What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

February 9
Chinatown in New York City held its annual Lunar New Year parade. As AM New Yorkdescribed the scene, ā€œSurgical masks were nearly absent from this parade as organizers, elected officials, costumed characters, and visitors alike showed none of the fear caused by news of the virusā€™s spread in China. Mayor Bill de Blasio and other officials jammed a stage on Hester Street on Mott Street ā€” the heart of Chinatown.ā€

ā€œWe know in China, so many of our loved ones are facing the challenges of the coronavirus, but we stand together,ā€ de Blasio said. Senator Chuck Schumer was also in attendance, and he declared, ā€œWe love the fact that so many people come from all around the globe and make our city and our country a better place.ā€

Councilman Mark D. Levine stated on Twitter, ā€œIn powerful show of defiance of coronavirus scare, huge crowds gathering in NYCā€™s Chinatown for ceremony ahead of annual Lunar New Year parade. Chants of ā€˜Be Strong Wuhan!ā€™ If you are staying away, you are missing out.ā€ At this point, it is impossible to know if any of the thousands of people in the crowd were infected with the coronavirus. If any were, standing shoulder-to-shoulder in a large crowd is precisely what public health officials would later seek to discourage and prevent.

Fucking Deblasio.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Itā€™s possible we canā€™t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesnā€™t mean the US death toll still isnā€™t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

Itā€™s amazing you canā€™t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
Youā€™re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you donā€™t trust them. Thatā€™s just stupid. Even if you donā€™t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously thatā€™s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesnā€™t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

I too, think Communist Chinese numbers are and have been BS from beginning. Cannot imagine why anybody democrat, republican or independent could think otherwise. Does that relieve trump for mishandling and downplaying same as they did and continue to do? Absolutely not. It was and is self defeating on trumps part and for any that follow him.
Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.

When you cancel your cell phone in China do you get a free urn?

Thy have crematoriums going around the clock.
Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Wow, you said that like you actually believed it.

Youndo know they turn them off if you don't pay the bill, right?
You know anyone who actually turns off their cell phone?
I don't.
The cell phone company will turn off your phone if you don't pay the bill. Quarantined people are out of work. They aren't making any money. They don't pay the bills. The cell phone company turns off their phones.

This isn't rocket science here.

When you cancel your cell phone in China do you get a free urn?

Thy have crematoriums going around the clock.

And all they did was cancel their cell phones. Rough life over there I must say.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Itā€™s possible we canā€™t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesnā€™t mean the US death toll still isnā€™t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

Itā€™s amazing you canā€™t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
Youā€™re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you donā€™t trust them. Thatā€™s just stupid. Even if you donā€™t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously thatā€™s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesnā€™t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

Okay letā€™s just pretend your baseless assumption is correct and their death toll is higher. How does that justify how many deaths the US has? Even in proportion to population, we have a staggering amount of deaths in comparison worldwide.
Do you have any idea on how much world travel the US population does compared to others?

I didn't think so.

In fact, I don't think you have any idea of anything.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Itā€™s possible we canā€™t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesnā€™t mean the US death toll still isnā€™t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

Itā€™s amazing you canā€™t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
Youā€™re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you donā€™t trust them. Thatā€™s just stupid. Even if you donā€™t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously thatā€™s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesnā€™t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

I too, think Communist Chinese numbers are and have been BS from beginning. Cannot imagine why anybody democrat, republican or independent could think otherwise. Does that relieve trump for mishandling and downplaying same as they did and continue to do? Absolutely not. It was and is self defeating on trumps part and for any that follow him.

I know, itā€™s all Trump fault.

Not anyone else.

But the travel restrictions from China were racist according to Dimms like Pelosi.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Itā€™s possible we canā€™t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesnā€™t mean the US death toll still isnā€™t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

Itā€™s amazing you canā€™t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
Youā€™re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you donā€™t trust them. Thatā€™s just stupid. Even if you donā€™t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously thatā€™s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesnā€™t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

Okay letā€™s just pretend your baseless assumption is correct and their death toll is higher. How does that justify how many deaths the US has? Even in proportion to population, we have a staggering amount of deaths in comparison worldwide.

Do you have any idea of how many Chinese travel to the US every year compared to other countries on a per capita basis? This is why Italy was hit so hard.

I still don't think you have any idea of anything.

You're ignorant - get educated
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trumpā€™s fault and I personally donā€™t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trumpā€™s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesnā€™t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell itā€™s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.
No deaths in 10days according to China.


No fucking way.

Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trumpā€™s fault and I personally donā€™t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trumpā€™s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesnā€™t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?
They have the same reason every thinking person has, several large cities with high population densities and a LOT of international travel. I mean, how stupid do you have to be to not understand that?

And yes, you do put all the blame on Trump. If not, please name who else you blame.
Itā€™s no oneā€™s fault that the virus had arrived in the US. The fault lies in the response to it once we knew it was here. Thatā€™s what matters.

The 3am phone call came, and Trump put it on hold.
Itā€™s amazing how many of you lefties just want to blame Trump.

Itā€™s fucking Chinaā€™s fault.

Look at the crazy shit that goes on there.

Trucks dropped off roughly 2,500 urns on Wednesday and again on Thursday local time to one of the eight local funeral homes, a driver told Chinese media outlet Caixin. The news site also published another photo showing 3,500 urns stacked inside the facility. The number of urns that arrived in that one funeral home was far greater than the city's official overall death COVID-19 toll.
Some Wuhan residents estimate that the coronavirus death toll could be 26,000, based on the amount of urns being delivered and distributed across the city. Citizens on Chinese social media have said that seven Wuhan funeral homes will likely distribute 3,500 urns per day on average from March 23 to April 4, which marks Qing Ming, the traditional tomb-sweeping festival. By that estimate, 42,000 urns would be given out in the 12-day period.
Letā€™s not forget that asspipe Pelosi went to Chinatown on FEBRUARY 24th and invited everyone to come. No social distancing.

And two days later, from the White House, Orange Judas said, "I donā€™t think itā€™s going to come to that, especially with the fact that weā€™re going down, not up. Weā€™re going very substantially down, not up." And, " And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, thatā€™s a pretty good job weā€™ve done. "

I thought, wtf, if I show this to you for the tenth time, it might slip under your anti-truth shield.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Itā€™s possible we canā€™t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesnā€™t mean the US death toll still isnā€™t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

Itā€™s amazing you canā€™t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
Youā€™re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you donā€™t trust them. Thatā€™s just stupid. Even if you donā€™t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously thatā€™s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesnā€™t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

I too, think Communist Chinese numbers are and have been BS from beginning. Cannot imagine why anybody democrat, republican or independent could think otherwise. Does that relieve trump for mishandling and downplaying same as they did and continue to do? Absolutely not. It was and is self defeating on trumps part and for any that follow him.
Downplaying? Who did you say?

Pelosi Statement in Celebration of Lunar New Year
Feb 8, 2016
Press Release
Contact: Drew Hammill/Evangeline George, 202-226-7616
San Francisco ā€“ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement in recognition of Lunar New Year, which begins today:
ā€œEach Lunar New Year marks a period of celebration, reflection, and optimism for Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the United States and celebrants around the globe. As AAPI communities celebrate the Year of the Monkey ā€“ recognized for curiosity, cleverness, and creativity ā€“ let us all embrace those characteristics as we strive to meet the challenges facing our nation.
ā€œSan Francisco has long relied on the contributions of our AAPI community to achieve progress for all. As home to one of Americaā€™s largest, strongest AAPI communities, we are proud to host one of the worldā€™s most festive Lunar New Year celebrations. The Chinese New Year parade and many Lunar New Year celebrations in the region contribute to the Bay Areaā€™s beautiful diversity and rich cultural heritage.
ā€œAs we celebrate the achievements of AAPIs and the significance of the immigrant experience for our city and our nation, let us rely on our shared creativity, cleverness, and curiosity to ensure equality of opportunity for all hard-working Americans, not just the privileged few. I offer my warmest wishes on the year of the Monkey.ā€

Feb 25


The top 9 death states are ALL run by Dimsocialist Governors.

Oh you mean densely populated areas? No shit. Itā€™s amazing someone has to hold your hand with this basic logic.
I said states, not cities. Please try to keep up.
Uh the same logic still applies idiot.
Louisiana is densely populated? Ever been there?
I have but we were talking about blue states so I donā€™t know what your point is. Is your point that the crisis was poorly managed in a red state?
Letā€™s not forget that asspipe Pelosi went to Chinatown on FEBRUARY 24th and invited everyone to come. No social distancing.

And two days later, from the White House, Orange Judas said, "I donā€™t think itā€™s going to come to that, especially with the fact that weā€™re going down, not up. Weā€™re going very substantially down, not up." And, " And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, thatā€™s a pretty good job weā€™ve done. "

I thought, wtf, if I show this to you for the tenth time, it might slip under your anti-truth shield.

So there is plenty of blame to go around.

Why are liberals such whiny bitches? Just always crying like faggots.
What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?
"Republicans have to explain?" Not that your compliant has any merit but did you just admit Democrats aren't Americans?

We finally agree on something: Dems are un-American and anti-American traitors ā€¦ every stinkin' one of 'em.
The top 9 death states are ALL run by Dimsocialist Governors.

Oh you mean densely populated areas? No shit. Itā€™s amazing someone has to hold your hand with this basic logic.
I said states, not cities. Please try to keep up.
Uh the same logic still applies idiot.
Louisiana is densely populated? Ever been there?
I have but we were talking about blue states so I donā€™t know what your point is. Is your point that the crisis was poorly managed in a red state?
LA has a Dimsocialist governor and they are one of the top 9 death states.

please try to keep up.
Hey, dummy, the #1 reason would be the hideously Dem-run and illegal filled sh*thole, NEW YORK CITY. Thank you.

No the reason would be because China lied through their teeth on how many deaths they really had.

20 million cell phone accounts have been closed since January in China. Cell phones are only turned off when someone dies.
Itā€™s possible we canā€™t trust the numbers coming out of China, but that doesnā€™t mean the US death toll still isnā€™t higher.

There is no fucking way China has less deaths. Did you look at their curve? All of a sudden it just stopped at 82,000 infected and 4600 deaths? Utter bullshit.

Itā€™s amazing you canā€™t do the math. They have 4x our population. It started in China in December and they executed the Whistleblowers.
Youā€™re just assuming they have had more deaths than US simply because you donā€™t trust them. Thatā€™s just stupid. Even if you donā€™t want to trust their numbers, we still make up a staggering Reported 25% of all deaths Worldwide. Obviously thatā€™s insane.

The curve just stopped 82,000. It makes no sense.

No new cases in the past 6 weeks? It doesnā€™t make any sense.

Look at their curve.

Even the our intelligence apparatus claims they are lying.

I too, think Communist Chinese numbers are and have been BS from beginning. Cannot imagine why anybody democrat, republican or independent could think otherwise. Does that relieve trump for mishandling and downplaying same as they did and continue to do? Absolutely not. It was and is self defeating on trumps part and for any that follow him.
Because the China News Network says otherwise

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