What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Let’s not forget that asspipe Pelosi went to Chinatown on FEBRUARY 24th and invited everyone to come. No social distancing.

And two days later, from the White House, Orange Judas said, "I don’t think it’s going to come to that, especially with the fact that we’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up." And, " And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done. "

I thought, wtf, if I show this to you for the tenth time, it might slip under your anti-truth shield.

So there is plenty of blame to go around.

Why are liberals such whiny bitches? Just always crying like faggots.

You're projecting, nellie. Did Pelosi chafe your mangina?

I blame fucking China and the WHO.

What should T ump have done specifically and when?

List dates and actions.

He should have taken it seriously form the moment he heard of it. We don't know that exact date, because he doesn't read memos (Navarro) warning of mass deaths. He shouldn't have call Azar an alarmist and paid attention to the threat, instead of deflecting to talk of flavored vaping (he worried banning it would cost votes). Then he should have put the full resources of the government behind the experts best equipped to deal with it and gotten out of the fucking way.

Why? Do you think spewing misinformation and bragging about the ratings of the briefings was a big help?

He should have taken it seriously when the WHO, that you guys worship, told him there was no human to human transmission of the fucking disease?

Btw, I don't worship anyone. That you cultists worship Trump doesn't mean others are into hero-worship.
TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
It’s possible we can’t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesn’t mean the US death toll still isn’t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

It’s amazing you can’t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
You’re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you don’t trust them. That’s just stupid. Even if you don’t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously that’s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesn’t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

I too, think Communist Chinese numbers are and have been BS from beginning. Cannot imagine why anybody democrat, republican or independent could think otherwise. Does that relieve trump for mishandling and downplaying same as they did and continue to do? Absolutely not. It was and is self defeating on trumps part and for any that follow him.
Downplaying? Who did you say?

Pelosi Statement in Celebration of Lunar New Year
Feb 8, 2016
Press Release
Contact: Drew Hammill/Evangeline George, 202-226-7616
San Francisco – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement in recognition of Lunar New Year, which begins today:
“Each Lunar New Year marks a period of celebration, reflection, and optimism for Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the United States and celebrants around the globe. As AAPI communities celebrate the Year of the Monkey – recognized for curiosity, cleverness, and creativity – let us all embrace those characteristics as we strive to meet the challenges facing our nation.
“San Francisco has long relied on the contributions of our AAPI community to achieve progress for all. As home to one of America’s largest, strongest AAPI communities, we are proud to host one of the world’s most festive Lunar New Year celebrations. The Chinese New Year parade and many Lunar New Year celebrations in the region contribute to the Bay Area’s beautiful diversity and rich cultural heritage.
“As we celebrate the achievements of AAPIs and the significance of the immigrant experience for our city and our nation, let us rely on our shared creativity, cleverness, and curiosity to ensure equality of opportunity for all hard-working Americans, not just the privileged few. I offer my warmest wishes on the year of the Monkey.”

Feb 25

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View attachment 328580

Yes. That is what I said and still do. When something big goes down, do you think Speaker Pelosi (Representative from a specific district somewhere in California is who the Republicans, Democrats, independents and even the non-voting don't-give-a-sh#ts pay first attention to. No. It was trump. Heck, during the first of his utterances, even I wanted to believe, even though I knew he was talking to support the economy and was pretty sure it wouldn't be gone in a few days, easy peazy. So, yes I still hold him responsible for the the downplaying, especially since there is not a lot she can actually put in official motion. He could and to a great extent actually can, but didn't as it would send the wrong signals politically and economically. Wall Street was first to react to it being BS from his and immediately panicked, knowing if he played this wrong, we were screwed and so were the markets. There were people in healthcare and intelligence that knew this was the real deal, but either were not allowed to get his ear or were ignored for political/economic reason because those are the most important issues to the trump administration. I'll bet you are not stocked up on chloriquine or drinking and clorox either. The man ain't right.
TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.

But you were fine with Obama weaponizing his intelligence apparatus and spying on Trump?

TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.

But you were fine with Obama weaponizing his intelligence apparatus and spying on Trump?


You just showed the feather, Colonel.
TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.

But you were fine with Obama weaponizing his intelligence apparatus and spying on Trump?


You just showed the feather, Colonel.

So that’s a yes? If Trump is doing so badly, why do liberals always lie?

He stole the election, right?
TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.

But you were fine with Obama weaponizing his intelligence apparatus and spying on Trump?


You just showed the feather, Colonel.

So that’s a yes? If Trump is doing so badly, why do liberals always lie?

He stole the election, right?

No, that's not a yes. That's saying you chickened out of talking about Trump, and deflected to an unfounded accusation that I was okay with your ridiculous conspiracy theory.
TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.

But you were fine with Obama weaponizing his intelligence apparatus and spying on Trump?


You just showed the feather, Colonel.

So that’s a yes? If Trump is doing so badly, why do liberals always lie?

He stole the election, right?

No, that's not a yes. That's saying you chickened out of talking about Trump, and deflected to an unfounded accusation that I was okay with your ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Lay out dates and actions Trump should have taken.
All these deaths are Trump's fault. he should have seen this coming in February, and ordered 300 million gallons of Clorox and syringes. because he did not act, most people are having a hard time obtaining these life saving products....
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.
TDS thread 1,454

On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.
The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.

You're deranged if you think Trump is a leader.

But you were fine with Obama weaponizing his intelligence apparatus and spying on Trump?

OBAMA? OBAMA? What the heck does Obama have to do with this or anything else, lady? If you ever where a colonel, as one who may have been junior to you, I ask that with absolutely no respect intended.
All these deaths are Trump's fault.

Dumbest shit I've read in ages.....congrats

Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?
They have the same reason every thinking person has, several large cities with high population densities and a LOT of international travel. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to not understand that?

And yes, you do put all the blame on Trump. If not, please name who else you blame.
It’s no one’s fault that the virus had arrived in the US. The fault lies in the response to it once we knew it was here. That’s what matters.

Wow, you're making progress. And who decided to tour China Town when we knew the virus was here, who went to the gym...without any ppe.
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.

January 22
CNBC interview
Joe Kernan: Before we get started -- with- we're going talk about the economy and a lot of other things. The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus -- in Washington state. The Wuhan strain of this. If you remember SARS, that affected GDP. Travel-related effects. Do you -- have you been briefed by the CDC?

Trump: I have

Kernan: Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?

Trump: No. Not at all. And we’re -- we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine.

Kernan: And President Xi -- there's just some talk in China that maybe the transparency isn't everything that it's going to be. Do you trust that we're going to know everything we need to know from China?

Trump: I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi. We just signed probably the biggest deal ever made. It certainly has the potential to be the biggest deal ever made. And -- it was a very interesting period of time. But we got it done, and -- no, I do. I think the relationship is very, very good.
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.

January 22
CNBC interview
Joe Kernan: Before we get started -- with- we're going talk about the economy and a lot of other things. The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus -- in Washington state. The Wuhan strain of this. If you remember SARS, that affected GDP. Travel-related effects. Do you -- have you been briefed by the CDC?

Trump: I have

Kernan: Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?

Trump: No. Not at all. And we’re -- we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine.

Kernan: And President Xi -- there's just some talk in China that maybe the transparency isn't everything that it's going to be. Do you trust that we're going to know everything we need to know from China?

Trump: I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi. We just signed probably the biggest deal ever made. It certainly has the potential to be the biggest deal ever made. And -- it was a very interesting period of time. But we got it done, and -- no, I do. I think the relationship is very, very good.
Awesome, you have perfected your cut and paste skills!
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.

January 24

China has been working very hard to contain the coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 2020
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.

January 22
CNBC interview
Joe Kernan: Before we get started -- with- we're going talk about the economy and a lot of other things. The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus -- in Washington state. The Wuhan strain of this. If you remember SARS, that affected GDP. Travel-related effects. Do you -- have you been briefed by the CDC?

Trump: I have

Kernan: Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?

Trump: No. Not at all. And we’re -- we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine.

Kernan: And President Xi -- there's just some talk in China that maybe the transparency isn't everything that it's going to be. Do you trust that we're going to know everything we need to know from China?

Trump: I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi. We just signed probably the biggest deal ever made. It certainly has the potential to be the biggest deal ever made. And -- it was a very interesting period of time. But we got it done, and -- no, I do. I think the relationship is very, very good.
Awesome, you have perfected your cut and paste skills!

It's the easiest way to rebut your nonsense. If you had something good to cut and paste, you would.
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.

China has lied MAJORLY about their death totals. And besides that why does it matter? The virus wrecked havoc in New York because they weren't prepared. Remove New York from the equation and your talking point looks as stupid as you do.

January 22
CNBC interview
Joe Kernan: Before we get started -- with- we're going talk about the economy and a lot of other things. The CDC has identified a case of coronavirus -- in Washington state. The Wuhan strain of this. If you remember SARS, that affected GDP. Travel-related effects. Do you -- have you been briefed by the CDC?

Trump: I have

Kernan: Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?

Trump: No. Not at all. And we’re -- we have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It's going to be just fine.

Kernan: And President Xi -- there's just some talk in China that maybe the transparency isn't everything that it's going to be. Do you trust that we're going to know everything we need to know from China?

Trump: I do. I do. I have a great relationship with President Xi. We just signed probably the biggest deal ever made. It certainly has the potential to be the biggest deal ever made. And -- it was a very interesting period of time. But we got it done, and -- no, I do. I think the relationship is very, very good.
Awesome, you have perfected your cut and paste skills!

It's the easiest way to rebut your nonsense. If you had something good to cut and paste, you would.
I I don't cut and paste because I can THINK FOR MYSELF.
You fools are like dogs led around on a leash by your media masters. Idiots
Have another, Grandpa.

January 29

Just received a briefing on the coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies, who are also working closely with China. We will continue to monitor the ongoing developments. We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7! pic.twitter.com/rrtF1Stk78
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30, 2020
Quick! Somebody call a vet, the trumpanzies are getting sick.

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