provide evidence.

"THEIR" (not there!) ambitions are pretty clear from this document.
"The only means of confronting Israel is an armed confrontation". Point 6.
Also HOW IN THE HELL can anything Iran says be trusted when there KEY LEADER states this clearly...

Point 9: In the West Bank, people's only weapon is stones and there are not many types of weaponry."
THINK people... This LEADER in the same sentence says ONLY weapon is stones.. and then goes on and says "not many types"!

Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel The Times of Israel
People. Logical people. With this type of leader making totally unsupported statements..."only weapon is stones"....
How can anything these people say can be believed???
Are you insane? I suppose you want insane folks and felons to own guns too?

Really! Iran has proven time after time they are neither capable of following the law or of sane thought.
Giving them nuclear weapons is like giving John Nash a machine gun.

How would you know, as a gun owner, if someone is insane or a felon?
Let's just say, I'm not going to sell you a gun, OK?
I'm in the process of obtaining my FFL. I will be required to run background checks on those I sell or transfer to.

Does a background check disclose a person's voluntarily treatment, seeking help for suicidal ideation, and/or if s/he has been prescribed anti depressive medication? How does a private citizen know if the person who seeks to buy a weapon from him or her is not a felon or insane or suicidal?
Unrelated to this discussion.

It was a rhetorical question. Do you, or do you not, want John Nash to possess a machine gun?

John Nash was never violent, as far as I know. But I would not allow a Paranoid Schizophrenic to own, possess or have in his custody or control a machine gun, or any firearm.
But it's fair for Iran, with its obviously clinically insane government that has repeatedly ignored it's agreements to continue on its path to nuclear weapons?
Well, you're not paranoid, but perhaps a little paranoia in this instance would be wise.
Republicans want to stop a nuclear deal with Iran. They may have ensured Obama gets one Comment is free The Guardian

"If no deal is reached, what does the Senate GOP think will happen? Peace on earth and goodwill to men? Iran will continue to build up its nuclear program, and the world will eventually face a stark choice between Iran being a screwdriver’s turn away from a nuclear bomb, or using its own traditional bombs inIranand starting a disastrous war."

So what is the reason the GOP does not want a deal with Iran? There is one HUGE reason and it has nothing to do with security, world peace, or even Iran. The GOP does not want to give Obama another victory. They know if Obama gets a deal with Iran, their chances of winning the WH go down to near 0%. It is all a repub political game.
wow you are fucking dumb

did you not see what hell on earth he brought to egypt and lybia?

The entire ME does not want to negotiate with Iran b/c they know the Iranians will lie and hide their bomb factories.

the ignorance needed to be a leftist is astounding

But of course if we launch airstrikes on Iran they'll stop doing that. Right?
strawman asshat

I never mentioned airstrikes

all I want is for us to leave the ME alone, Bush didn't help, and obama isn't helping.

Everyone knows, except the leftist that Iran will use any agreement to buy time to finish making their bombs
Republicans want to stop a nuclear deal with Iran. They may have ensured Obama gets one Comment is free The Guardian

"If no deal is reached, what does the Senate GOP think will happen? Peace on earth and goodwill to men? Iran will continue to build up its nuclear program, and the world will eventually face a stark choice between Iran being a screwdriver’s turn away from a nuclear bomb, or using its own traditional bombs inIranand starting a disastrous war."

So what is the reason the GOP does not want a deal with Iran? There is one HUGE reason and it has nothing to do with security, world peace, or even Iran. The GOP does not want to give Obama another victory. They know if Obama gets a deal with Iran, their chances of winning the WH go down to near 0%. It is all a repub political game.
wow you are fucking dumb

did you not see what hell on earth he brought to egypt and lybia?

The entire ME does not want to negotiate with Iran b/c they know the Iranians will lie and hide their bomb factories.

the ignorance needed to be a leftist is astounding

But of course if we launch airstrikes on Iran they'll stop doing that. Right?

If W would have had a few more months in office, he would have invaded Iran. I am sure of it.
crack is whack

put the pipe down and back away slowly
Iran could have given up their nuclear program all together and even donated to the GOP and it would still not have been enough. The repubs just don't want to see Obama win.....again.
try it and see what happens. I bet the GOP's will celebrate if Iran gave up it's nuclear ambitions.

What are there ambitions? Respond in detail, because your post ^^^ suggest you do. Oh, and provide evidence.
Iran could have given up their nuclear program all together and even donated to the GOP and it would still not have been enough. The repubs just don't want to see Obama win.....again.
try it and see what happens. I bet the GOP's will celebrate if Iran gave up it's nuclear ambitions.

What are there ambitions? Respond in detail, because your post ^^^ suggest you do. Oh, and provide evidence.

So you believe the Iranians will attack Israel with a nuclear bomb. Well, if they do they will suffer the consequence of the fallout as will Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq. Possibly Turkey and even North Africa is the wind turns. The leaders maybe crazy, but they're not stupid.
Why would you make deal with people that cannot be trusted?

That's stupid.
Yeah, it is hard to believe that the Iranians would trust us given our past with them.

People like you should LIVE in Iran as you trust them more then the USA. Please go... as you know there are NO walls keeping you here.
Please go to a place where every move is dictated by a theology. Where people obviously of a nature such as yours will NOT survive.
Republicans want to stop a nuclear deal with Iran. They may have ensured Obama gets one Comment is free The Guardian

"If no deal is reached, what does the Senate GOP think will happen? Peace on earth and goodwill to men? Iran will continue to build up its nuclear program, and the world will eventually face a stark choice between Iran being a screwdriver’s turn away from a nuclear bomb, or using its own traditional bombs inIranand starting a disastrous war."

So what is the reason the GOP does not want a deal with Iran? There is one HUGE reason and it has nothing to do with security, world peace, or even Iran. The GOP does not want to give Obama another victory. They know if Obama gets a deal with Iran, their chances of winning the WH go down to near 0%. It is all a repub political game.

If I were to make an educated guess it's because defense contractors contribute heavily to GOP (and Dems) and a war with Iran would make them a lot of money. A diplomatic solution doesn't make ANY money.
It is scary that anyone could believe that the GOP cares more about supposedly keeping Obama from getting "another victory" than they do about stopping Iran from getting nukes. That is a bizarre, wing-nut position, and anyone who espouses it is beyond persuasion and intelligent discussion.
Republicans want to stop a nuclear deal with Iran. They may have ensured Obama gets one Comment is free The Guardian

"If no deal is reached, what does the Senate GOP think will happen? Peace on earth and goodwill to men? Iran will continue to build up its nuclear program, and the world will eventually face a stark choice between Iran being a screwdriver’s turn away from a nuclear bomb, or using its own traditional bombs inIranand starting a disastrous war."

So what is the reason the GOP does not want a deal with Iran? There is one HUGE reason and it has nothing to do with security, world peace, or even Iran. The GOP does not want to give Obama another victory. They know if Obama gets a deal with Iran, their chances of winning the WH go down to near 0%. It is all a repub political game.

If I were to make an educated guess it's because defense contractors contribute heavily to GOP (and Dems) and a war with Iran would make them a lot of money. A diplomatic solution doesn't make ANY money.

Wow at least you admit it is a "guess".
We want a good deal. One which will prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

EXACTLY how is THAT possible when no anti-gun law here in the good ole U.S.A. stops any crime ?

Iran does not give one little fuck about laws or treaties, they will do what they want to and FUCK the rest of the world. :up:
It is scary that anyone could believe that the GOP cares more about supposedly keeping Obama from getting "another victory" than they do about stopping Iran from getting nukes. That is a bizarre, wing-nut position, and anyone who espouses it is beyond persuasion and intelligent discussion.

Your opinion lacks substance, the evidence opposed to your opinion is common knowledge: John Bolton's bellicose rhetoric; McCain singing (so to speak) 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran; and the recent letter signed by 47 Republican members of the senate, also bellicose and also rejecting diplomatic efforts to lessen tensions between nations.
We want a good deal. One which will prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

EXACTLY how is THAT possible when no anti-gun law here in the good ole U.S.A. stops any crime ?

Iran does not give one little fuck about laws or treaties, they will do what they want to and FUCK the rest of the world. :up:

And the lunatic speaks ^^^ - one more example why some should never have access to a gun.
It is scary that anyone could believe that the GOP cares more about supposedly keeping Obama from getting "another victory" than they do about stopping Iran from getting nukes. That is a bizarre, wing-nut position, and anyone who espouses it is beyond persuasion and intelligent discussion.

Your opinion lacks substance, the evidence opposed to your opinion is common knowledge: John Bolton's bellicose rhetoric; McCain singing (so to speak) 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran; and the recent letter signed by 47 Republican members of the senate, also bellicose and also rejecting diplomatic efforts to lessen tensions between nations.

I can't take this idiocy seriously. You cite McCain's 2008 parody of a Beach Boys song? Really? That's part of your "evidence" that Republicans want war with Iran?!

It is a waste of time trying to reason with you.
It is scary that anyone could believe that the GOP cares more about supposedly keeping Obama from getting "another victory" than they do about stopping Iran from getting nukes. That is a bizarre, wing-nut position, and anyone who espouses it is beyond persuasion and intelligent discussion.

Your opinion lacks substance, the evidence opposed to your opinion is common knowledge: John Bolton's bellicose rhetoric; McCain singing (so to speak) 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran; and the recent letter signed by 47 Republican members of the senate, also bellicose and also rejecting diplomatic efforts to lessen tensions between nations.

Answer this question... What brought Iran to the talks in the first place? What was the reason?
Answer that and then I'll get back to you ok???

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