What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

airplanemechanic — There is no clear evidence of it, but how much do you claim China “lied” about the number infected and dead from Covid-19? Even if they “lied” their asses off, even if the number of dead and infected were 10x what they claim — their success in stopping the spread would still be overwhelming, compared to us. I have tried to explain why that success was possible.

Of course now that they have opened factories again, and even subways in their teaming cities, China has to maintain discipline or there will be new outbreaks. As others have pointed out, this virus is still circulating throughout the world, and inevitably will return to China sooner or later. Either through vaccines or natural spreading “herd immunity,” their population and ours will both survive. But for them the immediate crisis has clearly passed.

Do you always insult people when you have nothing significant to add to the discussion?
I've added a hell of a lot more to the discussion than you did. I stopped reading your bullshit at "they did a good job of stopping the virus" because at that point I knew you were full of shit.

It's not 10 times more than they are actually reporting, it's more like 1000 times. Can you explain why the fuck a country that RESPONSIBLE for this virus getting out in the first place can hold a city like Beijing of 21 MILLION PEOPLE to only 8 cases??????

21 million cell phones being turned off since January indicates a HELL of a lot more than 40000 deaths or whatever the fuck they reported. Their deaths are in the tens of millions. Even the liberal media is saying China is lying their asses off.
You are wearing a tin hat. There are tens of thousands of Americans and foreigners still scattered throughout China teaching and working, hundreds of millions of Chinese communicating every day by phone and internet with friends and family in every city and village of China. NOBODY is reporting anything like the sh*t you are repeating. You have absolutely no idea even what China has reported, let alone what the scale of possible error might be, or what China is really like today.
airplanemechanic — There is no clear evidence of it, but how much do you claim China “lied” about the number infected and dead from Covid-19? Even if they “lied” their asses off, even if the number of dead and infected were 10x what they claim — their success in stopping the spread would still be overwhelming, compared to us. I have tried to explain why that success was possible.

Of course now that they have opened factories again, and even subways in their teaming cities, China has to maintain discipline or there will be new outbreaks. As others have pointed out, this virus is still circulating throughout the world, and inevitably will return to China sooner or later. Either through vaccines or natural spreading “herd immunity,” their population and ours will both survive. But for them the immediate crisis has clearly passed.

Do you always insult people when you have nothing significant to add to the discussion?
I've added a hell of a lot more to the discussion than you did. I stopped reading your bullshit at "they did a good job of stopping the virus" because at that point I knew you were full of shit.

It's not 10 times more than they are actually reporting, it's more like 1000 times. Can you explain why the fuck a country that RESPONSIBLE for this virus getting out in the first place can hold a city like Beijing of 21 MILLION PEOPLE to only 8 cases??????

21 million cell phones being turned off since January indicates a HELL of a lot more than 40000 deaths or whatever the fuck they reported. Their deaths are in the tens of millions. Even the liberal media is saying China is lying their asses off.
You are wearing a tin hat. There are tens of thousands of Americans and foreigners still scattered throughout China teaching and working, hundreds of millions of Chinese communicating every day by phone and internet with friends and family in every city and village of China. NOBODY is reporting anything like the sh*t you are repeating. You have absolutely no idea even what China has reported, let alone what the scale of possible error might be, or what China is really like today.
NOBODY is reporting anything like the sh*t you are repeating.

There is a reason for that, moron. In China, you say something they don't like and you die.

Chinese doctor who first raised the alarm over COVID-19 vanishes
airplanemechanic — There is no clear evidence of it, but how much do you claim China “lied” about the number infected and dead from Covid-19? Even if they “lied” their asses off, even if the number of dead and infected were 10x what they claim — their success in stopping the spread would still be overwhelming, compared to us. I have tried to explain why that success was possible.

Of course now that they have opened factories again, and even subways in their teaming cities, China has to maintain discipline or there will be new outbreaks. As others have pointed out, this virus is still circulating throughout the world, and inevitably will return to China sooner or later. Either through vaccines or natural spreading “herd immunity,” their population and ours will both survive. But for them the immediate crisis has clearly passed.

Do you always insult people when you have nothing significant to add to the discussion?
I've added a hell of a lot more to the discussion than you did. I stopped reading your bullshit at "they did a good job of stopping the virus" because at that point I knew you were full of shit.

It's not 10 times more than they are actually reporting, it's more like 1000 times. Can you explain why the fuck a country that RESPONSIBLE for this virus getting out in the first place can hold a city like Beijing of 21 MILLION PEOPLE to only 8 cases??????

21 million cell phones being turned off since January indicates a HELL of a lot more than 40000 deaths or whatever the fuck they reported. Their deaths are in the tens of millions. Even the liberal media is saying China is lying their asses off.
You are wearing a tin hat. There are tens of thousands of Americans and foreigners still scattered throughout China teaching and working, hundreds of millions of Chinese communicating every day by phone and internet with friends and family in every city and village of China. NOBODY is reporting anything like the sh*t you are repeating. You have absolutely no idea even what China has reported, let alone what the scale of possible error might be, or what China is really like today.

You mean to tell me nobody in China is saying their gov't is lying? I guess they have a desire to keep their head and torso in the same city.

You're more clueless than I thought. The fact that you think people in China have the same freedom of speech that we do makes me think you're about 100 times as stupid as I had figured you to be before this post.
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Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
It’s possible we can’t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesn’t mean the US death toll still isn’t higher.

Probably lower since every death and infections now is listed as covid.
Nostra , airplanemechanic

FOOLS! If you knew anything about China, you would know how capable Chinese are of finding out what is really happening. People now travel from city to city, by car, bus, fast trains and even planes. They talk freely on the phone about their families and friends, the local situation, are they wearing masks? did they have a test? are the factories open yet? The government can’t stop people from finding out all this. How long did the local Wuhan coverups last when there were just a few dozen sick and dying?
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Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.
may not be 100% trump's fault but by treating it like a "hoax that would disappear like a miracle" had a lot to do with america suffering the worst outbreak in world...

The OP question is fair, but the real answer is not obvious.

I haven’t read every comment but I notice most are extremely partisan. The real answer is complicated and mostly has little to do with partisan politics. It mostly has to do with the very nature of our highly individualistic society.

We cannot reproduce the success of an authoritarian society like China. They have teaming densely populated cities where several generations often live packed together in small apartments, but using draconian measures, mobilizing their entire population in a collective effort, they stopped the spread of the virus effectively. Other smaller Asian countries like South Korea also had success due to disciplined quarantining and modern centralized medical tracking and thorough testing, things we lacked and still lack. Tiny Singapore did great at first, but by ignoring their immigrant workers, they are now suffering a new outbreak. Even if the U.S. suffers greater losses, we will get through this, hopefully without tearing our society apart. We need to think of it as a stress test, where our whole way of life is being tested, not just Donald Trump or the Democrats.

There are still tough questions of medical vs. economic trade-offs ahead, and we need to face them without exaggerated partisanship. Our society has to adopt measures appropriate to itself, in the light of changing perceptions and facts. If we come out of this “stress test” more divided socially and economically than we went into it, and afterwards cannot correct for our errors, we will have failed.
It's not complicated, China lied about EVERYTHING regarding the Obama funded virus

Glad to see that you still have your tinfoil hat...
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
It’s possible we can’t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesn’t mean the US death toll still isn’t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

It’s amazing you can’t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.

Show some proof ...
Nostra , airplanemechanic

FOOLS! If you knew anything about China, you would know how capable Chinese are of finding out what is really happening. People now travel from city to city, by car, bus, fast trains and even planes. They talk freely on the phone about their families and friends, the local situation, are they wearing masks? did they have a test? are the factories open yet? The government can’t stop people from finding out all this. How long did the local Wuhan coverups last when there were just a few dozen sick and dying?
The Chinese may talk to each other and know what’s happening in their area, but if they let anyone on the outside know they end up dead.
The Repubs responsible for this should go to jail.

Wisconsin health department: 36 people positive for coronavirus after primary vote

Not allowing a delay in the vote was immoral if not criminal.

*“So far, 36 people who tested Covid-19 positive after April 9 have reported that they voted in person or worked the polls on election day,” said Jennifer Miller, a spokeswoman for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.

Miller said “several” people within that group reported additional possible exposures, making it unclear whether the election itself is responsible for their contraction of the disease. If those people contracted the virus prior to the election, they could have also spread it to others who went to the polls that day.
For that and other reasons, the figure is likely to grow in coming weeks. Forty people in Milwaukee County who participated in the election have tested positive, according to WUWM. Milwaukee Health Commissioner Jeanette Kowalik on Friday said data was still being analyzed but could be finalized by May 1.*
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
It’s possible we can’t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesn’t mean the US death toll still isn’t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

It’s amazing you can’t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
View attachment 328831View attachment 328832View attachment 328834

Show some proof ...

Go ahead and believe China.

Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
It’s possible we can’t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesn’t mean the US death toll still isn’t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

It’s amazing you can’t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
View attachment 328831View attachment 328832View attachment 328834

Show some proof ...

Go ahead and believe China.

Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

who says we do? And even if it was true, why would it be Trump's fault? The POTUS has no authority over pathogens.

There is a huge financial incentive in America to report deaths as "COVID19" even if they are really do to other causes. Countries with riskier socialized medicine schemes don't have that kind of motivation.

The 2nd reason is that the state health depth in Far Left states like New York and New Jersey think that more COVID19 deaths are a black eye to Trump, so that's where they want to report them as well. you apparently agree with that reasoning, no? That was the reason for your post.
Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.
Cool story...everyone is getting a check for 4 months...what are they doing with the money?
There is nothing more important to anyone than their Smart Phone.

This isn't rocket science here.
Everyone is getting a check for 4 months in China?

The US.
What does that have to do with people turning off their phones in China?
Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.
Cool story...everyone is getting a check for 4 months...what are they doing with the money?
There is nothing more important to anyone than their Smart Phone.

This isn't rocket science here.
Everyone is getting a check for 4 months in China?

The US.
What does that have to do with people turning off their phones in China?
Why would anyone in China turn off their phone?
When I lose service I never turn off my phone because I'm waiting to get it back.
Once again...Short of being executed and cremated why would anyone in China turn off their phone?
Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.

When you cancel your cell phone in China do you get a free urn?

From your link:

"It’s not clear how many of the urns were filled."

Nobody said they were filled. THEY WERE ORDERED YOU FUCKING MORON. Why would they have a mass order of urns if nobody is dying from this fucking disease?

I promise your fucking dumb ass that if Hillary was in the white house and this was going on you would be saying China is lying their asses off or would you be saying Hillary was fucking up? We both know the answer to that question.

What's the difference between me and you? If Hillary was in the White House I'd STILL be saying China was lying their asses off.
I don't know if that are or they aren't.

What I'm saying is that your evidence is pretty damn slim.
Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.
Cool story...everyone is getting a check for 4 months...what are they doing with the money?
There is nothing more important to anyone than their Smart Phone.

This isn't rocket science here.
Everyone is getting a check for 4 months in China?

The US.
What does that have to do with people turning off their phones in China?
Why would anyone in China turn off their phone?
When I lose service I never turn off my phone because I'm waiting to get it back.
Once again...Short of being executed and cremated why would anyone in China turn off their phone?
Ok, once more for the hard of thinking. Listen real hard, maybe as one of the bigger kids to help:
I apologize.
I really don't keep up with what's going on in China.
The virus started at a Chinese lab, it escaped and spread world wide. We need to know if the release was truly accidental or intentional. If intentional, it represents an act of war by China on the entire world---a biological weapon release. The chinese shut down travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world. Why?

We need the truth.
Conspiracy theories are not helpful.

I posted no theory, merely asked a legitimate question. China was losing the economic war big time, then the virus hit. its legitimate to question what actually happened and why.
You pretended something was a fact that was not. That's a conspiracy theory.

Don't like being called on it?

Well don't fuckin' do it.

It is a fact that the virus started in China, in a lab in Wuhan. That is fact. Then I questioned whether it was accidental or intentional, that is a question not a theory.

Is english your second language?
The virus started at a Chinese lab, it escaped and spread world wide. We need to know if the release was truly accidental or intentional. If intentional, it represents an act of war by China on the entire world---a biological weapon release. The chinese shut down travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world. Why?

We need the truth.
Conspiracy theories are not helpful.

I posted no theory, merely asked a legitimate question. China was losing the economic war big time, then the virus hit. its legitimate to question what actually happened and why.
You pretended something was a fact that was not. That's a conspiracy theory.

Don't like being called on it?

Well don't fuckin' do it.

It is a fact that the virus started in China, in a lab in Wuhan. That is fact. Then I questioned whether it was accidental or intentional, that is a question not a theory.

Is english your second language?

Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.
Cool story...everyone is getting a check for 4 months...what are they doing with the money?
There is nothing more important to anyone than their Smart Phone.

This isn't rocket science here.
Everyone is getting a check for 4 months in China?

The US.
What does that have to do with people turning off their phones in China?
I DID ask my buddy Wuhan Eric about the phone deal. He laughed and said" "" Nigga don't pay, nigga get cut"". He said it in English(sorta).Then he asked: "how many of those assholes in the states have had internets and phones cut ?"
I replied that govt controlled media would never allow such a report to surface...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?

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