What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.
New York and NJ are the reason. That's all that needs to be said.
Reasons? Here are three I can think of right away:

-- Our reporting criteria for what constitutes a COVID-19 death are more expansive than many other nations' criteria, so we are attributing a lot of deaths to COVID-19 that were not actually "from" COVID-19.

-- We have high rates of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, cancer, kidney disease, etc., and over 70% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among people with those underlying conditions.

-- We have one of the largest elderly communities in the world, and at least 78% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among the elderly (people aged 65 and above), and 85% of those elderly victims had one or more of the serious underlying health conditions mentioned above.
Reasons? Here are three I can think of right away:

-- Our reporting criteria for what constitutes a COVID-19 death are more expansive than many other nations' criteria, so we are attributing a lot of deaths to COVID-19 that were not actually "from" COVID-19.

-- We have high rates of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, cancer, kidney disease, etc., and over 70% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among people with those underlying conditions.

-- We have one of the largest elderly communities in the world, and at least 78% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among the elderly (people aged 65 and above), and 85% of those elderly victims had one or more of the serious underlying health conditions mentioned above.
Nobody has died from anything but The Chinese Virus since January. The virus may kill people, but apparently it has cured everything else.
Reasons? Here are three I can think of right away:

-- Our reporting criteria for what constitutes a COVID-19 death are more expansive than many other nations' criteria, so we are attributing a lot of deaths to COVID-19 that were not actually "from" COVID-19.

-- We have high rates of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, cancer, kidney disease, etc., and over 70% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among people with those underlying conditions.

-- We have one of the largest elderly communities in the world, and at least 78% of our COVID-19 deaths have been among the elderly (people aged 65 and above), and 85% of those elderly victims had one or more of the serious underlying health conditions mentioned above.
Nobody has died from anything but The Chinese Virus since January. The virus may kill people, but apparently it has cured everything else.

I'm sure that COVID19 really reduced the number of emphysema and lung cancer deaths this year. Nowadays, coroners see someone dead with pneumonia, the fact that they have been carrying around their own air for 5 years because of COPD has nothing to do with their demise.
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.
You tell us why
Obviously they pretend NONE of this is Trump’s fault and I personally don’t put ALL the blame on him even if his response has definitely contributed to the death toll.

The question is what explanation do they offer for this if NONE of it is Trump’s fault? Why do we now have more deaths than China?

I suppose they want to blame WHO but considering this organization is trying to mitigate the spread worldwide, that doesn’t somehow answer why the US is worst epicenter in the world. Try again?

Cuomo? Even if you subtracted ALL of the NY deaths, we would stIll be #1. Hell it’s not like it would have been physically possible to eliminate any death whatsoever from NY.
Given the fact that the vast majority of deaths are in deep blue territory, how in the fuck can anyone even pretend to have any reason to lay it on the Republican's doorstep, asshole?
Oh you mean densely populated areas? Yeah no shit they’d have more cases idiot.
What about California?
The virus started at a Chinese lab, it escaped and spread world wide. We need to know if the release was truly accidental or intentional. If intentional, it represents an act of war by China on the entire world---a biological weapon release. The chinese shut down travel between Wuhan and the rest of China but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world. Why?

We need the truth.
Conspiracy theories are not helpful.

I posted no theory, merely asked a legitimate question. China was losing the economic war big time, then the virus hit. its legitimate to question what actually happened and why.
You pretended something was a fact that was not. That's a conspiracy theory.

Don't like being called on it?

Well don't fuckin' do it.

It is a fact that the virus started in China, in a lab in Wuhan. That is fact. Then I questioned whether it was accidental or intentional, that is a question not a theory.

Is english your second language?
False information. You need to pull yer head outta the RWNJ infotainment circle every now and then for work actual facts.

Even though you're allergic.
What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Well lets see, the vast majority of deaths are in Dem run cities and Dem run states by ruled by Dems and populated with Dems. Wait, was that a trick question? :itsok:
In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.8 billion people as of March 2020.

United States/Population

328.2 million



So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.


The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.
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What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Well lets see, the vast majority of deaths are in Dem run cities and Dem run states by ruled by Dems and populated with Dems. Wait, was that a trick question? :itsok:
Vast majority? That’s just some bullshit you took out of your ass. And yeah, more deaths do happen densely populated areas which are blue areas. It’s about the population itself you idiot - not how it is run.
In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.8 billion people as of March 2020.

United States/Population

328.2 million



So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.

The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.
DIRECTLY attributable to the Dem-run sh*thole, New York City and many other Dem-run sh*tholes. Thank you.
The stock market is in New York, too, but that didn't stop Trump from taking credit for it when it was up.

Most of the Covid cases in New York originated in Europe. Trump's China ban did nothing to stop that.

Even the China ban has been ineffective. At least 40,000 people have come here from China since that ban.

In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.8 billion people as of March 2020.

United States/Population

328.2 million



So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.

The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.
DIRECTLY attributable to the Dem-run sh*thole, New York City and many other Dem-run sh*tholes. Thank you.
Sh*thole defined by righties as locations so highly desired that the property value is astronomical compared to red states that suck up all the federal welfare. You are killing it dude. Amazing logic.

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