What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?
They have the same reason every thinking person has, several large cities with high population densities and a LOT of international travel. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to not understand that?

And yes, you do put all the blame on Trump. If not, please name who else you blame.
It’s no one’s fault that the virus had arrived in the US. The fault lies in the response to it once we knew it was here. That’s what matters.
Yep, and while Trump was putting in travel bans you clowns were calling him xenophobic and said he was overreacting.

He didn't put in any travel bans. He banned Chinese people from coming from China to the USA. He called 40,000 Americans home from China when he banned Chinese people. Those 40,000 people, who weren't tested when they came home, brought the virus with them and spread it across the country. This only happened in the USA, and it's a direct result of your so-called ban.

A similar thing happened in Canada when we closed the US border. All the snowbirds came home from the USA and brough the virus with them. The difference being, we insisted everyone coming into the country be tested, and told people to self-isolate for 2 weeks after they got home. We still saw a big spike in cases coming from the USA. More Canadians were infected in the USA than any other country.

But here's the big difference. We had tests, PPE's, and we started buying them in January, and testing in January. Ontario now has more recovered cases than active cases, with a death rate of 10% of closed cases. The death rate Canada wide is now 12.9%. The USA is holding strong with a death rate of 32%, but it usually declines over the weekend due to some states not reporting death numbers over the weekend.

Spain now has more recovered cases than active cases. Italy has a ways to go to get there. Active cases in the USA are now over 800,000.

But keep telling me what a great job your hero is doing.
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.

January 22
CNBC interview
Joe Kernan: Before we get started -- with- we're going talk about the economy and a lot of other things. The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus -- in Washington state. The Wuhan strain of this. If you remember SARS, that affected GDP. Travel-related effects. Do you -- have you been briefed by the CDC?

Trump: I have

Kernan: Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?

Trump: No. Not at all. And we’re -- we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine.

Kernan: And President Xi -- there's just some talk in China that maybe the transparency isn't everything that it's going to be. Do you trust that we're going to know everything we need to know from China?

Trump: I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi. We just signed probably the biggest deal ever made. It certainly has the potential to be the biggest deal ever made. And -- it was a very interesting period of time. But we got it done, and -- no, I do. I think the relationship is very, very good.
Awesome, you have perfected your cut and paste skills!

It's the easiest way to rebut your nonsense. If you had something good to cut and paste, you would.
I I don't cut and paste because I can THINK FOR MYSELF.
You fools are like dogs led around on a leash by your media masters. Idiots

Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.
Cool story...everyone is getting a check for 4 months...what are they doing with the money?
There is nothing more important to anyone than their Smart Phone.

This isn't rocket science here.
Let’s not forget that asspipe Pelosi went to Chinatown on FEBRUARY 24th and invited everyone to come. No social distancing.

And two days later, from the White House, Orange Judas said, "I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up." And, " And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done. "

I thought, wtf, if I show this to you for the tenth time, it might slip under your anti-truth shield.

So there is plenty of blame to go around.

Why are liberals such whiny bitches? Just always crying like faggots.

You're projecting, nellie. Did Pelosi chafe your mangina?

I blame fucking China and the WHO.

What should T ump have done specifically and when?

List dates and actions.

He should have taken it seriously form the moment he heard of it. We don't know that exact date, because he doesn't read memos (Navarro) warning of mass deaths. He shouldn't have call Azar an alarmist and paid attention to the threat, instead of deflecting to talk of flavored vaping (he worried banning it would cost votes). Then he should have put the full resources of the government behind the experts best equipped to deal with it and gotten out of the fucking way.

Why? Do you think spewing misinformation and bragging about the ratings of the briefings was a big help?

He should have taken it seriously when the WHO, that you guys worship, told him there was no human to human transmission of the fucking disease?

They said, on Jan 14, “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,”

They subsequently made these announcements:

14 January 2020

WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens.

20-21 January 2020

WHO experts from its China and Western Pacific regional offices conducted a brief field visit to Wuhan.

22 January 2020

WHO mission to China issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan but more investigation was needed to understand the full extent of transmission.

And as every non-cultist knows by now, the administration had scientists and policy officials embedded with the WHO, and knew what it knew.

Don't your arms tire from carrying water for Xi and your ChiCom Masters?
The OP question is fair, but the real answer is not obvious.

I haven’t read every comment but I notice most are extremely partisan. The real answer is complicated and mostly has little to do with partisan politics. It mostly has to do with the very nature of our highly individualistic society.

We cannot reproduce the success of an authoritarian society like China. They have teaming densely populated cities where several generations often live packed together in small apartments, but using draconian measures, mobilizing their entire population in a collective effort, they stopped the spread of the virus effectively. Other smaller Asian countries like South Korea also had success due to disciplined quarantining and modern centralized medical tracking and thorough testing, things we lacked and still lack. Tiny Singapore did great at first, but by ignoring their immigrant workers, they are now suffering a new outbreak. Even if the U.S. suffers greater losses, we will get through this, hopefully without tearing our society apart. We need to think of it as a stress test, where our whole way of life is being tested, not just Donald Trump or the Democrats.

There are still tough questions of medical vs. economic trade-offs ahead, and we need to face them without exaggerated partisanship. Our society has to adopt measures appropriate to itself, in the light of changing perceptions and facts. If we come out of this “stress test” more divided socially and economically than we went into it, and afterwards cannot correct for our errors, we will have failed.
The OP question is fair, but the real answer is not obvious.

I haven’t read every comment but I notice most are extremely partisan. The real answer is complicated and mostly has little to do with partisan politics. It mostly has to do with the very nature of our highly individualistic society.

We cannot reproduce the success of an authoritarian society like China. They have teaming densely populated cities where several generations often live packed together in small apartments, but using draconian measures, mobilizing their entire population in a collective effort, they stopped the spread of the virus effectively. Other smaller Asian countries like South Korea also had success due to disciplined quarantining and modern centralized medical tracking and thorough testing, things we lacked and still lack. Tiny Singapore did great at first, but by ignoring their immigrant workers, they are now suffering a new outbreak. Even if the U.S. suffers greater losses, we will get through this, hopefully without tearing our society apart. We need to think of it as a stress test, where our whole way of life is being tested, not just Donald Trump or the Democrats.

There are still tough questions of medical vs. economic trade-offs ahead, and we need to face them without exaggerated partisanship. Our society has to adopt measures appropriate to itself, in the light of changing perceptions and facts. If we come out of this “stress test” more divided socially and economically than we went into it, and afterwards cannot correct for our errors, we will have failed.

They didn't stop anything, moron. They lied about how many people died and the brain dead left in this country believe them.
airplanemechanic — There is no clear evidence of it, but how much do you claim China “lied” about the number infected and dead from Covid-19? Even if they “lied” their asses off, even if the number of dead and infected were 10x what they claim — their success in stopping the spread would still be overwhelming, compared to us. I have tried to explain why that success was possible.

Of course now that they have opened factories again, and even subways in their teaming cities, China has to maintain discipline or there will be new outbreaks. As others have pointed out, this virus is still circulating throughout the world, and inevitably will return to China sooner or later. Either through vaccines or natural spreading “herd immunity,” their population and ours will both survive. But for them the immediate crisis has clearly passed.

Do you always insult people when you have nothing significant to add to the discussion?
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Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?
Democrat run disgusting shitholes full of dark, foreign, careless subhumans.
What did I win?
Here is the reason, imbecile Billy000. As late as March (deep into the crisis), Dumbocrat leaders were encouraging their constituents to “go on with their lives” by “getting out on the town” in dense urban populations like New York City.

Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

SWALLOWING Chinese propaganda again? So you really know how many deaths they have? What? they told you? They lied to us for months and they never stopped lying. They also never would give us samples of the original virus to help us in our efforts.

We have more deaths, probably because of New York City... all those people riding in subways, sharing cabs, living in towers where they share elevators etc etc...

Typically when viruses spread around the world and in days and years past... no one really knows why they hit some places harder than others, but they seem to do that. Trump so far has followed the advice of medical experts... yes the Governor of New York has been complaining the whole time because he couldn't get his hands on the entire stockpile for the rest of the country... but you know, he was just going to stash it in the warehouse anyway.
Damn good thing Cuomo is not running this country or it would be in a state of dis-repair like NYC.
He doesn't even realize that economic hardship and severley lowered standard of living causes deaths. Not only that he is condencending and arrogant to the working man. Of course, I dont blame all of New York's problems on Cuomo.
Here is the reason, imbecile Billy000. As late as March (deep into the crisis), Dumbocrat leaders were encouraging their constituents to “go on with their lives” by “getting out on the town” in dense urban populations like New York City.

View attachment 328647

No No NO !! we cant talk about this! he's a democrat.. he only means well. It was that darn Trump who mislead him with his un-science!
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

You know, we had like 8,000 Chinese coming into California on a daily basis... right up until the air travel restrictions? thats just here , not counting the rest of the country and New York. I would be willing to bet thats a lot more Chinese tourists than Italy was getting. I guess if you want to know why we have more cases, you could start with researching air travel from China and where most of them were going. That would be a good starting point
Here is the reason, imbecile Billy000. As late as March (deep into the crisis), Dumbocrat leaders were encouraging their constituents to “go on with their lives” by “getting out on the town” in dense urban populations like New York City.

View attachment 328647
Hey moron tweets mean jack shit. What matters is actual policy. Either way, even if you wanted to pin all the blame on the mayor and NOTHING on Trump because you’re a little bitch, the US would still lead the world in deaths minus NY’s deaths.
The OP question is fair, but the real answer is not obvious.

I haven’t read every comment but I notice most are extremely partisan. The real answer is complicated and mostly has little to do with partisan politics. It mostly has to do with the very nature of our highly individualistic society.

We cannot reproduce the success of an authoritarian society like China. They have teaming densely populated cities where several generations often live packed together in small apartments, but using draconian measures, mobilizing their entire population in a collective effort, they stopped the spread of the virus effectively. Other smaller Asian countries like South Korea also had success due to disciplined quarantining and modern centralized medical tracking and thorough testing, things we lacked and still lack. Tiny Singapore did great at first, but by ignoring their immigrant workers, they are now suffering a new outbreak. Even if the U.S. suffers greater losses, we will get through this, hopefully without tearing our society apart. We need to think of it as a stress test, where our whole way of life is being tested, not just Donald Trump or the Democrats.

There are still tough questions of medical vs. economic trade-offs ahead, and we need to face them without exaggerated partisanship. Our society has to adopt measures appropriate to itself, in the light of changing perceptions and facts. If we come out of this “stress test” more divided socially and economically than we went into it, and afterwards cannot correct for our errors, we will have failed.

A lot of truth in this, but China's numbers have no meaning, they're lying, and they can't be trusted.

I think we found there's a price to be paid for freedom and separations of power. Course the OP thinks Trump is a totalitarian King, but what can you do.
Hey moron tweets mean jack shit. What matters is actual policy. Either way, even if you wanted to pin all the blame on the mayor and NOTHING on Trump because you’re a little bitch, the US would still lead the world in deaths minus NY’s deaths.

Prove your post instead of reiterating nothing.

Like your OP was nothing but your opinion.

You're supposed to provide a link or move it to another forum.

the US would still lead the world in deaths minus NY’s deaths.

^^^Prove it, b!tch! And don't change goal posts again.
The OP question is fair, but the real answer is not obvious.

I haven’t read every comment but I notice most are extremely partisan. The real answer is complicated and mostly has little to do with partisan politics. It mostly has to do with the very nature of our highly individualistic society.

We cannot reproduce the success of an authoritarian society like China. They have teaming densely populated cities where several generations often live packed together in small apartments, but using draconian measures, mobilizing their entire population in a collective effort, they stopped the spread of the virus effectively. Other smaller Asian countries like South Korea also had success due to disciplined quarantining and modern centralized medical tracking and thorough testing, things we lacked and still lack. Tiny Singapore did great at first, but by ignoring their immigrant workers, they are now suffering a new outbreak. Even if the U.S. suffers greater losses, we will get through this, hopefully without tearing our society apart. We need to think of it as a stress test, where our whole way of life is being tested, not just Donald Trump or the Democrats.

There are still tough questions of medical vs. economic trade-offs ahead, and we need to face them without exaggerated partisanship. Our society has to adopt measures appropriate to itself, in the light of changing perceptions and facts. If we come out of this “stress test” more divided socially and economically than we went into it, and afterwards cannot correct for our errors, we will have failed.
It's not complicated, China lied about EVERYTHING regarding the Obama funded virus

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